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The 20 wrestlers isn't a rumour.

Report by TNAWrestlingNews.com Staff on 10/08/2007 at 04:30 PM

At TNA's Bound For Glory pay-per-view this weekend, Midway Games will be holding a major media launch for "TNA Impact: The Video Game." This is the first pro wrestling video game associated with a major promotion other than WWE since WCW shutdown in 2001. The game is scheduled to be released in May for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Playstation 2.

Both Samoa Joe and AJ Styles have spent a lot of time with Midway producers fine-tuning all the details of the game. So far the following as been confirmed:

- The Impact video game will feature 20 TNA performers that are all customizable within the game. Top names on the game include Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Sting, Christian Cage, Jeff Jarrett, Rhino, Abyss, and AJ Styles.

- Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett will be featured on the cover of the game.

- The Six-Sided ring will be included in the game and will feature the TNA specialty matches The Ultimate X, The King of The Mountain, and tag team matches and Fatal Four Ways. Midway is teasing that the game will feature "Online Tournaments".

- A story mode will be included into the game that is said to be similar to WWE video games. Story mode will allow players to create and choose a career path based on decisions that they take during the storyline. Gamers will be able to choose the look of their character as well as their managers who will specialize in different fighting styles.

- Mini games will be included in the game as they will be played to help enhance a character's appearance and abilities as well as unlock hidden features in the game.

- There will also be a Create A Wrestler mode where you will be able to create your very own performer.

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I think it's kind of ridiculous to even suggest something as silly as fatalities just because Midway is publishing the game. Ed Boon isn't developing the game. If you want to be nervous about something, be nervous that it's the guys that developed Backyard Wrestling. If the game is going to suck, it's going to be because it's just a shitty game, not because they're going to make it into TNA Kombat.
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So... Sonjay Dutt. I am surprised, personally I wouldn't have minded if he didn't make it. Now I'm worried that LAX and the Machine Guns aren't in. Personally, I'd like:

1. Kurt Angle

2. Christian

3. Sting

4. Jeff Jarrett

5. Styles

6. Joe

7. Daniels

8. Sabin

9. Shelley

10. Homicide

11. Hernandez

12. Scott Steiner

13. Harris

14. Storm

15. Abyss

16. Lethal

17. Dutt

18. Senshi

19. Rhino

20. Killings (or Roode)

Buuuut we're probably getting Team 3D, VKM etc.

It's coming out in May and my birthday's in May. Make it good, Midway :shifty:

I will be buying this, as long as it has a good CAW feature. While Black Reign sucks in real life, I'd think he'd be an interesting character to play as... Matt Morgan I'd like to see too but he won't be in, so... Hell, I enjoyed that Legends of Wrestling: Showdown game, this can't be worse, right? The story mode could turn out very good as long as it isn't exactly like the ones in the newer SmackDown games. If it's reminiscent of Shut Your Mouth and Here Comes The Pain I'll be happy.

EDIT: TNAwrestling.com says more than 20 TNA wrestlers...

Edited by Verder
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Just saw it on TNA's site, at least with more than twenty, we'll get a good roster. Here's some information from their site.


- Coming Spring 2008 for PlayStation 2 and 3, XBox 360 Live and the Nintendo Wii!

- More than 20 customizable TNA superstars - including Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Rhino, Abyss and many more!

- Build a lifetime of fame through the story mode. Choose a career path by making crucial decisions and teaming up with the right factions.

- Custom move sets, wrestling styles and ring attire

- Hire a manager to train you via mini-games that allow you to build abilities, unlock new moves and enhance your appearance

- Compete in online tournaments!

- Other online game modes include Tag Team bouts, Ultimate X, King Of The Mountain, Fatal Four-ways and more!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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It seems like these are the guys that are confirmed.

AJ Styles

Kurt Angle


Chris Sabin

Samoa Joe



Eric Young

Jeff Jarrett


Scott Steiner

Those are the ones that I could see in the NEW trailer. And it has in game footage!


It looks to be a good hard hitting game so far.

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eh, that gameplay footage does nothing to make me forget Midway haven't made a sports game that didn't suck. I'll reserve final judgement when the game comes out and I have to decide if it's worth my money but, I'm not all that impressed with what I've seen so far. And frankly, Im more than happy with the SD vs RAW series, regardless of its flaws so, unless Impact is a standout/innovative twist to the genre, I'm not interested.

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Guest Basquiat

Eh, doesn't look like much to me, and with Midway in the helm, I don't have any faith, frankly. And no, we won't get fucking fatalities in this wrestling game. Maybe Animalities, though. Eric Young turning into a marmoset to rip out Roode's chest or something.

I wonder if they'll duplicate SvR's commentary bugs where the announcers talk about wrestlers who aren't even in the match. That'd actually be a realistic depiction of TNA's commentary team.

I'll say this: the best thing about the game so far is that the wrestlers are allegedly "customizable." Now, will this mean a No Mercy level of depth, or are we talking about something similar to SvR where you can adjust entrances, movesets, etc.? I suspect the latter, but it would at least be nice to be able to adjust ring attire and such.

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I wonder if they'll duplicate SvR's commentary bugs where the announcers talk about wrestlers who aren't even in the match. That'd actually be a realistic depiction of TNA's commentary team.

So very true. The one reason why Tenay annoys me so much.

"Will it be The Canadian Destroyer?! ...Remember ladies and gentlemen, we will hear from Kurt Angle later tonight." :shifty:

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Damn, I forgot they're having commentary for this game, I guess I can put it on mute when I play it. I expect the announcers hollering and yelling will get on my nerves after two minutes of playing.

The video looks all right, I'm still waiting for more though, just to see more of the gameplay. The entrances do look nice, I'll give them that.

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The short footage doesnt look too too bad. Still waiting on actual videos though like IGN has for SDvsRAW where we get to see a good couple minutes worth of in game footage.

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