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Best comedy scenes


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was gonna post that! :(

The rest of the show is borderline awful, but the Chav Airmen sketches are fantastic. It's quite literally the only reason I watch the show (although it's partly because I can't be bothered to do anything else before QI). Oh, forgot the 'Wheelchair Guy And Pianist' sketches, they're great too.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't find a clip of it, but one of my favourites was in The Simpsons, when Homer became a boxer.

Homer: Well if you think I can beat him (Tatum), Moe....

*Cuts to prison*

There's a riot going on in background and Drederick Tatum is in his Cell eaing peas

Tatum: Hey guys, c'mon, shut up.

Everybody returns to their cell and apologises.

Pure genius

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I'll just note some of the best scenes that I've recently watched.

An episode in the second season of Friends, where a female fan of Joey is completely obsessive about him and actually thinks that he's Dr. Drake Remoray, the character he's playing in Days of our Lives, in "real life" too. At the end of the episode, Joey tries to convince her that he's really not Drake and eventually Ross stands up and says "He's right, he's not Drake, he is... HANS RAMORAY, Drake's evil twin!" The way he delivers that line is just brilliant. I don't think I had laughed that hard in a few weeks. The people I know aren't that funny :shifty:

On the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Captain Barbossa has imprisoned Elizabeth and then eats dinner with her. He offers her an apple, which she rejects. Barbossa then starts ranting about why exactly the pirates have kidnapped her, tells her about how she was carrying the last piece of Cortez' old treasure and that it's her blood that's needed to lift the curse the treasure placed on the undead pirates. He sounds terrifying for a moment and Elizabeth gets quite scared. Then, after telling her how she's going to die Barbossa offers the apple again: "Apple?" This absolutely doesn't sound great at all on paper, but my god the way he says it, the look on his face, it's absolutely perfect.

Another great Barbossa scene in the movie is later on, where his monkey steals the necklace or whatever it is from Jack and then, as Jack is crawling in front of Barbossa, the monkey climbs onto the latter's shoulder and the conversation goes... "But thank you, Jack" "You're welcome" "No, not you... we named the monkey Jack." Again, it's not that funny at all when you read it, but I was almost rolling on the floor after seeing the look on Barbossa's face as he says this, the tone in his voice is great too. The trilogy has made Geoffrey Rush one of my favourite actors.

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