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Other than Transatlanticism, what DCFC album should I download?

'Plans' and 'Narrow Stairs' are really accessible albums to get into. If you prefer the older stuff, not quite as catchy as the newer albums and might take a few listens to appreciate it, then check out 'the photo album' or 'We have the facts and we're voting yes'

Anyone here like watching 120minutes on mtv2? Its on 1am-3am every night.

I'm currently listening to ...

Ladytron - Ghosts -

Thomas Tantrum - Work It -

Jack Kerouac - Aint We Got Fun, - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZfe3Nb3ZKw

...constantly, any fans?

Edited by The Chief
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Sufjan Stevens!

Oh and you may also like Conor Oberst and Ryan Adams.

Already listen to all of the above :)

I should probably list all of the singer/songwriters I listen to for the record.

Sufjan Stevens

Conor Oberst

Ryan Adams

Iron & Wine

Ray LaMontagne

Damien Rice

Kevin Devine

Matt Costa

Jack Johnson

Ben Harper

Elliot Smith

Colin Meloy

Edited by Tarheels.
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I just got done watching iLIKETRAiNS DVD video doohickey of Elegies To Lessons Learnt, possibly the most pretentious thing I've seen in years - the story behind their already impossibly pretentious concept album acted out by not especially good models in period dress. YES.

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Pulley have posted a new song, "Mandarin" from their forthcoming album "Time Insensitive Material". It's typical Pulley, which means it's fucking awesome. Easily one of my favourite ever pop-punk bands.


Really psyched for this album, they've never put out a bad release and "Matters" was a fucking brilliant album.

And I NEED to see the iLiKETRAiNS DVD, it sounds spectacularly shit/brilliant.

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All-American Rejects have a new song on myspace, they're always a guilty pleasure of mine, in that I do actually seem to enjoy their singles, but never want to check out an album. This song is utter wank though.

Rise Against have another new song, "Collapse" up on their myspace. It's better than "Re-Education Through Labour", which is fucking awful. But they seem to be lacking the 'passion' or the spark that made them such a great band. Everything sounds much too rounded and 'nice'. Catchy chorus.

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So my girlfriend has introduced me into a couple of pretty cool groups since we started dating.

First one is Dead Can Dance. I had heard the name before and was quite surprised that they were nothing like what I had expected. It's basically world music, but absolutely an amazing group, it can make even the largest of uncouth louts (myself) feel cultured.

Second one is the Drezden Dolls. She's played Coin Operated Boy and some other song for me, both were good. They actually played at the Rothbury fest this year, but we didn't have the money for a weekend festival.

Third one, and probably my favorite, is Murder By Death. It might have been the last remnants of an acid trip, but I really enjoyed the sort of western rockabilly sound they had. The vocals were probably what made the band sound so good, the dude has the perfect voice for the sound they're playing.

So yeah, my girl has had a positive impact on my music tastes.

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Dresden Dolls are class, they're a band you can really indulge and lose yourself with, there's not really a duff track out there, and the lyrics are complex enough to really invite repeated listens. Amanda Palmer, the vocalist, has a solo album out too, and an EP with Jason Webley - the Webley EP is good fun, but gets old pretty quick - haven't had much chance to listen to the solo album yet, but it's definitely got some good moments - and, oddly enough, features East Bay Ray of Dead Kennedys on one track.

Oh, and Murder By Death are phenomenal. I've had loads of their stuff for years and years, as they released the album with probably my favourite title ever - "Like The Exorcist, But With More Breakdancing" - but it wasn't until last year that I started seriously listening to them, and fell somewhat in love. Damn good call Mrs. VP.

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