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Your favourite movie moments

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So, what are your favourite movie moments - if you can find a youtube clip or whatever then even better...At least say in the thread what movie it is though rather than just linking.

At the moment I must confess that for the last few months this clip from Danny Boyle's "Sunshine" has haunted me. It's beautiful.

"Ladies and gentlemen...Mercury."

The most disgustingly under-appreciated movie in a LONG time.

Still, at least some of the critics LOVED it.

Oh, and also "Kaneda, what can you see? WHAT CAN YOU SEE?" Harrowingly beautiful.

Zatoichi - one of the reason's why I love it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15j3AVLrZAQ...ted&search=

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I really love the whole scene of Robert Deniro talking to himself in his apartment in Taxi Driver. I love his declaration that he will no longer take shit from the scum of the earth, and that he will fight back and never be pushed around again.

The scene in Romper Stomper where the Vietnamese are chasing the skinheads through the alleys always gets me. The "Fourth Reich Fighting Men" song is absolutely brilliant for the setting, and the camera angles make you feel as if you are involved in the fracas.

In general, I love a great fight in a movie, such as in movies like Bloodsport, Demolition Man, Terminator 1 and 2, and others. An exciting fight scene can draw you in, and make a mediocre movie seem great.

The whole discussion between Jules and Jimmy in Pulp Fiction regarding the gourmet coffee and dead nigger storage is one of the funniest scenes in any movie. I love that exchange.

Sorry for the lack of youtube.

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lol, Sunshine.

It started as a really good sci fi, then when the horror was meant to kick it, it got stupidly bad and bland.

Horror schmorror. The first two thirds were far too good for the final third to kill it and the final third had plenty of good stuff going for it. The "horror" of it was interesting because of the concept of the figure of horror and that one of the crew members was becoming like it, spending time with the sun/god. It seemed cheap but I'd say that only about 15 minutes worth of movie lost it's way a little - after Cillian scarpers up until he starts to fight back. Pinbacker is an interesting concept as long as you don't look at him as a classic horror character - instead he's the brutal neccesary to balance the beauty and silent brooding fear that went before him. True, the pitch shifted MASSIVELY, but it was one of numerous "releases" throughout the movie.

With thought I rate that part of the movie better in hindsight and would like to watch it again after these thoughts.

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lol, Sunshine.

It started as a really good sci fi, then when the horror was meant to kick it, it got stupidly bad and bland.

Horror schmorror. The first two thirds were far too good for the final third to kill it and the final third had plenty of good stuff going for it. The "horror" of it was interesting because of the concept of the figure of horror and that one of the crew members was becoming like it, spending time with the sun/god. It seemed cheap but I'd say that only about 15 minutes worth of movie lost it's way a little - after Cillian scarpers up until he starts to fight back. Pinbacker is an interesting concept as long as you don't look at him as a classic horror character - instead he's the brutal neccesary to balance the beauty and silent brooding fear that went before him. True, the pitch shifted MASSIVELY, but it was one of numerous "releases" throughout the movie.

With thought I rate that part of the movie better in hindsight and would like to watch it again after these thoughts.

Like I said, the opening and most of the middle is great. In fact, I liked everything up until Pinbacker. That's when it went down hill to me, I thought when they got onto the Icarus I, it was going to get really good, and it started extremely well. And then.. Pinbacker, and sigh. It just bored me from then on.

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lol, Sunshine.

It started as a really good sci fi, then when the horror was meant to kick it, it got stupidly bad and bland.

Horror schmorror. The first two thirds were far too good for the final third to kill it and the final third had plenty of good stuff going for it. The "horror" of it was interesting because of the concept of the figure of horror and that one of the crew members was becoming like it, spending time with the sun/god. It seemed cheap but I'd say that only about 15 minutes worth of movie lost it's way a little - after Cillian scarpers up until he starts to fight back. Pinbacker is an interesting concept as long as you don't look at him as a classic horror character - instead he's the brutal neccesary to balance the beauty and silent brooding fear that went before him. True, the pitch shifted MASSIVELY, but it was one of numerous "releases" throughout the movie.

With thought I rate that part of the movie better in hindsight and would like to watch it again after these thoughts.

Like I said, the opening and most of the middle is great. In fact, I liked everything up until Pinbacker. That's when it went down hill to me, I thought when they got onto the Icarus I, it was going to get really good, and it started extremely well. And then.. Pinbacker, and sigh. It just bored me from then on.

I'll have to go into spoilers here...

For me though, the total saviour of that final third is Murphy's frustration when he falls over in the suit, struggling up and leaping across space onto the bomb, looking back at Icarus as he crashes towards the sun on a no-way-back trip...That was truly stunning.

Indeed, I'm so glad I went to see it at the cinema, it was the place to see it - some of the best visuals and sound I've ever seen and heard...Still, John Murphy + Underworld always equals a winner.

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lol, Sunshine.

It started as a really good sci fi, then when the horror was meant to kick it, it got stupidly bad and bland.

Horror schmorror. The first two thirds were far too good for the final third to kill it and the final third had plenty of good stuff going for it. The "horror" of it was interesting because of the concept of the figure of horror and that one of the crew members was becoming like it, spending time with the sun/god. It seemed cheap but I'd say that only about 15 minutes worth of movie lost it's way a little - after Cillian scarpers up until he starts to fight back. Pinbacker is an interesting concept as long as you don't look at him as a classic horror character - instead he's the brutal neccesary to balance the beauty and silent brooding fear that went before him. True, the pitch shifted MASSIVELY, but it was one of numerous "releases" throughout the movie.

With thought I rate that part of the movie better in hindsight and would like to watch it again after these thoughts.

Like I said, the opening and most of the middle is great. In fact, I liked everything up until Pinbacker. That's when it went down hill to me, I thought when they got onto the Icarus I, it was going to get really good, and it started extremely well. And then.. Pinbacker, and sigh. It just bored me from then on.

I'll have to go into spoilers here...

For me though, the total saviour of that final third is Murphy's frustration when he falls over in the suit, struggling up and leaping across space onto the bomb, looking back at Icarus as he crashes towards the sun on a no-way-back trip...That was truly stunning.

Indeed, I'm so glad I went to see it at the cinema, it was the place to see it - some of the best visuals and sound I've ever seen and heard...Still, John Murphy + Underworld always equals a winner.

Oh, no doubt on the spoiler. I do agree. That was stunning. I just didn't see it as enough to save how down hill the film went for me. I wanted to love it, I really did, but I just couldn't.

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I'm trying to look for a good clip for the side on continuous corridor hammer fight scene from Oldboy.

Also, there are a couple of moments in Crank I really love:

+ "Boosh" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3J3VCr48Rg...ted&search=

+ "You're the greatest baby"

From Snatch - the final fight scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2SqUEvtVyI

"Now, we are f**ked."

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Love the Taxi Driver stuff.

I really like the "Stories that mattered" speech in Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers. It is a very moving piece.

The ending of Sleeping With The Enemy is good.

When her abusive husband breaks into her house, and she's on the phone with 911 and has a gun in her hand.

"Come quickly please, I've just killed an intruder."

The look on his face is priceless.

For humor, this scene from Office Space.

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I'm trying to look for a good clip for the side on continuous corridor hammer fight scene from Oldboy.

Also, there are a couple of moments in Crank I really love:

+ "Boosh" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3J3VCr48Rg...ted&search=

+ "You're the greatest baby"

Love Crank.

Way more than I should.

I love the beginning, when Refused kicks in. Perfect song for that bit.

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My all-time favorite movie moment is one that still gives me shivers. From Plague Dogs

Snitter: I can't swim anymore, Rowf...

Rowf: We must... be near the island...

Snitter: If... there is... any island, Rowf...

Rowf: There is. There. Can't you see it? Our island...

But there is no island. Damn that doesn't make me cry like a baby every time. I love it.

Also, the scene in Requiem for a Dream where Jared Leto is in jail and talking to Jennifer Connelly's character over the phone. If that scene doesn't wrench your heart out then your a stone.

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Easily my favorite movie scene ever:

Back to the Future

And my 2nd favorite movie moment (which I couldn't find a clip of) was in Clue at the end where Mr. Body explains the events of the movie leading up to that point. Curry's performance in that one scene was simply amazing, one of my favorite acting performances in any movie.

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"It just popped in there..."

"What? What 'just popped in there."

Jackie Chan is easily my favorite action movie star. His western movies like Rush Hour and the Shanghai series aren't bad, but they've got nothing on his Hong Kong work from the 80s and 90s.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFEKKeEWaGo This scene from Police Story is the best fight scene I've ever seen.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaAvNHWjInM This scene from Drunken Master 2 is also one of my favorites.

I can't find it on youtube, but the end of the hospital scene in Hardboiled, where Chow Yun-Fat has a shotgun in one hand, and a baby in the other, it's fantastic.

In Akira, when Tetsuo stops the tank shell. It's a small thing, but for some reason I always thought it was really really cool. (

36 seconds into this video)

Ash Vs. His Hand in Evil Dead 2. "Who's laughing now?!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzXk3nfEdMY

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Two spring to mind from the Rob Zombie look-a-like himself, Otis Firefly.

"The boogie man's real, and you've found him" - from House of 1k Corpses to the three kids tied up and in bunny customes.

"I am the Devil, and I am here to do the Devil's work" - from the Devil's Rejects to one of the two hicks.

And one from a classic that whenever I hear it brings to my mind fond childhood memories....

"Where does he get all those wonderful toys?" - The Joker as played by Jack Nickelson after Batman escapes the art gallery, Batman the Motion Picture.

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Let's just say SPOILER alert, SPOILER alert and get it over with here. (¬_¬)


This scene seems to stick out in my memory, from Dawn Of The Dead (2004). One of the biggest assholes in the films redeems himself, in his typical fashion.


Pirates of the Caribbean...I could pick practically ANY scene from all three films that I love. This is fantastic though, had to get an 'ARRRR' in the trilogy somewhere (spoilers? it's from POTC3).


More POTC3 spoilerness. I love this scene. To me it's the best scene in the whole trilogy.


Davy Jones' organ scene. I wish it was longer. Still awesome though. From POTC2.


WHY IS THE RUM GONE?! Classic. From POTC1.


This scene from Hostel goes without saying. Fucking awesome scene perfectly done. I loved Hostel, unlike most, probably because I understood it fully the first time around and wasn't expecting a Tarantino film (didn't know before hand). My friends didn't seem to get, especially the one I saw it at the cinema with. I just love this scene, probably because I hated that character.


The ending of Saving Private Ryan. This always makes me cry. I've seen it like seven times now, and EVERY DAMN TIME. The start is also very saddening.

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LOTR: Return of the King, charge of the Rohirrim

I still literally get chills every time I watch this scene. It's just amazing stuff. Bernard Hill just nails it and I love him for it. Brilliant directing, and the music just makes it so much more. Unfortunately, it's missing the first horn that Gandalf hears (chills, again).

Some spoilers below in case you haven't seen the entire thing:

It really helps if you get the context of it, I feel. In The Two Towers he was put forward as a man of greed- he fell to Saruman through it and at Helm's Deep he wanted to go out and fight for the wrong reasons (so he could be remembered, not for his people). But you could see the change in him in ROTK (thanks to Aragorn and Gandalf) and he decides to go on this suicide mission for the people of Rohan and Gondor. Just having him lead the charge is awesome stuff.

The second part is linked there in the side menu too, which is also great (just the whole 'Oh, shit. Fucking Oliphants').

Edited by Zaz
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