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Seriously! Was NOT expecting that....one of the most evil things I've seen in an anime.

Oh, hey there dead Assassin.

.....oh shit. Is that fucking Gilgamesh?

All Caster had to say was "Cthulhu fhtagn", I went ":o OH FUCK."

Then: ^_^ Don't worry, you're free to go.


That was twisted, yet morbidly hysterical at the same time :shifty:

And yes, that is Gilgamesh, though to be more precise in this anime, Archer.

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Seriously! Was NOT expecting that....one of the most evil things I've seen in an anime.

Oh, hey there dead Assassin.

.....oh shit. Is that fucking Gilgamesh?

All Caster had to say was "Cthulhu fhtagn", I went ":o OH FUCK."

Then: ^_^ Don't worry, you're free to go.


That was twisted, yet morbidly hysterical at the same time :shifty:

And yes, that is Gilgamesh, though to be more precise in this anime, Archer.

I hope to see more evil Caster! And I forgot Saber's sword was invisible for the most part.

So, Archer=Gilgamesh, and from what you said before, Lancer=Beserker. Interesting.

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Seriously! Was NOT expecting that....one of the most evil things I've seen in an anime.

Oh, hey there dead Assassin.

.....oh shit. Is that fucking Gilgamesh?

All Caster had to say was "Cthulhu fhtagn", I went ":o OH FUCK."

Then: ^_^ Don't worry, you're free to go.


That was twisted, yet morbidly hysterical at the same time :shifty:

And yes, that is Gilgamesh, though to be more precise in this anime, Archer.

I hope to see more evil Caster! And I forgot Saber's sword was invisible for the most part.

So, Archer=Gilgamesh, and from what you said before, Lancer=Beserker. Interesting.


No. I'll put Berserker's real identity into this spoiler box, but seriously, unless you do not want this ruined, I mean, this is like Vader's reveal to Luke spoilers.

Berserker is not Cu Chuliain, the Lancer from Fate/Stay Night.

Berserker's real identity is Lancelot. That Lancelot.

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Anyone know if Soul Eater is worth watching? I have no idea what it is, but the opening looked cool. :shifty:

Kinda tempted to start watching Seitokai Yakuindomo as well. Seems fun and interesting (and a lot like Haruhi, which is never a bad thing).

Pretty much done Ghost Hound (on episode 19 of 22). It's actually really good. I love any kind of mystery and it's ALL mystery. Thus far, I've always felt like I almost get it and then there's a twist that makes it more interesting. And cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers.

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Finished up Episode 6 of Fate/Zero, as well as Elfen Lied.

Thoughts on Elfen Lied;

Gore :shifty: . Definantly the darkest anime I've seen since Death Note. A bit enjoyable, though.

Fate/Zero episode 6:

A little bit of a slower pace this week. Caster apparently thinks that Saber is Joan of Arc, and he has a crush on her. I also love that after Kayneth (Lancer's Master) reveals how safe he is in the hotel with all the traps and what not, that Emiya blows the damn thing up.

Also, turns out that Kotomine Risei is calling bullshit on Caster and his master killing everyone, and decides to have all the other masters take them out. I'm sure hillarity will ensue. This does not bode well for Caster.

And finally, the seeds of the relatioship between Kirei and Gilgamesh are planted.

Though, NO RIDER :angry:

Also, I suggest you guys check out Bakuman. It's from the same team that did Death Note. It's the story of two junior high school kids (One of which strongly resembles Light) that decide they want to become mangaka. It's slice of life, but so far I'm three episodes in and liking it.

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Mirai Nikki Episode 5

I keep hearing that the opening is full of spoilers, yet I can't seem to really notice anything. Well, I did notice the "Happy End or Dead End" thing flash. And the comb that one of the diary owners uses in the first episode. And the outline of another diary owner with what looks like a baker's hat on could relate to the skull scene, where the most prominent skull has a baker's hat on it.

Also, anyone remember in the first episode, where the police chief said to First (who he didn't know was Yukki) "I will lay you to waste"? Yeah, they're trusting that guy.

Have I mentioned I love Yuno? Because I do.

That egg/soccer ball thing (that cracks and bleeds in the opening) shows up. Apparently, it has something to do with Sixth.

Woah, are they ... raping her? Whaaaat? Holy fuck, this is dark. Wow.

Huh? Didn't Yukki just choose Sixth (which means he should die)? He's having his cake and eating it too.

Police chief just now shut off the sprinklers. Heh. He could have sent the kids to do that, but he's happy to let the kids deal with the shit going down while he casually re-adjusts the sprinklers.

Eyeball guy is awesome. Someone mentioned he is like Hard Gay and now I can't get that comparison out of my head. Anyways, the righteous diary is pretty cool.

Oh no, trash!!1!

Huh, he just set her free. This guy is crazy as hell, but not without his own twisted set of morals.

Hahaha, Yuno's a dick. Take that, visually impaired!

Yes, blind girl. Push the nutcase! That'll work out well. :shifty:

Twelfth is blind? Really? Then how the hell did he manage to do any of this?

Ahahaha, I love the Super Sentai tones Twelth gives off. :D Quintwelfth. Awesome.

I love how none of the three diary owners respond to Twelfth. Just completely dumfounded.

"Those who can't even greet will eventually turn into villians!" (May be my line of the night.)

Now I'm curious about who can be trusted. I want to say it's Blind Girl, just because of how bad she had it in the cult, but I'm not really sure. Also, Twelfth is pretty commited to his quest against evil.

Wow, Yuno's an epic badass. That was a really smart plan.

Well, cock. Sixth was a bad guy. I kinda figured but yeah, dick move, blind girl.

Kissing Yukki. That can only mean bad things, blind girl. You DON'T piss Yuno off.

Well, Blind Girl DID protect her diary. She was less successful at protecting her arm.

I'm wishing Twelfth wasn't actually dead. He was awesome.

Yuno's got some sweet under all that crazy.

Wondering what the cop and cosplay chick are planning.

WTF are they doing to Blind Girl. The fuck.

Awww, Yuno. :wub:

What. The. Fuck. WTF, rape? Nooot cool, Blind Girl.

Slightly creepy that Yuno's already decided Yukki will be her first, but we'll put that aside for now.

Did that flashback stuff actually happen? I really don't remember some of that. But still, sweet. Granted, this is all while rape is about to be happening but yeah.

Awww, he chooses you, Pikachu!

Messed up but sad moment for Sixth. She was an evil bitch, but sad still.

No, Yukki, don't just write the "house full of bodies" thing off. No!

But awww, kiss.

Email addresses, huh? Hmm, interesting. Heel turn on the way, I'm guessing.

Watching the ending and kind of picking up a few of the diary owners' identities. Or at least what their jobs are. I love that Twelfth has headphones on and is watching some sort of Super Sentai show.

Ahahaha, the bit after the credits is great. Not only the animation techniques (claymation and the like) but just Twelfth is general. Hard-o Gay-noooo! Ha, and Murmur "sells" him his diary too. That's wonderful.

(How can Twelfth do all of this if he's blind though?)

Edited by StevenRichardsRules
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Regarding Twelfth:

He has incredibly good hearing. That's how Yuno took him out

As for the show

So, this is Third, Sixth and Twelfth dead, with just First, Second, Fourth and Ninth revealed.

Pretty good episode, though Sixth was kind of psychotic (I say 'kind of' because she really can't hold a torch to Yuno), you really can't help but feel bad for the raw deal she got. Born blind, parents run a cult, parents die, 'oh hey, now you'll get gang raped every day, have fun.'

Also, apparently any damage at all to the diary makes you go poof. Man, it would suck if you accidentally dropped it or got pushed into a pool or something.

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Will edit in feelings here....but I just wanna say, with the new surround sound system I got...the opening theme SOUNDS AWESOME.

Jesus....did they seriously rape Sixth?

:( Poor girl.

Bwahaha..."Trash was discovered beside the desk."


*cleans it up*

Bye bye Twelth! Not sure why the fake ones looked the other way. I thought they'd have to destroy the recorder, not just him :/

OH SHIT! SIXTH IS A TOTAL BITCH! AndYuno is pissssssed.

And knocked out.

And now they're going to rape Yuno? :( This series doesn't pull any punches....

Hopefully he isn't falling in love with the crazy-murderer...

And really? A tiny hole in her diary and he's dead? Weak! And that's two down this episode....so, a total of 3!

He kissed the crazy girl?!

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If he puts his tongue far enough down her throat, he can suck the crazy out.

But seriously, Mick

I still don't get how Twelfth could have captured and chained up Terrorist Chick (Fourth?) and made his way to some secret base inside the cult headquarters. And synced up this big routine and charged at where Sixth was and all that.

Hell, how could he help an old lady across the street or know kids were throwing rocks at him? He's blind!

Unless he's Daredevil. If he's Daredevil, then nevermind.

Edited by StevenRichardsRules
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If he puts his tongue far enough down her throat, he can suck the crazy out.

But seriously, Mick

I still don't get how Twelfth could have captured and chained up Terrorist Chick (Fourth?) and made his way to some secret base inside the cult headquarters. And synced up this big routine and charged at where Sixth was and all that.

Hell, how could he help an old lady across the street or know kids were throwing rocks at him? He's blind!

Unless he's Daredevil. If he's Daredevil, then nevermind.

Twelfth has 'super hearing'. Terrorist chick is Ninth; the cop is Fourth. Anyway, Ninth was in incredible pain, and he 'helped' her out, drugged her, and then took her eye. Not really sure how he got under the cult, but I assume the Justice Diary told him that the cult was up to some bad shit, and he pretended to be one of them. He did hypnotize everyone there, including four people to act as imposters.

In the manga, Yuno pretends to throw the rock with her right hand, which fakes out the four dummies (Since they can see). However, by throwing it with her left hand, the real Twelfth glances to where it went, thus ID'ing him.

Unless I missed something and other kids were throwing rocks at him :shifty:

Oh, at the end. I see. In the manga, he doesn't go into much detail about it; If the kids were making fun of him and rocks were hitting him at the same time, I guess putting two and two together wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

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Finished up Bakuman; apparently there's a second season that's airing right now. So, I gotta get caught up on that and then it's just a waiting game. Need to findout when it's released too.

Still, not too bad considering the only reason I watched it was because it was from the same pair that created Death Note. I didn't think it was as interesting as DN, but a magic notebook that can kill people is kind of hard to top; plus they're different genres.

Still, fun series, some decent humor thrown in, pretty enjoyable, check it out if you get a chance.

Now what to watch :shifty:

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I didn't realize Guilty Crown was airing right now, so I'll have to start watching that.

Finished up, or rather, I should say I'm all caught up with Bakuman; reading the manga now, but there is a lot of chapters to read. This might take a while. :shifty:

Right now, I'm going to watch "Tsukihime". It's done by the same company that did Fate, started off as a visual novel and then exploded. Here's the synopsis:

Shiki Tohno sustained a life threatening injury as a child, and due to that incident he was sent away from the Tohno household and was given to a relative to be raised. Years later, when Shiki is in high school, the head of the Tohno household--his father--dies, and he is ordered to move back in by his sister Akiha, who is the new head of the household. However, Shiki holds a huge secret. Ever since that injury, he has been seeing lines on objects, and only with a special pair of glasses is he able to stop seeing them. Also he is unable to remember anything well from the time before his accident. The day he moves back to the Tohno household is the day he stumbles upon a woman named Arcueid Brunstud and decapitates her with one stab of his knife in a temporary fit of insanity. When she suddenly showed up beside him later alive and well, and ask him to be her bodyguard, Shiki's journey to unravel the mysteries of his past begins.

Though, this is only 12 episodes, was published in 2003, and the manga finished running last year. I'm assuming this is just based off the game, though.

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