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Heroes Season Two

Guest Ringmaster

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Hiro thought saving the cheerleader would save the world, but it ultimately wasn't enough. It wasn't Sylar that exploded in the end, it was Peter. There are obvious similarities this season, but it makes sense that Claire - someone whose body can heal itself - would be a possible key to stopping the virus.

Nect week is Four Months Ago, not later. And this week was greatness.
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Hiro thought saving the cheerleader would save the world, but it ultimately wasn't enough. It wasn't Sylar that exploded in the end, it was Peter. There are obvious similarities this season, but it makes sense that Claire - someone whose body can heal itself - would be a possible key to stopping the virus.

Nect week is Four Months Ago, not later. And this week was greatness.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Should be interesting.

Edited by YI
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Thats what i was trying to remember. I'm sure current Hiro never went back in time to see Peter on the train, That Hiro actually had the sword, not just the replica.

Its almost like Season 1 of Heroes was when it was all to end, but then they decided to continue it scrapping the final few episodes of Season 1 and starting afresh.

I'm sure they've forgotten some of Sylers powers too, remember he killed that lass who could remember anything but then learnt new powers at the EXACT SAME RATE as before.

Which also brings me to the point that the new lass who can remember things is Heroes admitting that they completely missed the boat with the first incarnation of that ability.

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"Heroes" creator apologizes to fans

Tim Kring admits mistakes were made at the beginning of season 2, but promises to get back on track

On the chilly Monday morning that Hollywood's writers went on strike, Heroes creator Tim Kring called from the streets outside the Hollywood studio where his NBC series is shot. ''Yes, I'm picketing my own show,'' says the 50-year-old writer-producer. ''So surreal.''

But Kring wasn't calling to discuss labor woes — he was calling to explain why Heroes, suffering a creative decline and a 15 percent ratings drop from the same period last year, went from Human Torch hot to Iceman cold. The good news? A turnaround appears to be under way. After weeks of sluggish storytelling, the Nov. 5 episode recaptured some of last season's fanciful energy. We've also seen the next two episodes — and we like them, too. The cliff-hangers are back. Narrative purpose has been discovered. Old favorites like Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) and Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Jack Coleman) take center stage. Even more encouraging: Kring himself is keenly aware that Heroes is broken. Here's his candid critique:

THE PACE IS TOO SLOW ''We assumed the audience wanted season 1 — a buildup of intrigue about these characters and the discovery of their powers. We taught [them] to expect a certain kind of storytelling. They wanted adrenaline. We made a mistake.''

THE WORLD-SAVING STAKES SHOULD HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SOONER The premonition of nuclear apocalypse created a larger context that unified every story line last season. Kring now sees that Volume 2 (the first 11 episodes of season 2) would have been better served if Peter's vision of viral Armageddon had appeared in the season premiere rather than episode 7. ''We took too long to get to the big-picture story,'' he says.

THE ROOKIES DIDN'T GREET THEMSELVES PROPERLY New Heroes Monica (Dana Davis), Maya (Dania Ramirez), and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) ''shouldn't have been introduced in separate story lines that felt unattached to the show. The way we introduced Elle (Kristen Bell) — by weaving her in via Peter's story line — is a more logical way to bring new characters into the show.'' (That said, Kring says a few newbies won't make it beyond this second volume, which wraps Dec. 3.)

HIRO WAS IN JAPAN WAY TOO LONG Hiro's (Masi Oka) time-bending adventure in 17th-century Japan — where he mentored samurai hero Takezo Kensei (David Anders) — finally came to an end on Nov. 5. But Kring says it ''should have [lasted] three episodes. We didn't give the audience enough story to justify the time we allotted it.''

YOUNG LOVE STINKS Kring regrets sticking Claire (Hayden Panettiere) with a super-dud boyfriend and forcing Hiro to moon over a cutesy princess. ''I've seen more convincing romances on TV,'' he admits. ''In retrospect, I don't think romance is a natural fit for us.''

Yet while Heroes has finally found some dramatic traction, this second volume is pretty much a wash. The Dec. 3 episode has been retooled to function as a potential season finale — a move inspired by the writers' strike and a desire to give the show ''a clean slate'' when it goes back into production for Volume 3. At that point, Kring wants to craft a rebooted Heroes that can attract new fans and win back those who've tuned out: ''The message is that we've heard the complaints — and we're doing something about it.''

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Am I the only one who thinks it hasn't been all that bad? When I first read up on it, I thought it was gonna suck. I really enjoyed the Hiro stuff. Just because I love Hiro.. I quite like the Maya and Alejandro. Plus the whole "Introducing new characters solely in another characters story arc", I don't always like. Maya/Alejandro when used sparingly gave us a nice change of pace, plus always bringing in new characters in relation to another's story often seems contrived. Half of the fun of the original was that these people were 'linked', but didn't know it at first.

West is a fucking tool though. I'd knife him in the face. What kind of name is West anyway?

As for what The General said about the 'girls learning stuff', they're two totally different abilities in my mind. The first seemed a lot more academic, in that she could remember things and learn things quickly. The second, she doesn't particuarly learn things, it's just her body learns how to mimmick things she's seen, therefore she's not 'learning' in the conventional sense, she's merely 'following'.

Edited by YI
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I liked the Hiro storyline with Kensei. But I agree with the Claire/West romance, and the new people. I don't mind the black chick, but the Mexicans suck. Hopefully Sylar kills them before the end of the season.

I do agree though, it would have been a better ending to the first episode of the season if Peter discovered the virus instead of being locked up.

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One thing to be noted. Was it confirmed that the future Hiro they saw in the episode in the future was the same one who came back and saw Peter Petrelli? I know he had the stuff with the wires, but it could still be a different Hiro that came back. I can't really remember the ins-and-outs of that episode.

Yeah, Future Hiro said the catchphrase, and said "The bomb still happened. It was all supposed to change."

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Eh, I'm completely fuzzy on the whole (Future)Hiro storyline and thought the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" thing didn't refer to the Sylar/Peter exploding man trick. Since I didn't really think it all the way through like Jimmy and didn't see how saving Claire impacted the final showdown of S1. I do see the similarities between S1 and 2 but I don't think it's writers falling back on "what worked" in S2 I think it's the writers involving everyone in the incoming doom that is set to befall the world and with regenerative powers, you have to believe Claire is logcially the person you look at during an upcoming virus outbreak.

So now that Nikki is de-powered, do we know if this means she's rid of Jessica, or is it just a case of the strength she has when she "becomes" Jessica is gone? I still don't understand if Jessica is Nikki's delusions or a part of her powers.

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I'm gonna bet you all are putting far far more thought into this than they did. Just a guess.

Exactly... keep Claire from dying then you can kill Sylar before the bomb goes off and stop the world from going to shit and all the special people getting rounded up and killed. Because if Sylar would have killed Claire, no one would have been able to stop him before the bomb. Of course, Future Hiro didn't know that Peter was the bomb and Sylar lived and became President in disguise, that's where his timeline didn't help him.

And yeah, awesome episode last week, bummer that the season will get all messed up because of the strike right when it's picking up, but they gotta do what they gotta do.

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Good episode. I think a lot of people have warmed to Kristen Bell's character, now she's been given some time to expand on it. She's one sick puppy.

Didn't see the point of the Maya y Alejandro stuff, since it's the same thing we've seen for the past 7 weeks. Would have preferred to see some Claire/Noah/Matt/Mohinder/Sylar, even though it's pretty obvious what they would have been doing in those 4 months.

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Good episode. I think a lot of people have warmed to Kristen Bell's character, now she's been given some time to expand on it. She's one sick puppy.

Didn't see the point of the Maya y Alejandro stuff, since it's the same thing we've seen for the past 7 weeks. Would have preferred to see some Claire/Noah/Matt/Mohinder/Sylar, even though it's pretty obvious what they would have been doing in those 4 months.

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