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Official Newcastle United Thread


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Went to the Emirates tonight, there is a lot to be done with Newcastle. I'm sure they were a little dejected from the cup defeat on the weekend, but they didn't pose any threats going forward and were, as we've come to expect, worse at the back. Not many make Senderos look steady, but as I watched Cacapa I was suddenly grateful that we've got Philippe.

Sat right next to the Newcastle fans too. Perhaps it was just me, or how they came across tonight, but I've never seen an angrier group of people. Walking stereotypes, they were - great fun to watch.

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That was a promising first half display today, we looked quite solid at the back and through midfield, passed the ball nicely and the players actually seemed to give a shit.

The second half, however was endemic of our entire season - no organisation, no effort (bar Milner and Taylor), abysmal.

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It said on BBC sport that Given got injured, does anyone know how injured he is considering i didn't watch the match?

Did it look serious or just looked like a slight knock?

I know I've said I wanted Harper to play more games but right into a Man U game after a performace like this... we'd be doomed

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It said on BBC sport that Given got injured, does anyone know how injured he is considering i didn't watch the match?

Did it look serious or just looked like a slight knock?

I know I've said I wanted Harper to play more games but right into a Man U game after a performace like this... we'd be doomed

Looked like a groin strain. He walked off the pitch. Given his history of them, prolly 2-3 weeks out

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  • 2 months later...

...how this hasn't been bumped due to the Tyne-Wear derby, I'll never know.

To repeat what I said on another forum...



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I thought Newcastle were pretty average today, and benefited against our weakened defence quite well. Owen, Martins and Viduka work so well together, but break that link and it will all fall apart, but until them they'll keep up with the success. However without Milner - the midfield is just poor.

Barton, Butt and Geremi were all pretty poor today, Butt moreso than his usual self. However on the bright side Beye had a great game in defence, something that can be rarely said for Newcastle. Taylor's a donkey, Enrique and Faye were decent, but not great - in fairness they had little to do with our poor attacking game.

Alan Parry's comment of "Jose Enrique is just so fast, he closes down the gap quickly." Made me and my best friend burst out laughing.

Gutted, my best friend got the better in the Tyne & Wear derby, beat me 4-2 in Pool and was slightly better than me in a joint-dismal display of wannabe-itbox gambling. The fact I came away smiling after such a poor day is testament to be character.

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Defence was shockingly decent, midfield was average at best, Martins should never have been subbed when he was, Owen was immense. Overall, we profited from a poor Sunderland lineup, which I have no complaints whatsoever about. 4-5-1 was a mistake by Keane. Chopra, Richardson and possibly Leadbitter, since he's a local lad and knows what this match means, should have started, but at the end of the day, three points against Sunderland = excuse to drink/excuse to skive school and definite safety.

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Exactly, and I doubt if you were playing against a better side you'd have coped as well. If the opponents were able to get out there, and get the ball passed around in the middle of the park I doubt you will have been able to cope.

We were poor, admittedly, we lacked creativity and attacking options in the final third. However I wouldn't necessarily call that a good performance by your standards. Considering we controlled most of the second half, if we did have the extra spark and creativity we could definitely have scored.

Plus you were always going to be a step ahead when we had McShane at right back and Higginbotham in the middle. Higgs controlled the aerial battle as to be expected, but if we had Evans in he'd have been a lot quicker. And in fairness the first goal could easily have be stopped if it wasn't that useless ginger bastard marking Owen, and the penalty was far from convincing.

I'm taking anything away from Newcastle, on another day you could have upped the pace even more. But if you did have to 'up the gear' probably due to your opponent presenting more of a challenge - you can kiss goodbye to the little effect Butt, Barton and Geremi had on the game and pretty much nulify it completely. I was very annoyed when I got to the pub and heard Bardsley and Evans had picked up injuries, because there big players for us - and you can equate that to you losing an Owen or - based off todays performance - a Beye etc. If you took them out of the equation, it may have been different for you lot.

Either way, Liam Miller was a poor choice. An Old Firm derby experience doesn't equate to the Tyne & Wear derby I'm afraid, and Reid was just poor. It was just a case of our players not turning up on the day, and that's a shame because if they had - we'd have been much better. And on the downside, Cacapa was injured so he wasn't able to play.

I'm hoping this highlights to Keane that we need some creativity in the middle of the park, and some quality at the back - as well as some better back ups. As if an injury means McShane has to step in again, I'll be extremely disappointed.

Still, well played to Newcastle. We both started well, and Newcastle took their early chance and it was a penalty. Harsh because it was completely accidental, but fair in that it did stop Owen's run forward. He looks good Owen, and I hope for his sake he can stay fit because he's a good footballer, and could have been much better if it wasn't for injury. On the upside for us, we're pretty much safe and as much as I hate to lose in the Tyne & Wear derby, I'd take survival over a victory in that match any day of the week.

I think for Newcastle that next year if they finish even 2 or 3 places higher in the table, they can see that as a big improvement. As I think the gulf between finishing around 12th and finishing 9th is quite a lot, so if they can make that jump then they need to hope Milner and Duff are in top shape and playing to their best on the wings, and probably get Emre in the middle of the park. Butt's more hinder than help and doesn't deserve to be on the park. Then if they can keep Viduka, Martins and Owen fit they'll cope fine - but that's a tall order.

In summary. I'm disappointed we lost this match, moreso because we were a lot better than you at the Stadium of Light - and you snided a draw, and then we lost today :@

EDIT: I think what I've put could be misinterpreted by you dirty Geordies ¬_¬

Basically, I think had we been better we could have taken a draw or more. However we could only have been better by Bardsley and Evans being in the team. While you were only in second gear, had we been a bit stronger, I don't necessarily think you could have upped it to say a 4th gear, because I don't think your midfield was up to scratch to do that.

So you were the better team, despite us probably controlling the second half - we still didn't fashion chances, so it's unfair to say we were better then as me and 10 mates could pass the ball around a bit and not actually make a final go. At the same time, the match was largely boring but had all the magic of the Tyne & Wear derby that makes me proud to be a Mackem and actually be part of something as big as this.

Edited by IAceI
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I'd say today's performance was probably the worst in the little run we've had actually. It was always going to be a scrappy game so I knew that it was crucial to get the early goal and we got it. I agree that the midfield for both sides was generally poor and it was Enrique and Beye that had to push up. I don't think we were ever in danger of losing in the second half. Good chance for Jones but that was it really. Some dreadful efforts from long distance weren't troubling.

As I think the gulf between finishing around 12th and finishing 9th is quite a lot, so if they can make that jump then they need to hope Milner and Duff are in top shape and playing to their best on the wings, and probably get Emre in the middle of the park. Butt's more hinder than help and doesn't deserve to be on the park. Then if they can keep Viduka, Martins and Owen fit they'll cope fine - but that's a tall order.

I well, disagree with most of this. Milner is as average as it gets. Far too inconsistent with his final product, hardly any pace or creativity and all he has going for him is that he looked good in a dreadful side last year and has looked worse in a worse one this year. I have a lot of time for him, partly because he gives it his all even when we're performing badly but I'd be looking to replace him and Geremi in the summer with another right winger. No idea who though and all rumours of Bentley and Pennant need to be treated with some contempt. Duff is hardly the player he was either. He's been fit for us and has still looked horrid. If he was as good as he was at Chelsea, he'd still be at Chelsea. At here, he's been totally ineffective and a shadow of the player he was. And Emre? Jesus wept. Talk about a dreadful footballer. Injured more than Marcelino and when he does play, all he has is some bluster, a five yard pass and a crap freekick. Hardly the player I'd want in the centre of the park. And Butt has been light years ahead of him this season without a doubt in my mind. In Barton's little up-turn of form, he's looked better than Emre ever has. I'm not sure how much Newcastle you've been watching but it seems minimal if you think Milner, Duff and Emre will improve any aspect of the team going into next season.

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Fair enough, I've gone off past experience. My mate - whose a big Newcastle fan, says Milner is very good. And from what I've seen, I agree. When we played last, he was one of the best players on the pitch I thought. I think it's unfair to say he has little pace, personally I think he's decent enough for a winger. He's probably got more creativity but if you disagree I'll take your word for it.

Emre I haven't seen much of at Newcastle, as as you say - he's always injured, but so are most your team, because you buy injury-prone to begin with - but fair enough. However, he's another player who when I have seen him play brings more in the way of creativity to the game. He was one of the best Turkish players on the go when he was at his height of his game, but I suppose the injuries limit him, I feel that say he didn't suffer from the injuries as badly, he'd still be a very good footballer. But if you think Butts lightyears ahead of him - then I'll assume he's a sack of shit.

And Duff I have a lot of time for myself. Despite him going from Blackburn (ugh) to Chelsea to you lot (ugh) but we know how he can play. However despite the fact that he's not as good as he once was, when fit (this is getting annoying) he's a good winger and it's always nice to have a talented left sided player.

But if that's your views, combined with the fact Geremi, Butt and Barton aren't that great. Barton's been doing alright, and played well against Fulham. But he isn't amazing. On that, i'd expect you lot to invest in some good midfielders because that isn't a group taking you to the UEFA Cup.

And playing David Edgar and Andy Carroll against us is absolutely humiliating. Just so you know.

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We've just been linked to Riise

The very next day after he ruined Liverpool match

What do you guys think of him? I know he's a poor Liverpool LB but by them standards he'd be a decent Newcastle LB

Even though he's probably past it now

(And partly think this is a joke to see how stupid newcastle fans are >_<)

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Be quiet Mackem, get your own thread :P

Riise, depends on how much money we're talking, he's decent enough, I don't think he's particularly any better than Enrique, but he's streets ahead of Babayaro and we could do with some strength in depth.

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Now the rumoured player today is Luka Modric, there was an in-detailed report from a croatian newspaper claiming that he's already agreed terms with Newcastle.

Now THAT would be a signing, a highly rated player just before/in prime as opposed to our habit of really talented players after they've long passed it

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Luka Modric is one of my favourite players in the world right now.

I wasn't even bothered when I heard he might be heading to Liverpool (why? I'm not too sure as they don't seem to really need an attacking midfielder right now) and it obviously makes a lot more sense for him to go to Newcastle.

But dear God, no. I'll cry. Anyone but you lot. Wigan, Birmingham.. even Boro, just don't go to Newcastle :(

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