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Hell FUCKING Yes for Episode 21 of Gurren Lagann if only for:


I must have watched that scene like 15 times by now. I can't get enough of it. Of all the two people quoting things together, when this series began, you'd have never thought it to be them. Seriously, just an amazingly fucking epic part of the episode.
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Hell FUCKING Yes for Episode 21 of Gurren Lagann if only for:


I must have watched that scene like 15 times by now. I can't get enough of it. Of all the two people quoting things together, when this series began, you'd have never thought it to be them. Seriously, just an amazingly fucking epic part of the episode.

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Each new episode is released in Japan on Saturday morning. By Sunday, the RAWs are usually released without subtitles, and by Monday, the .mkvs and .avis are released with subtitles by BSSAnon.

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Well...I'm pissed. Watch ep 1-10 of Deathnote perfectly fine....then I pop in the disk with eps 11-20.....and the timing is out....

Checked ep 21-30 disk...........timing is also out. I are pissed.

Edited by Ruki
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And on a similar note. I have just finished death note. And I will say this for the series (spoilers for those who care not to know)

It was absolutely epic until Near was brought in, and the last episode itself was absolutely the worst way to end it in my opinion, while it had its closure, it just was the most obvious ending to an absolutely stellar series. I dare go to say that this episode ruined the complete series for me. At least I can take solace in the fact that 1-25 was done absolutely perfectly.
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And on a similar note. I have just finished death note. And I will say this for the series (spoilers for those who care not to know)

It was absolutely epic until Near was brought in, and the last episode itself was absolutely the worst way to end it in my opinion, while it had its closure, it just was the most obvious ending to an absolutely stellar series. I dare go to say that this episode ruined the complete series for me. At least I can take solace in the fact that 1-25 was done absolutely perfectly.
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Death Note movie >>>>>>>> Death Note everything else. My sister and I agree on this, but she objects to my claim that it was because Near and Mellow weren't in it.

I still haven't gotten around to watching those Gurren Lagann episodes. Nor have I made it past the first episode of Code Geass, despite the fact that it feels like months since I said I'd watch it (in this very thread, no less). I knew I wasn't cut out for this keeping up with current anime crap, if not for the awesomeness of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya I'd have given up trying by now. <_>

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Death Note movie >>>>>>>> Death Note everything else. My sister and I agree on this, but she objects to my claim that it was because Near and Mellow weren't in it.

I still haven't gotten around to watching those Gurren Lagann episodes. Nor have I made it past the first episode of Code Geass, despite the fact that it feels like months since I said I'd watch it (in this very thread, no less). I knew I wasn't cut out for this keeping up with current anime crap, if not for the awesomeness of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya I'd have given up trying by now. <_<

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So about a year ago I was borrowing anime from my ex, and for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the series. It's a bit weird, but I enjoyed it.

Basically this guy is sucked down a toilet, and through strange events becomes King of the Demons, or something along those lines. And to add to the weirdness....he is engaged to a guy, and neither of the two guys are gay. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I know the name of the anime was pretty fucked...

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Woohoo, I just noticed that my download of Episode 22 of Gurren Lagann finished, like, three hours ago. Go me being busy with work.

As an aside, I desperately need to seek out Flames of Rekka... I first saw some episodes of the anime just over three years ago with Lorina when we'd first started dating, and I got hooked on it, and then never finished the series. For over three years now I've sporadically thought about the anime and wished I could see it again :(

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I believe Flec means Kyo Kara Maoh...and I, too, have never watched it. I do however have yaoi/shounen-ai obsessed fangirl friends who have. Basically it's one of those series which is all well and good for mild entertainment, but goes on for 78 episodes when you really wonder whether there was any point in going beyond the 30-ish mark. Or so I'm told.

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I think I watched the first 15-25 eps, (whatever episode is on disk 8...), and I was enjoying it. But I honestly don't know how they could keep that kind of plot up for that long, just seems like over kill to me.

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So, Episode 22.

I thought they couldn't top the last episode, but damn. That set things up perfectly.


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No no, see the whole "timeskip" thing refers to an advance over the span of a few years in the anime. There are three time periods-- or two timeskips-- planned for Gurren Lagann. The first was how the anime started, second was episodes 17 through 22, now I'm assuming this third time period will be from 23 to 26, the end of the series.

I honestly can't wait. We're about to see Simon how he was in the very beginning of Episode 1, when we got a glimpse of the future.

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