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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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I one shotted Snow Storm and Three Leaf Clover, you nigguhs need to learn how2shoot.

You should learn2payattention because everyone is complaining about getting away from the cops not shooting.

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Guest Kou
I one shotted Snow Storm and Three Leaf Clover, you nigguhs need to learn how2shoot.

You should learn2payattention because everyone is complaining about getting away from the cops not shooting.

Oh right I forgot about the auto aim. Lern2drive.

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Snow Storm wasn't so bad, thanks to the boat (still takes a bit to get out of the radius, given the police boats). Originally had some trouble on "No Love Lost" because I kept crashing the bike into the lamp post (which shot me upwards to the beams supporting the train tracks...pretty awesome visual). Right now, Brucie's race can talk to my ass.

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I had trouble with Three Leaf clover too, hardest, yet coolest mission so far.

Oh and is there any chance of banging Kate or is she a lost cause?

Maybe if you beat all the McReary missions or somthing, Because i've got her at 100% and nothing, Maybe we are just lowering our standards because Michelle was so easy.
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Guest R.Moncrief

I think Kate is just one of those girls, man. Packie mentioned it a dozen times so the whole virgin/prude thing must mean something. Eh, there's other girlfriends to get in the game via the online dating service.

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Yeah, Kate never has sex with you or gives you anything relevant aside from her storyline purposes.

Of the online women, only the stripper and the law chick will date you and give benefits (call to refill health and lower wanted levels respectively) with a third, through the ads, giving clothing discounts.

But yeah... Decided to fuck around for a bit to finish up whatever i felt like in the game. It isn't nearly as fun to go rampaging about in this one. I took a chopper up onto a building in Star Junction and used rockets and grenades on random shit after sniping and rifling people to get my wanted level up. It can be quite awe inspiring to see multiple cars/trucks blowing up with people flying away from them with all the lights about and such.

Also went into the one hospital you can go in with some molotovs and made the entire building my own personal burn ward. Wound up setting myself on fire by having one of the last people run right into me.

Picked up three separate prostitutes after noticing you can do different things. Hand job, blow job and sex. Quite surprised and a bit weirded out to see the chick climb on top and just go at Niko. Yeah, that stuff is in but other stuff is obscured or obliquely referenced (strippers, girlfriend sex, etc.)

Learned of this heart in the statue so I got myself a chopper and tried making it onto the area you have to be. Failed miserably multiple times. Then figured, to do it solo, just angle yourself at a corner and be perfectly level with where you want to land, fly straight in and the moment the blades hit exit the helicopter. You wind up flinging Niko right out. Was interesting, that's about it.

Watching Niko die by falling though gave me a rather amusing idea. So I went up the Empire State building and jumped off. Then got a helicopter and flew as high as possible over star junction and jumped out. Fell right into an oncoming car. Then tried it in middle park onto the big fountain there. Takes some skill to line up the landing, but it's quite fun.

But I really wish Rockstar (and other companies too) would add a replay feature or something so I can go and play missions whenever I want without having to save prior. I have a hankering to play some of the missions but don't feel like playing through the game over again. And the cheats this time around aren't as fun to just piss about with anymore.

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I am actually really tired of unloading clips into people and not killing them. I mean full fucking clips into the torso and chest and back and these fuckers just don't die. And then there is the occasional (or often) head shot that people walk away from. I JUST SHOT YOU IN THE FACE WITH A FUCKING PUMP, THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU DIE!

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I am actually really tired of unloading clips into people and not killing them. I mean full fucking clips into the torso and chest and back and these fuckers just don't die. And then there is the occasional (or often) head shot that people walk away from. I JUST SHOT YOU IN THE FACE WITH A FUCKING PUMP, THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU DIE!

No selling a shotgun to the head?!?

Thats worse than Hogan!

All jokes aside; that pisses me off too.

Also surviving a rocket blast, not cool :/

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I have completed the 10 most wanted on the police computer, yet no achievement :(

Also, I've flown under all the bridges, but one of them doesn't count for some reason, I've been under it several times and several different angles, but no confirmation (it's one of the ones on the third island that I've not unlocked yet. the most south-westerly bridge).

Same thing happened to me, the very western most bridge didn't take at first, but there's two bits of it, it's hard to describe, there's like land, water, land, more water, land. Just keep buzzing it and you'll unlock it eventually.

Ta, managed it now.

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