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D&D MSN...


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So, I didn't know where to post this, but I figured "Hey, it's msn, so why not here?"

So, awhile ago I've come to realize that MSN now allows you to upload scripts and such, and one of them happens to be a "Dice Roller" or something along those lines. Basically, you type out /roll and then the type of die you want to roll.

EG: /roll 1d6 or /roll 2d20

And I thought, "Hey! That'd work awesomeless for a D&D game!"

And since I just recently got into playing D&D (not very well mind you), I wanted to play so much more. I barely know how to play (I've only played one campaign which had modified rules for noobs like me), so would anyone be interested in running/DMing a MSN version of D&D for fellow EWB members?

I need a D&D fix, and if I can play with cool people like you, all the better :wub:

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You should try CWB, if he hasn't already be slaughtered by a pack of wild kangeroos.
If i didnt get killed by that damn Kanga that had a thing for my backyard a few years back, I think CWB should be fine.

Now that i have filled my stupid statement for today, Ill say that i'd play with you Ruki

Now for the perfect nerdish touch, Our usernames backwards





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I've been itching to run a game of D&D for some time now. Time differences may be a problem, but I'd be willing to give it a crack. What resources (books) do you have access to?

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I downloaded a bunch of the manuals....so on my computer I have the character sheet, magic sheet, DM Guide, DM Guide II, Monster Manual I-IV, Players Handbook I & II.

Yeah, all for version 3.5.

Yeah, I'd be interested in playing, but like you said, time zones could be a hassle. But I talk to a bunch of people in that country of yours, when I'm online at night, it's your afternoon...so it could work out.

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There is a 4.0 now? Much changes?

But yes, I am not that experience, and never played a real D&D game, just a knock off with Final Fantasy elements. So yeah, if someone does want to play with me, let it be known that I may be slow at first.

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Most of what I have is 3.5, but I could run 2nd Edition without many hassles. That's what I was 'raised' on. I've found MSN games are easier when complimented by a forum (that way things can be going on irregardless of when people are online). I'd be more than happy to host one if it meant having a good game to run.

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If it were done on a forum.....it could be pretty incredible. Easy access maps, etc.

Plus, why should we limit ourselves to just D&D? There's a ton others, like the Star Wars RPG (...I'm old school and like the old d6 system).

It could be rather fantastic. I don't know if I'll have the time....but it would be very interesting to see it develop.

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If it were done on a forum.....it could be pretty incredible. Easy access maps, etc.

Plus, why should we limit ourselves to just D&D? There's a ton others, like the Star Wars RPG (...I'm old school and like the old d6 system).

It could be rather fantastic. I don't know if I'll have the time....but it would be very interesting to see it develop.

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...how do I play? A simple question, with a compendium of answers no doubt.

I recognise the rolls from RPG games, so I suppose that helps? >_>

And does the backwards name rule apply to all, because if so I feel sorry for Ruckus.

Edited by The Kraig
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I got into D&D January last year thanks to a few mates that were sharing a house. Went away for two weeks, and came back to see they'd been evicted and none were talking any more. There went my short experience with D&D

But count me in for this :D

EDIT: and backwarded named - DM ecA


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Guest Basquiat

I've DM'd several times. My schedule's kind of packed, especially during the day, but I'd be willing to throw together a quick session or two if you guys want to try. It'd have to be 3.5e rules; I've got the three main sourcebooks and plenty of supplemental stuff on PDF.

So if you'll have me, I'll gladly DM.

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