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Iroh is the best character I've encountered so far.

I love how he confuses people by acting like he knows nothing but in reality he's a very knowledgeable and powerful old man. Like the earthbenders who try to take him to Ba Sing Se (spelling?).

You spelled it right. And yeah, that's the Spirit World episode/two-parter, right? That also has the first truly golden Sokka line in "Yeaaaaah. We're all gonna get eaten by a spirit monster. :)" But the Iroh scenes in it are really great for starting to show what a badass he actually is.

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Fucking Amazon. I nearly had a heart attack when I receive the promotional email entitled:

"Amazon.co.uk recommends "Azumanga Daioh - Vol. 5 and more"

I thought for a moment that there was an ultra, ultra brand new manga or something - but no, it's just DVD 5 of the anime. And I already have the anime, of course.

Don't prey on my emotions that way, stupid Jersey bastards. :angry:

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So, watched the first episode of NGE. I loved the opening theme, and I was surprised when I found out I had the dubs, so yay. I noticed that at times that the voices didn't match up 100% with the on screen action (maybe a tenth of a second behind?) Is this normal? Then I started to wonder, maybe I found a fandub.....that would suck, I want the real voices, not some bored people attempting to recreate the characters. Anyone have any links that would have a clip of the dub voices? Because I didn't expect that kids voice to be as annoying as it is, and I expected his father to have a deeper voice :shifty:

In closing, I enjoyed it. Now to find more time to watch <_<

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Lorina started watching Code Geass, she's been updating me sporadically as she watches it. Says she's enjoying it so far, but she's finding some similarities with Death Note in it apparently. I've still not watched it myself, but I might wind up doing so now that she is :P

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The only similarities I see are between the main protagonists. My friend has said that everything is so similar to Death Note, but to be honest, the setting, antagonists, side characters, dialogue are all so much more in depth than Death Note, they really are. I'm not haterising on Death Note, its just that it concentrates on just a few characters and a single storyline, whereas in Geas there are a number of intertwining stories that go on at once.

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The only real similarity between Code Geass and Deathnote is the calculating, manipulative, progressively-psychotic anti-hero. I can't think of any other.

Oh, except for a bit of "oh, I've got a fab new power, let me systematically explore what its boundaries are", but Code Geass doesn't do as much of that as Deathnote.

...And I suppose there's the "WHO IS KIRA/WHO IS ZERO" thing too.

Okay, so maybe there are three things. Feck off. ¬_¬

All that matters is Lelouch >>> Light, and Norro is required by law to watch the first series of Code Geass before we all start filling this place with spoiler boxes for the new one. You know it's true. :shifty:

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Hey don't get me wrong, Lorina started out loving Death Note and then quickly grew to hate it and, as far as I know, isn't being biased about her take on Geass :P

She's drawing similarities from how the main character is using his power, as well as what you guys said too, and the fact that technically the power can be used on a particular person only once. Also, stok: I was already planning on catching it anyway, so no complaints here :P

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and the fact that technically the power can be used on a particular person only once.

Because what you really need, when you have the ability to kill anyone just by knowing their name/face, is the ability to do it twice. :shifty:

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It's a really petty complaint though, isn't it? :P

Not like with Geass, when you can order someone to give you truthful answers about something, and then a few weeks later they're pointing a gun to a head and you can only think "would be really handy about now...well, shit".

Or maybe, just maybe, if you (episode 23 spoiler):


it would be useful to be able to override that as well. :@

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It's a really petty complaint though, isn't it? :P

It's not a complaint though, it's an observation. She's not talking it down because of it, she's just saying what she's noticed :P

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I think I found a good way to watch anime.....go to bed an hour or so before I usually do, and watch an episode or two. I have no idea what episode number I'm on, but I'm going through a good number.

But fuck, I went through my DVDs the other day and I still have all three FMP series, Chrono Crusade, and probably something else to go through. Then I have to re-get Code Geass, and a few others. Bah!

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Ok....just finished NGE......and.....and.....WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP WITH THE LAST TWO EPISODES!??!?!?!

I am so confused...my brain hurts....and well, I am not happy with the ending at all. Could someone please explain what the fuck happened during those last two episodes?

Also, watching AMV hell, I seen a few scenes that weren't in the series at all...

-Gendo pulling a gun on the scientist

-Shinji chocking the fuck outta the Second Child (whos name is escaping me right now....Asuka?)

Any help please?

Edit: Looking at wikipedia, it turns out that there are 2 movies or something. So I may need to hunt those down. Maybe the two notes in my spoiler tag is from the movies? But....wow, my head still hurts. I needz help.

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