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The Jeffster Memorial Chuck Thread

Guest Ringmaster

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Just seen the episode. Wow.

Cannot wait for next weeks.

Man, I have got this awesome feeling that Chuck will be allowed to assemble a team of anyone he chooses, which will end up consisting of Chuck, Casey, Sarah, Morgan and Jeff and Lester. Yeah. I have no idea how they'd write it in, but I can totally see Jeffster being added to the team to make for an awesome next series. (With them hopefully making it that far.)

I'd love to see the next series feature that cast of characters and be based in Rome or multiple different countries and places. Might be a bit costly, but I'm sure there's a way they could fake it cheaply without actually going there.

I can imagine it now, Chuck & Sarah dealing with being in a relationship as Spies, Casey trying to deal with working as an operitive but not being able to handle any lethal weaponry, Morgan acting as a screw up/loveable side kick that ends up being surprisingly helpful and Jeff and Lester basically goofing around, but working as the secondary members of the team, working behind the scenes and such. Could be so awesome.

Oh, and holy shit it's Mark Sheppard! w00t.gif I love that guy.

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Fantastic episode right there, the best of the season

Nah, the one where Morgan found out was easily the best.

The Jeff/Lester bit tonight was awesome campy fun. There's not enough campy fun in Chuck these days. :(

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Fantastic episode and it feels good to have caught up. Only started watching a couple of weeks ago and bombed through seasons one and two (and the first half of 3). The show is incredible except for how much Sarah is not the girl chuck should be chasing. I really wish they had ended it after the whole Prague business. I can accept him missing her, but the speeches and his "oh golly" eyes make me angry. It almost ruined this weeks episode for me had it not been saved by Awesome, Morgan and Chuck.

If Shaw kills Sarah I'd mark. I'd kinda like to have someone like that turn completely rogue and badass, maybe kill the ring leader and take control. Not neccesarily Shaw and not necessarily Sarah, but the thing I'm kinda hoping for to come about is for a relationship to develop between the ring leader and chuck so that it isn't just "Aha! You are the leader of this organization". Still, I've got faith in everything bar their handling of the romance. Hannah is perfect for him, put him with her.

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The major problem with the Chuck/Sarah thing is...Sarah's been acting like a complete and utter cunt this series and nobody seems have brought up the fact "Hey, you're acting like a complete and utter cunt" and he's just pining pathetically for her. The whole bollocks between them should have been resolved after the Catrina episode...but no, they decided to drag it out by adding some monumental prick to the mix...utter toss.

Edited by YI
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Oh I agree, Sarah is immensely annoying and only serves to add to my list of reasons never to date a blonde again. Because she's neurotic, not because she could beat me up in just her underwear. I just want Kreuk to be Chucks girl for a bit :(. I just hope they don't get Sarah Chalke, but she does love her whiny and bitchy geeks.

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Oh one-offs are fine with blondes, just never for the long haul. Never again. Although Blonde Lucy's are the exception to this rule.

Also, swaggering prick he may be, but an awesome evil third party agent he will make. Unless Chuck just kung fu's his ass.

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Tonight's episode was just too awesome. Just really well done from beginning to end and it'll be interesting to see what they do next.

Especially since the will they-won't they stuff is over.

They'll actually be back in 3 weeks. I agree, this week's episode was great.

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Yeah, I know. I was saying that the episode was great from beginning to end because I don't believe that this season was great from beginning to end. It was good at the beginning but got a lot better in the 2nd half, which makes sense because like I've said before, the writers have a knack for turning up the awesome as the season gets closer and closer to the end. And tonight's episode was originally going to be the season finale but NBC ordered an additional 6 episodes after they saw the 13 that have aired so far.

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Sorry about that, I thought you typed "next week".

But yeah, the 2nd half of the season was way better than the first.

I can't wait to see what they do with a team consisting of Chuck, Sarah, Casey, AND Morgan. I guess they're going to be based out of Burbank, which I'm kind of dissapointed they won't be in Rome or somewhere else, I was hoping for a new setting.

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Just seen the episode.

wub.gif Chuck and Sarah. Giving nerds hope since 2007. I'm so glad they finally got together. This would have been the perfect way to end the Season. And Morgan as part of Operation Bartowsky... YES! I cannot wait for more Chuck and I pray to god that it gets renewed for another series.

Also Chuck killing Shaw... man. Crazy. I didn't actually see that coming. And more Mark Sheppard is always a plus.

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Big Mike "You can always come home son."

Morgan "Thanks Big Mike."

Big Mike "Dad?"

Morgan "Big Mike."

Big Mike "You can call me Papi."

Morgan "Ok, thanks Dad."

That made me laugh so hard.

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Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome!

I also love the fact that Captain Awesome was shown to really not be as awesome as Chuck, given the whole, he is scared all the time thing.

Anyway. Such an amazing episode.

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This really was an awesome episode, definately best episode of the season. This could have served as a season as also series finale and i wonder what happens next. I just started watching this on the fifth episode of this season and immediately bought both first and second seasons on DVD to catch up :D I really hope it gets renewed.

For some reason i feel that it's gonna be either Heroes or Chuck that gets renewed as they've had same kind of ratings, hopefully both of them gets renewed, but as much as i've liked Heroes they should end it already after that totally shit season 4.

Edited by The Sandman
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Just finished watching it, absolutely perfect episode. I agree with whoever said it would have make an awesome season ender but I'm happy to see more episodes. I really hope that we get some more seasons of this, I don't understand why it doesn't have much better ratings, it's the perfect mix of a ton of different genres and the most interesting show on Mondays that I can think of.

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