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Watching Haruhi while I work on a project for school, I noticed something totally brilliant in the first two minutes:

Kyon: All I ever wanted was for an alien, time traveler, ghost, monster, esper, evil syndicate or the hero that fought them to just appear and say 'hey'.

Enter the SOS Brigade...:shifty:

Conclusion: Kyon can do the same shit Haruhi can.

In fact, watching the whole thing from the beginning, especially when you know what's going to happen, just makes it all the more brilliant.

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Well my laptop appears to have died a death, and I'm resigned to probably losing everything on it. I was caught up with everything except F/Z, where I was one episode behind, but even if I get my laptop fixed and back on Saturday (as I hope) then I shouldn't fall out of the loop too much on what I watch.. I really want to see the latest Fate/Zero too. :(

Oh and it looks like I've lost about 800 albums. Oh woe is me. :(

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Watching Haruhi while I work on a project for school, I noticed something totally brilliant in the first two minutes:

Kyon: All I ever wanted was for an alien, time traveler, ghost, monster, esper, evil syndicate or the hero that fought them to just appear and say 'hey'.

Enter the SOS Brigade...:shifty:

Conclusion: Kyon can do the same shit Haruhi can.

In fact, watching the whole thing from the beginning, especially when you know what's going to happen, just makes it all the more brilliant.

TV Tropes and a couple of places talk about fan theories suggesting that Kyon is really running the show, though he doesn't realize it.

EDIT: Found it!

Kyon very deliberately ignores any hinting that the Chessgame of Life may have a King (who decides the game) as well as a Queen (who has the power in the game); he refuses to acknowledge Tachibana flat out telling him that he has the power to transfer Haruhi's power
(from the Selective Obliviousness section)

Also, if you watch the background, or listen to some of the dialogue, it sets up for future stuff.

Edited by StevenRichardsRules
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Just finished episode 9 of Steins;Gate and....holy crap, shit is hitting the fan :o

Why the hell would he allow her to send a text without seeing what it was? He is the only one who remembers things, so, really, he is fucking shit up only for himself. First they try and change whats-his-face's gender and lose the IBN 5100, and now they let Feryus (I thought I'd like her...I find her annoying) send a text with unknown purpose and BAM! Fucking everything is different in the city.

My guess? She sent something to her Dad so that he wouldn't buy everything so that he would be home and would spend more time with her.

Really liking it. Thanks for getting me into it guys :D

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So, I'm all caught up on Guilty Crown (five episodes out of five). Here are my spoilered thoughts:

I think this show has a lot of potential. The way I see it, there's going to be a nice little plot of love between Shu and the wheel-chair tsundere Kallen expy, and uh, what's her face, that pink haired chick. Not to mention a lot of tension between Shu and Gai.

I also like the potential for all the crap that Shu can pull out of people.

Should be a fun show.

Now, to see if Japan's aired Fate/Zero or Bakuman yet. :shifty

Hmm, looks like Guilty Crown does bear some watching after all. Found this little gem on TVTropes:

When you have the director of Death Note, the writing duo behind Code Geass, and two members of Supercell in charge of music and character designs on the same show, this reaction is to be expected.


Not too bad though, watching four shows as they air. Bakuman, Fate/Zero, Guilty Crown and Mirai Nikki.

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Well, fuck it, I'm gonna do running thoughts on Mirai Nikki again. SInce I'm up late anyway.

Episode 6 awaaaaay!

- Uhhh, what is Yuno doing? ...she's breaking into Yukki's house. Awesome. Best girlfriend ever?

:shifty: But why did she need the tape exactly?

- That's just such a strange scene. You go from "awwww, Yuno's working on Yukki's house or something" to "uh, what's she doing with that sledgehammer?" to "she looks kinda cute (and creepy) as she breaks into Yukki's house with a large and ominous bag". Mood whiplash.

- A challenger has appeared!

- Oh, that's his mom. Is it a normal thing for Japanese moms to be super-affectionate and in their kids' faces? I've seen it on a few anime already. (His mom totally dies, doesn't she?)

- Oh, ominous girlfriend talk. "Yeah, mom, I've got a girlfriend, but she tends to murder everything. Can she come for supper?"

- Hahaha, Yuno's casualness after breaking and entering is awesome.

- Seriously, Yuno is awesome. I love that she finds it perfectly fine to show up when Yukki's expecting his mother, clean and cook for them and insist on introducing herself.

- This is so romantic-comedy-ish ... until the creepy shot of Yuno's eye from the crack in the closet.

- He's really working hard to avoid Yuno and his mother meeting. I know she's crazy and all, but wouldn't Yuno be on her best behaviour with his mother around? (Then again, Yuno does have a habit of killing parents.)

- Aaaaand awkward. Both his mom and his stalker have found his porn. Are we sure this ISN'T a romantic comedy?

- Are Yukki's mom and Yuno seriously planning the marriage already? They've ... just met.

- The fuck, mom? The fuck?

- Child with puppets. Well, we already know SHE's a diary owner. At least if the opening is anything to go by.

- Is that kid with the puppets a BOY? Really?

- I love the little message on Yukki's phone that says "we're out of toilet paper". That's a handy diary to have when shopping.

- Is Yukki's mom gonna encourage Yuno and Yukki to bump uglies?

- His mom has entirely too many nude photos of her son to be considered "normal".

- Was she .. listening to him in the bathroom? Apparently Yuno has some really weird fetishes.

- And Deus Ex is watching Yukki on the pot too. Is there like a camera or something?

- Plot explanations and stuff.

- Is that kid's diary the puppets? I guess that would make sense, if you think about the opening.

- Well, that kid with the puppets is totally going to be the one his mom is talking about. With the doctor being all "Revenge!" and Deus Ex's screen showing the kid, I think it's safe to say he's gonna play the "innocent child who wants to murder Yuno" role.

- I like how Yukki's mom is basically telling him not to fuck too loudly. Best parent ever!

- Condomize! (Seriously, his mom is working HARD to get him laid.)

- And Yuno's just gonna get naked. Yukki's complaining about worst day ever. Guessing he won't have that complaint for long. The crazy ones are always better!

- Ah! Giant eyes! (And probable parental issues. The plot thickens.)

- Yuno is so wonderfully creepy. From the scene with his eyes closed and hers wide open to the "aren't you going to jump on me?", she makes this worth watching.

- But, uh, how old are these kids? Aren't they like 15?

- "Cum together" joke here.

- "On July 28th, we're fucking." Pretty specific there, diary. Also, she's really into that thought.

- Holy shit. Giant Yuno eyes! Holy fuck. Those are some crazy "tools".

- Kids that cute are evil. Dementedly evil. Aaaaand that whole puppet "crunch, snap, pop" thing was fucking disturbing. I know he was probably brain-washed by the cult or something, but that kid is unsettling.

- Does he have a flower on his dress?

- Orgasm face while drawing. Creepy.

- Attempted murder using scissors. I'm just waiting for Yuno to bitch-slap him right away.

- And the kid has a diary, to the suprise of no one. Deus Ex promised it'd be interesting.

- Watching the closing credits, it's obvious which one the kid is (the one standing around all the covered corpes).

- ...making soup. That is all.

:angry: Someone on Youtube may have just fucking spoiled something for me. Cunt.

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Just finished it up as well. Here are my thoughts:

Nice contrast between the previous two episodes which was more or less Yuno doing her thing (meaning, going batshit in the name of love).

Needless to say, mom approves of Yuno; I wonder just how "encouraging" she'd be if she knew some of Yuno's uh, habits, not to mention the (literal) skeletons in her closet :shifty:

As for Yuki, seriously, stop being such a pussy. You don't have to sleep sleep with her, at least, not yet anyway, but for God's (or Deus's) sake, let her share the bed, man! This girl's saved your ass how many times? And it's only the sixth episode? Show her some love, damnit, crazy stalker be damned!

And ah yes, the kid. Pretty interesting accident he had with those scissors, eh? I mean, he could have killed a diary holder! :shifty:

Yeah, next episode is going to be crazy fun.

Also, do not eat the miso soup. That is all.

Edit: Might as well throw in my thoughts on Fate/Zero

Caster and his master are now marked men, and that's probably for the best.

Rider gets his shirt, but much to Waver's chagrin, he doesn't have pants. He might get a new pair if he beats Caster, though. Personally, I'd say fuck it and just go to Wal-Mart. It's Alexander the Great, for crying out loud, let the man have some pants.

Anyway, as Caster attempts to keep goading Saber on with the whole Joan of Arc thing, Kayneth sneaks into Einzbern Castle in an attempt to take Kiritsugu out, thus bringing the number of Servants left down to four, assuming Lancer and Saber manage to take out Caster, and then Lancer takes out Saber.

Also, Caster...what the hell?! Turning kids into Lovecraft's wet dream? Not cool.

And in the end, it's looking pretty bad for Kayneth.

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Well, I got my hard-drive back, got back to getting my anime.. and now all I'm getting is a green screen whenever I try and watch any of it. I got lucky and all my anime and music was saved to my EHD (which I now appear to have also broken - im having a nightmare this week) but yeah, I can't watch anything and I'm going round the bend trying to fix it.

I may kill people tomorrow.

EDIT: FIXED! Although I've wasted so much time I'll probably only get 1 episode watched (F/Z ep 6) but at least people won't die tomorrow. Now I just need to fix my External HD tomorrow (if its saveable) as the episode of Mirai Nikki i downloaded is on there an I want to watch it..

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.....5 minutes into MN6....

Yuno is fucking batshit insane.


Oh dear....crazy eyes! Is she gonna kill Yukki's mom? >_< She's so nice, though!

"I don't love you!"

"You'll fall in love with me"

...wow. Apparently they will sleep together.

OH GOD CRAZY EYES!............................SHE BROUGHT FUCKING TOOLS?! What the actual fuck? Yuno scares me.

This kid is cute....but there is something creepy about him. Oh....attempted murder. That's interesting. ....jesus, he has a diary? They're going to kill a kid?!

Steins;Gate episode 10!

Wait...Rukako actually changed gender? Because her mother ate more veggies? :/

Oh god! He's molesting him/her! He needs to get out of that time line NOW.

...he's being watched?! Creepy picture of jello! :o

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God, you're only on episose 10? You aren't even near the good stuff yet! Get watching Ruki!

I got through episode six and seven of Fate/Zero and I must say, it's probably the best anime on the go at the minute. I think everyone's being built up so well that I can't really imagine any of them dying first. You'd think Kiritugsu and Kirei would stay until the end as they appear to be building up as the biggest rivalry but then you have Saber/Lancer arc and also El-Melloi and Kiritgusu - plus Kiritgusu is coming off as a bit of a puff at the minute.

Got Gundam AGE, Mirai Nikki and Ben-To to watch, they're on my External HD which I then dropped and now it isn't connecting. Hopefully the HD has just dislodged and can be re-attached as opposed to being broken (since it has all my music on it which I thought I'd lost, then realised I still had, so if I'm to lose it again I'll be gutted - and feel like it's some weird Final Destination for music kind of thing where I cheated and now it's determined to be lost forever... :shifty: )

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Told you.

So, where am I up to, well - Fate/Zero.

Seven episodes in and, as said, it's awesome. My favourite. The characters are so well built, Caster is killing fucking children for God's sake! How dark and twisted can you get? And people think anime is childish...

Mirai Nikki, episode six. Seriously, what a fucking nutter. Just downright mental, she was going to kill Yuki's mam. And Yuki's mam is a nutter as well. All fucking nuts. As is the puppet child. Nutter! Much like spherical head before him. And the creepy blind girl. And the terrorist. ALL FUCKING NUTS.

Gundam AGE, episode six. If you've read my posts so far you'll know where this is going. I'm so intrigued as to who the Unknown Eenemy (UE) is/are that I'm watching almost painful anime to get there. I mean, some of the situations they are in are ridiculous.

"Emily? Where did Emily go!? Where could she be."

"Look, Emily!"

*Emily stood next to lamp-post about 10 yards in front of them."

Big butch man: "Riria!?"

Flit: "What's wrong?"

Big butch man: "It's Riria.. I think she went to the city above.."

Why would that be your first conclusion? It's just so forced and bordering on ridiculous it's hard to watch. But I must know who the UE are, so I keep watching..

Ben-To, episode six. What an enjoyable series this has become with an interesting plot line. I thought it would be good before week one, then I was a bit underwhelmed, now I'm champing at the bit for the next episodes. Really enjoyable.

Just Guilty Crown to watch now and I'm back on track.

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