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Good Actors, Crap Roles


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I fucking love Affleck, I don't care what people say, he's been in some stinkers but he's almost always entertaining in them and is good as both a straight man and has a great delivery of dry wit in comedy films and he can deliver well in serious films too, he doesn't deserve the schtick he gets or anywhere close to it.

I second the love for Affleck ever since I watched him in Armageddon. Chasing Amy was great, Good Will Hunting with him and Damon. Yup, I love Affleck.

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Derek Jacobi and Christopher Lee in The Golden Compass. Two of the best British actors of the 20th century, condemned to mugging and hamming it up with awful dialogue and, thanks to the film's castration of the books' core religious overtones, no real clue as to what their characters are meant to be doing. I saw the movie the other day and, although I didn't hate it, seeing those two in it was pretty fucking painful.
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Sam L and Walken are the two easy ones. Bruce Willis is someone else who makes a LOT of clunkers.

Someone else that comes to mind for me is Vin Diesel. I know he isn't a great actor like Walken, DeNiro, ect, but he makes for a great action star, yet for some reason over the last few years, he has tried everything he can to get away from that style of role, and usually if he isn't shooting and blowing people up, the movies aren't very good.

Edited by MikelSweeten
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Sam L and Walken are the two easy ones. Bruce Willis is someone else who makes a LOT of clunkers.

Someone else that comes to mind for me is Vin Diesel. I know he isn't a great actor like Walken, DeNiro, ect, but he makes for a great action star, yet for some reason over the last few years, he has tried everything he can to get away from that style of role, and usually if he isn't shooting and blowing people up, the movies aren't very good.

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Ugh, The Pacifier. I wanted to say that one.

I heard Will Smith turned down a role in The Matrix for Wild Wild West. Not that it's changed his career much, loved him in Pursuit For Happyness. Even so, that was one forgettable movie.

You can add A Vampire in Brooklyn and Haunted Mansion on that list of Eddie Murphy crap roles. <_<

EDIT: Almost forgot I Spy and Showtime. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Tsk, tsk.

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Al Pacino in The Recruit - a bad, bad movie. Denzel Washington in the Bone Collector, his only non-watchable film really.

Even though I haven't seen it (and don't really intend to), seeing the trailer for P.S. I Love You when I went to see I am Legend and We Own the Night makes me think Hillary Swank has picked a stinker there. Gerard Butler's Irish accent also makes me think less of him after being in the amazing 300.

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