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The Jeffster Memorial Chuck Thread

Guest Ringmaster

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I loved the Eric Roberts/Batista/Guy From Avatar team. It's a pity that they probably were all electrocuted and killed for plot purposes because I want them all back.

Casey pointed out the fact that they wern't dead to Morgan.

"A little crispy but alive" I think are the exact words I'm looking for.

Batista was good even though they named him after a rapper, But They were going for the whole A-Team bit so it worked.

oh, Is anyone wondering why Chucks mum decided to call him now, Could possibly need his help - I guess that's why they write it like that to keep viewers coming back.

Full 24 episode season? Awesome!

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Totally loved Robert Englund in this. Not buying Chuck's mom being a double agent. Some great quotes too.

"Chuck? How'd you get here?"

"My.. mom dropped me off."

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Robert Englund was great, but I didn't like how the first Aisle of Terror scene pretty much telegraphed the way every last bit of the episode would play out aside from the Chuck's mom stuff.

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So. This week.

Earlier in the episode I was all "man, what if Dalton's actually playing Volkoff and just playing the Obfuscating Stupidity card?" I didn't fully expect it to be true. This episode ruled so hard.

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Yeah Tim Dalton ruled in this episode.

EDIT: Kevin Nash is saying on Twitter that he's trying to work out a guest spot on Chuck. :o

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  • 2 months later...

I just thought it was like one bombshell. Like, aside from the awesome Lester subplot I really didn't care for most of this episode. To be fair, though, I was fairly distracted at the time.

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Fuck that girl. Lester totally brought it with Jeffster!

The episode was a bit strange, in that I never felt suspence through the whole thing. I was fully expecting the proposal to go through though, and it wasn't until the end that the shock came into play.

I've also been watching Breaking Bad, and that is a show that has way too much suspence!

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I think that would have hit me harder if I had any serious belief that it would do something for a longer term than, like. The next few episodes.

My favorite bits of Chuck right now are the sillier/more tongue-in-cheek stuff. The fight with Yuri the Gobbler and Casey and Morgan having to distract the guards with the tried-and-true "it's your birthday" gag? Great. Timothy Dalton playing a delightfully hammy villain and smashing fake eyeballs with glee? Fantastic. Long, serious montages about how Chuck and Sarah can't see each other oh nooooooo? Don't even give a fuck.

But supposedly part of why the episodes have been a bit uneven is that the writers had no clue how many episodes they were actually going to have for the season and it turned out being more than they were banking on, so that explains episodes like last week's.

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Greatest TV Moment Ever Award goes to...

Jeffster singing "Push It" in a hospital over a loud speaker while Ellie gives birth to the kid. Wow. That has to be the greatest Jeffster moment ever, and this is coming from a huge Styx fan.

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Nah. Season 2 finale is still superior.

Good resolution to the Volkoff stuff, though ultimately he ranks below Daniel Shaw and Ted Roark as far as major Chuck villains go.

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