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Final Fantasy X would be a decent option. It's not incredibly difficult, and it's a modern game, so it should be easy for you to get in to. I wouldn't start with VII or anything like that, as the older games haven't aged all that well. They're still great, but X would probably be your best option to start with.

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Guest Basquiat

X is one of the easiest, too. It's very linear, and you've got little chance of veering off in the wrong direction. The only thing that might throw you is blitzball, but you don't have to play that too often if you don't want to.

That said, get ahold of VI if you can, since it's got a great cast of characters and an incredible villain with an awesome 16-bit laugh.

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X is probably the best choice to start out with, as 12 can be two complicated for some while older games such as 7 or 8 can seem a little tough to start off with.

Like DMN said though, you absolutely need to try out both 7 and 8, as they both are great games.

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I'd say 8, but only because that is my personal favorite. At some point though, you will have to try 9, as it was the most under-rated of the FF games in my opinion, while FF7 is over rated.

But yes, 10 is a good place to start....plus, it has Rikku in it.

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Guest Basquiat

Yeah, will someone please explain to me why 7 is so highly regarded? I just can't get it. The localization is awful, the graphics are typical of the early PS with nobody even having mouths, Sephiroth is a boring whiny mama's boy who needs a few semesters in the Kefka School of True Supervillainy (Why is Sephiroth so evil? He kills one important person. Kefka orphans entire villages worth of children!), Cloud is a hideous abomination and grabs his head in nearly every scene, the materia magic system is worthless, the characters are nearly indistinguishable from one another in combat aside from their limit breaks, the combat is slower than any Final Fantasy game I can remember, the 30-minute long magic attacks can't be turned off, the ending offers absolutely no closure, and Tifa's tits are too big.

8 is pretty neat if only because it's so out there, with its mobile military acadamies and guys in the past who throw anchors at things, and the characters were much stronger than in 7, but I didn't care for all of the Junction/Draw/GF crap attached to the game, and the last 3-4 hours or so made, frankly, no sense.

Time compression? What?

Oh, and bullshit 9 was underrated. I think they wrote that game on the back of a napkin over the course of an hour.

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Guest Basquiat

Oh, and bullshit 9 was underrated. I think they wrote that game on the back of a napkin over the course of an hour.

Expect to be killed within the next 48 hours, cause if I don't get to you, Benji will.

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Oh, and bullshit 9 was underrated. I think they wrote that game on the back of a napkin over the course of an hour.

Expect to be killed within the next 48 hours, cause if I don't get to you, Benji will.

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Guest Basquiat

Oh, and bullshit 9 was underrated. I think they wrote that game on the back of a napkin over the course of an hour.

Expect to be killed within the next 48 hours, cause if I don't get to you, Benji will.

I'll keep my eyes peeled. (Y)

Unless you're anything like the main character in Final Fantasy 9, at which point you'll think you'll have arrived at my town only to find it destroyed. Then you'll move on to the next town and find it destroyed. Then you'll move on to the next town and find it destroyed.

And so on for 10 hours or so.

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Unless you're anything like the main character in Final Fantasy 9, at which point you'll think you'll have arrived at my town only to find it destroyed. Then you'll move on to the next town and find it destroyed. Then you'll move on to the next town and find it destroyed.

So you don't think the idea of a grouped together rabble of four-strong party saving an entire city/nation is a little far fetched? It was largely a very clever point on the writers part, they were always too late, Kuja and Brahne were Zidane's and Garnet's opposites and they were almost always that little bit better, that little bit faster and way more destructive, they were a perfect balance of life and death, which is what the game was all about. In the real world a conquering army doesn't conquer by simply invading, it takes destruction, swift and violent destruction, this was exactly that on a grand scale, calling upon the power of demigods to help you conquer the world and take power, you really expect a party to be able to keep up with airships and massive beasts like Bahamut?

They're not always 'five feet away', some of the party are within Alexandria when it gets destroyed, Lindblum is attacked like that, I'll give you that, Burmecia is already destroyed, Cleyra is not destroyed but its sandstorm dissapears when they Beatrix gets the gemstone. Come to think of it, unless my memory has failed me, only ONE place is destroyed when they're 'five feet away', Lindblum, almost all the rest they attempt to protect and fail.

And please... maybe I just missed this, but who the hell was the final boss supposed to be? Where was he built up anywhere else in the game? Why isn't the final boss the guy in the jock strap?
Very much agreed on that, but let me explain. Basically, as I said, the game is all about life and death, Zidane and co. are fighting for their life, Necron believes that every being truly desires death, thus he is the natural foe of the party. HOWEVER, I want to point out I found him completely silly as well, all I would've asked would be a hint to his existence, maybe by defeating Tantarion (the book in the library) you should get a hint as to the fact it even exists instead of shoving it into the game.
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I've read somewhere that Necron was the non-physical form of the Iifa Tree that Garland was talking about. Then again, I've also read that when Kuja used Ultima to destroy the crystal, that Necron was called forth to bring all existence into the Zero World, which also makes sense. That's one thing that I love about Final Fantasy games though. Things are left open to interpretation, to the players imagination. Why should they tell you every small detail if it only hinders the experience that you get. You are encouraged to think about the games, the themes, the characters, the stories, everything. It's one of the reasons I play Final Fantasy, although I will admit that I'm struggling to find XII interesting at all.
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Then again, I've also read that when Kuja used Ultima to destroy the crystal, that Necron was called forth to bring all existence into the Zero World, which also makes sense. That's one thing that I love about Final Fantasy games though.

That's the correct answer, still, there's little to no explanation of his existence beforehand, which is annoying.

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Agreed on the FFXII point Proto person who needs to work on the FF8-2 diary....also, the last boss battle in FF9 made me laugh. Not because it was easy...but how I won.

The attack he uses that causes status effects (I can't remember, haven't beaten it in over 5 years).....made Vivi go beserk, Vivi hits him for 13 damage and kills him. I laughed.
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Personally, I like VIII the most. Probably has something to do with it being my first FF game.

My least-favorite FF has to be XII. It just seems like way too much of a change from the norm; it's like FFX-2 kicked into overdrive (no pun intended).

And I wouldn't say that some are better; they all have their famous moments.

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Also, one thing I was hoping for while playing an old FFVIII file the other day - it was during the last boss fight...

I was so hoping for Angelo's Rush attack to be the hit that'd win, just imagining (in my geekdom) how it would be explained in their world.

"And so, with all their efforts combined... the world was saved by a dog."

Or, y'know... something like that >_>

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