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2007/2008 Hockey Thread

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Simmons already wrote an article about how Sundin is guaranteed to not be going back to Toronto. Something about them making a contract offer after the trade deadline public. Funny how nobody remembers that though.

He writes some decent articles, but almost anything Simmons writes about the inner workings of the Leafs and their players is major bullshit. The Sundin thing from last year was a huge, headline article too. And it was immediately called bullshit.

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Awesome game.

Detroit did what they had to, going hard to the net, because Fleury was white hot tonight and that's the only way they were going to beat him. Thing is though, if the goalie's in his paint and you knock him down, you have to expect that you're going to get called. If you shoot a guy in front of a cop and act surprised when he arrests you, you're an idiot. The second one was a bit iffy, being that it was overtime, but by the letter of the law, it was the right call to make. The first one though? Absolutely no question. Fleury even gave Holmstrom room to work by backing into his crease, and he still got bowled over. That's a penalty.

Pittsburgh needs to take Malkin off the Powerplay. If he's too tired to contribute, then he shouldn't be playing those minutes. Simple as. I know you want your skilled guys out there with the man advantage, but there comes a time when if they're not producing, you need to put guys out there who will. Shit, put Tyler Kennedy out there, or Max Talbot. Those guys played hard minutes all night and not once did I see them looking tired during a play.

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What a fucking game!

Some absolutely mindboggling calls (the first goalie interference call was the right one but it's a shit rule. The second one was terrible though.) but luckily none of them determined the outcome of the game.

Flower was disgustingly good!

Sykora just made himself a legend in this city by essentially calling his shot.

This one is up higher than the Pens/Craps game from years back for me.

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but in a way it did affect the outcome. It was a great fucking game, no doubt about that, but after the 2nd call, detroit wasn't going at the net like they had before being worried about getting another call against us. They they commit a bonehead play but to say it didn't affect the way the game was play ain't right. Give all the credit in the world to Pitt. Was a great game, by two very good teams.

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I've watched no NHL all season, but for some reason decided to stay up for this game, and it was well worth it.

I haven't watched a lot of NHL hockey in general (though I used to go and watch my local team, so know the game well), but Detroit's performance in the 3rd period was one of the best periods of hockey I've ever seen. Fair play to Pittsburgh and grabbing a goal out of nowhere to keep the game going.

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Guest Grapehead

I have the remainder of the series off work, so if it doesn't end tonight I will be able to catch the next. This is exciting because I've missed every game of the playoffs that I've cared about so far except game 7 for the Caps.

I really think Detroit will wrap things up tonight, but unfortunately I don't know much that's gone on so far in the series being that I missed it all.

Edited by Grapehead
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Someone in this thread met Wayne Gretzky today and got his autograph. Somebody. That person also leaped over four tables, cut off a good 30 people and jumped over a counter for it. This person might've stolen a 'Rent-a-tent" thing off the wall of Tim Hortons to have signed. Just sayin'. <_<

He looked like a serial killer and was two hours late. Someone was like "Wayne! What are your predictions for the game tonight?" and he was all "There's a game tonight?".

Pittsburgh are going to win tonight and then lose in Detroit next time out.

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Congratulations to the Red Wings. Despite the questionable call in the last two minutes they were able to hold onto this one.

I never realized until this series just how awesome Nicky Lidstrom is, and as much as I wanted Mats to be the first European captain to left the Cup, I think Lidstrom is more than deserving to do so. Brilliant player.

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