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Hollywood writers strike

Guest wwebone

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Wow, so all this time we thought we didn't respect your opinions, but apparently you're off the hook. It's other people's opinions, that you're copying, that we don't respect. Tell me, who was the first person who was calling everyone metrosexual instead of gay?

On topic, anybody who believes this strike is going to last until June is delirious. This type of thing always happens during strikes. Everyone says it's going to last another six months and then the strike ends two weeks later. Everyone is just trying to hold their ground during the strike, both sides will budge soon.

Edited by The Souljah
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Wow, so all this time we thought we didn't respect your opinions, but apparently you're off the hook. It's other people's opinions, that you're copying, that we don't respect. Tell me, who was the first person who was calling everyone metrosexual instead of gay?

On topic, anybody who believes this strike is going to last until June is delirious. This type of thing always happens during strikes. Everyone says it's going to last another six months and then the strike ends two weeks later. Everyone is just trying to hold their ground during the strike, both sides will budge soon.

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Guest wwebone

No, here's what went down:

A friend of mine back at home e-mailed me the article I posted. I asked him where he got it, and he told me it was from Keith's blog. I looked his blog up and opened it in another tab. Meanwhile, Mr. Potato Head decided to take potshots at me (unprovoked and unpunished, mind you. Fancy how THAT works). So, when trying to explain my viewpoint, which is similar to Keith's I decided, "hey, he put better than I can, so what the hell, right? No problemo". So, yes, I indeed quoted/paraphrased Mr. Keith due to the fact that he explained my feelings better than I could. I dare say if someone else that wasn't me did this, there would be no problem.

In any event, what has happened here has taken the discussion off-topic, which is clearly frowned upon. Now, I'm no mod or admin or anything, but I would suggest that if you wish to discuss this further, you may want to do it elsewhere, as this isn't a topic devoted for plagarism, and punt.

Now, to keep this on-topic (which this thread was until some people decided to take it into another direction):

I believe the strike could easily go until June if things keep up. Woo.

Edited by wwebone
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Wow, so all this time we thought we didn't respect your opinions, but apparently you're off the hook. It's other people's opinions, that you're copying, that we don't respect. Tell me, who was the first person who was calling everyone metrosexual instead of gay?

On topic, anybody who believes this strike is going to last until June is delirious. This type of thing always happens during strikes. Everyone says it's going to last another six months and then the strike ends two weeks later. Everyone is just trying to hold their ground during the strike, both sides will budge soon.

You didn't read over Beatnik's nice little summary, did you?

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

In any event, what has happened here has taken the discussion off-topic, which is clearly frowned upon. Now, I'm no mod or admin or anything, but I would suggest that if you wish to discuss this further, you may want to do it elsewhere, as this isn't a topic devoted for plagarism, and punt.
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Wow, so all this time we thought we didn't respect your opinions, but apparently you're off the hook. It's other people's opinions, that you're copying, that we don't respect. Tell me, who was the first person who was calling everyone metrosexual instead of gay?

On topic, anybody who believes this strike is going to last until June is delirious. This type of thing always happens during strikes. Everyone says it's going to last another six months and then the strike ends two weeks later. Everyone is just trying to hold their ground during the strike, both sides will budge soon.

You didn't read over Beatnik's nice little summary, did you?

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If you want more reason to believe the moguls are perfectly comfortable letting the stoppage drag on, consider this: early in the week, reports emerged that various AMPTP sources were trying to convince trade publications (namely Variety and The Hollywood Reporter) that the Guild negotiators were inexperienced and incapable, and that talks were likely to break down if the Writers didn't change their game plan. Around the same time, a former AMPTP negotiator in confidence revealed the organization's game plan in past negotiations, which included manipulating the emotions and hopes of the other side by teasing breakthroughs and pulling the rug out at the last minute. That report hit the net around the same time as a rumour that the Producers would leave the negotiating table on Friday and try to blame the writers. The moguls had promised the second part of their "New Economic Partnership" would be delivered on Tuesday, then continued to bog the discussion down in jurisdictional issues while delaying the delivery of that offer. Then on Friday, the AMPTP delivered an offer with an attached ultimatum: drop 6 clauses permanently or we walk. These clauses included provisions to ensure that the vertically integrated Big Six couldn't manipulate their profits to cheat writers out of residuals as well as protection for reality and animation writers. The Guild could not accept such an offer. Within minutes, the AMPTP had walked and issued a lengthy write-up blaming the writers for their ignorance and unwillingness to deal. The problem here is that each side is following a different story. The Guild, obviously, has taken a page from Mr Smith Goes To Washington, where good honest work and perseverance can get the job done. The Moguls, on the other hand, seem to be following Machiavelli's The Prince, and are perfectly willing to lie, cheat and steal in the pursuit of crushing organized labour in the town. This is a union busting issue. They're drying to dry up organized labour in Hollywood, and don't think the Guild is going to give into it. The AMPTP inflamed the situation, and knew exactly what they were doing. It was part of a long-haul play book, and if you really think that these guys will have a deal in the next month, well, I suppose you've seen Mr Smith Goes To Washington one too many times.

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Meanwhile, Mr. Potato Head decided to take potshots at me (unprovoked and unpunished, mind you. Fancy how THAT works).

No one likes you because you act like a douche. That's how that works.

So, when trying to explain my viewpoint, which is similar to Keith's I decided, "hey, he put better than I can, so what the hell, right? No problemo". So, yes, I indeed quoted/paraphrased Mr. Keith due to the fact that he explained my feelings better than I could.

The terms quoting and paraphrasing imply that credit is given to the party quoted.

I dare say if someone else that wasn't me did this, there would be no problem.

And I daresay that as soon as you stop acting like an idiot and playing the half intellectual superior/half persecuted victim role, people will likely stop giving you shit.

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Guest wwebone

Not only is that completely wrong and horrible in my eyes, but this thread still cannot be kept on topic by those in power! Simply stunning!

On that note...

The AMPTP disgusts me with what they are trying to do. Their underhanded tactics are simply despicable. The Moguls, in my eyes, are being just plain greedy here. I think it may be quite some time before this gets resolved. Writers deserve a lot more credit then they are given, IMO.

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Wow, so all this time we thought we didn't respect your opinions, but apparently you're off the hook. It's other people's opinions, that you're copying, that we don't respect. Tell me, who was the first person who was calling everyone metrosexual instead of gay?

On topic, anybody who believes this strike is going to last until June is delirious. This type of thing always happens during strikes. Everyone says it's going to last another six months and then the strike ends two weeks later. Everyone is just trying to hold their ground during the strike, both sides will budge soon.

You didn't read over Beatnik's nice little summary, did you?

I skimmed through it, but I honestly didn't thoroughly read it. I really can't imagine this lasting until June, regardless of the circumstances. There's enough money in Hollywood to spread around. They'll figure something out within the next month I'm sure. If they don't, then I guess I was wrong.

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The problem with that comes when you look closely at the build up to the stoppage. There was a massive ramp-up of script development in the last year leading to an overall abundance of projects waiting to film. As a result, there are going to be a lot more movies than usual filming in January and February, extending the length of time the film divisions can weather the storms. The TV divisions obviously have been immediately impacted, and for some networks (namely CBS and ABC), an extended work stoppage serves to hurt them overall because their bread is buttered in scripted programming. Others however, like FOX and The CW, have a backlog of non-scripted programming ready to go and could actually increase their market share in the coming months, while NBC has hit such harsh financial difficulties that many at that company feel like it would be better off financially to get out of all those production commitments and air reruns until June. So you've got CBS and Disney looking at ways to end the strike, while NBC Universal, Newscorp, Sony and Time Warner are more than happy to ride this thing out. As you can see, the hawks outnumber the moderates.

The one slight glimpse of hope, and let me repeat "slight", is that the Guild have been quietly back-channelling an invitation to individual moguls like Les Moonves (CBS) to negotiate independently of the talks to avoid his company taking a significant hit (not only is CBS scripted-con-heavy, they're also rarely involved on the film end of things). If he takes that offer up, it could split the moguls and speed up the resolution. But that would obviously run the risk for the AMPTP of permanently fracturing their negotiating strength and upping the salaries of creatives. You know, a market with actual competition. Wouldn't want that.

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The Latest Word


“Today the WGA filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board against the AMPTP for its refusal to bargain in good faith with the WGA. It is a clear violation of federal law for the AMPTP to issue an ultimatum and break off negotiations if we fail to cave to their illegal demands.

We are in the midst of the holiday season, with thousands of our members and the membership of other unions out of work. It is the height of irresponsibility and intransigence for the AMPTP to refuse to negotiate a fair agreement with the WGA. We reiterate our demand that the AMPTP immediately return to the negotiations, rather than going on vacation, so that this town can be put back to work.

The DGA announced today that it may commence negotiations with the AMPTP in January. The DGA has to do what is best for its membership, and we will do what is best for ours. We wish them well, but they do not represent writers. Our strike will end when the companies return to negotiations and make a fair deal with the WGA.”

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Worldwide Pants is going begin independently negoiating with the WGA to get "The Late Show with David Letterman" and "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" back on the air, with their writing staffs. Both shows, along with "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and "Late Night with Conan O'Brein" are expected to return to production sometime after the new year, (with or without writers) with the full support of the WGA.

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