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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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It really needed her to hit the seated senton for it to be mega-awesome. Or maybe to have drop-toe-holded him on to the counter. Hell, I marked out, I'll admit it.

I thought it was a pretty good episode too, although the Claire/West thing was a little tedious. Needs more Haitian.

And I think the world may be near ending considering we have the amazingness of Sylar conflicting with the suckiness of the twins. Bad things can only result.

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I like the twins... well, I like their powers at least, not so much the storyline. But with Sylar in the mix, I'm sure it'll finally start to pick up. That's the problem the new season is going to face - the first season was slow, but it was just such a new idea that you had to find out what was going on. Now, we have an idea of what's happening, but the building blocks still need to be placed for the new story arc.

I really don't like Mikah's cousins at all though. First off, the girl's power is stupid. She can learn stuff she sees on TV? That's a lamer superhero than Dazzler. Secondly, I just have not been able to get into anything involving Mikah, Jessica or DL at all. I didn't dig it in the first season and I'm really not digging it now. At least with Ali Larter around we were guaranteed a decent fight scene, but if she's gone for awhile, ugh.

With that said though, it looks like business is about to pick up. Kristin Bell comes in next week and it looks like the focus is shifting back to what makes the show good - the Patrellis. Plus, Bennett's going to look more into the prophecy regarding his demise and the above-mentioned Sylar stuff. I'm also digging the Parkman/Molly stuff if for no other reason that Parkman's dad is likely to be a sick son of a bitch.

Slow start, yes. But I'd rather have a slow build than useless throwaway episodes that have no relevance to the plot like some other shows.

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Photographic memory/reflexes is lame? Zero, for the first time ever, you are 100% wrong.

*Walks away shaking head in dissapointment*

Well when you word it like that, it sounds cool. But if she has to learn it from the TV, it's lame.

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I'm assuming she can basically learn things if she sees other people doing them. Might be nothing, but her boss did say "you're good at flipping burgers" or whatever, maybe that's because she picked it up really quickly? I dunno.

It'll be interesting to see exactly what she can learn just by watching. I doubt it applies to superpowers, but if she watches some Bruce Lee shit...

I think Micah "fixing her dreams" was just a cheesy TV moment. I mean, she picked up the tomato-chopping before he did that, so he wasn't "activating her power" (as some have said).

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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Just thought of something, if she (Micah's cousin) saw one of the videos with Claire killing herself, breaking her limbs into weird positions, etc., she'd be able to do the same?

I liked the episode, thought the whole thing with Parkman was interesting.

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Just watched the episode, it was ok, more of a storyline starter episode than anything fast paced so hopefully we will make up for that next episode when Parkman finds his dad which I'm really looking forward to.

I marked when it was Rey on the PPV and when you saw the eyes registering it all and then the guy in the resteraunt I was like "don't do the 619, don't do the 619" and then she did but it was alot less cheesy than I thought it would be... I'd really like to know who came up with the idea of that scene and I'm suprised Vinny Mac hasn't cashed in a heroes type storyline on RAW yet (but lets not turn this into a wrestling thread).

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The black chick doing the 619 was awesome, especially since the robber went flying through the glass.

It was a decent episode, except for the cheesy Claire stuff. The Mexicans weren't too bad in this episode, but I'm still hoping Sylar finds a way to kill them soon. Sucks that Hiro wasn't in this episode, but we got a lot of Nathan at least. I almost forgot about his vision in the mirror, and can't wait to see what that's about. I didn't expect the stuff with Parkman's dad either.

Kristen Bell is coming next week? Never cared much for her, but I doubt she'll be worse than the Mexicans. Is it known if she'll have powers?

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