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Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair


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The Whole Bloody Affair is Coming to DVD

It's about bloody time! If you're like me, you refrained from getting the DVD releases of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Kill Bill Vol. 2 because it was completely inevitable and obvious that something else was coming out. And, it wasn't just the opportunity for a box set (or rather special box set, since a simple one already exists) -- the releases were ridiculously bare-bones -- especially for QT. The first had a brief featurette with some interview clips from major players, some music videos and Quentin Tarantino trailers, and the second had its own featurette and one deleted scene. As much as I wanted to see the films again, I wasn't about to fork over money just to have to spend it again in a few months. Unfortunately, months turned into years, but finally there is a big box set on the way, which Amazon lists as Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair.

They don't even have a picture up of the cover yet, but nevertheless, there are a number* of things worth noting. First, it will come out in less than five months -- on November 6th, so we know how long we have to wait. Secondly, it should be a hell of a lot better than the previous DVD offerings, and this isn't just the words of hope. There is no list of features or specs yet, but the set includes four discs -- which I assume means two per movie. I think it's safe to say that we should get ready for a crap ton of features. As for the last two tidbits -- it's run-time is listed at 247 minutes (4+ hours long) and that's probably why its rating is NC17. I can only imagine what this extra footage holds! Now if you'll please excuse me, I feel an incredible urge to whistle.

Finally, after years of waiting due to Weinstein running his mouth about the benefits of double-dipping, we're finally going to get a real DVD release for Kill Bill.

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Finally, indeed. When they released Kill Bill 1 individually on DVD, I knew they were going to eventually do something like this, but I didn't know it'd take so damn long. I ended up buying Kill Bill 1 used for $13, and was still disappointed, especially that they didn't restore the House of Blue Leaves scene.

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Wouldn't this have nothing to do with the Weinsteins seeing as they left Miramax 18 months ago?

Right before it first came out on DVD, one of the Weinsteins said something to the effect of "we can have Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2, Kill Bill 1 Special Edition, Kill Bill 2 Special Edition and the box set." It really pissed a lot of people off (it was around the time that double dips were happening constantly) and you never heard about a DVD release again after the bare bones were released.

Edited by Zero
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Nah I don't either. The only two exceptions were the commentary on Dodgeball for the hilarity and the commentary on Donnie Darko (director's cut or whatever it's called) to see if the movie actually made sense to the writer (it doesn't, Kevin Smith actually seems to have a better grasp of it)

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The most extras I ever watch are deleted scenes. Sometimes plots and things that don't even make fucking sense make a whole lot more sense when you see what was left out of the theatrical cut.

Edited by UltraMantis Cloudy
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I'm insane when it comes to extras.

With The Simpsons and Futurama DVDs, I LOVE the audio commentary, more than the actual episodes. And only watch the episodes with commentary on. And I usually run minimarathons and watch an entire season or two a day. Many episodes of Futurama I've watched with commentary around 5-10 times. I can't get enough of it.

Deleted scenes, concept art, interviews, trailers, bios, I love it all.

When I got a loan of my friend's Alien Quadrilogy Boxset, I watched each version of the 4 movies, and every bonus feature. It consumed a week of my life.

So yes, even though I own the bare movie DVD of each Kill Bill, I do plan on getting this.

Edited by Rashid
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Comedy flicks I like to check out the commentary tracks, since if it's a comedy good enough to buy the odds are the minds behind it are funny. Deleted scenes are generally fun on a comedy. And a good "Making Of..." featurette can be cool too.

Anyway I actually don't own Kill Bill yet, so I'll probably pick this up. Unlike Lord Of the Rings, this is the kind of movie I'd actually like to watch a bunch of extra scenes.

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Take it for what it is (as being at work right now I can't check it out to confirm it), but last night on G4 while discussing this they also mentioned they are planning on filming Kill Bill Vol. 3 & Vol. 4 (centered around the Bride and Bebe, her daughter). And it is nearly ready to start shooting in China (supposedly where they will be filming it all).

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Kill Bill 3 Might Be Filmed in China: Producer

2007-06-23 21:05:30 CRIENGLISH.com

The plots of Kill Bill 3 and 4 have been shaped and there is a chance director Quentin Tarantino will return to China to shoot them, an executive producer of the first two films said on Friday.

Bennett Walsh said at the Shanghai International Film Festival the third film involves the revenge of two killers whose arms and eyes were hacked by Uma Thurman in the first stories.

The fourth instalment of the popular kung fu action films concerns a cycle of reprisals and daughters who avenge their mother's deaths, Hangzhou-based newspaper City Express quoted Bennett as saying.

When asked which Chinese director he wants to cooperate with, Walsh said he would most like to work with Jiang Wen, director of Xun Qiang, or "Missing Gun".

"I also want to collaborate with younger directors. I believe there are many outstanding young directors in China who have not been brought into the light," Walsh said.

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I tend to not watch too many extras.

I put on commentaries for comedy series DVDs like Spaced and Peep Show. Ridley Scott's commentary on Alien is also excellent and insightful.

I'll watch features on movies that seem IMPORTANT to me for different reasons (Zatoichi, The Cooler, Battle Royale etc) but generally never get around to it.

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