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So, watching Queen's Blade. While it has an interesting story, this has the most fan service I've ever seen in something that wasn't hentai. More so then To Love-Ru, which is really saying something.

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Accel World Finale:

I enjoyed watching Nomi squirm like a worm. That's what that little bastard gets.

Anyway, it was what it was, the final battle could've been drawn out a little more, but that was fine.

I was coming in to say the exact same thing! Fuck that kid! But yeah, the battle could have been drawn out a little bit longer.

But this show really needs a second season. We need to know what happens with the Calamity armor!

Part way through the SAO episode...Kirito has changed SO MUCH since the beginning of the game. He used to be a dark, brooding solo player. Now he is cheerful and stuff? BOO! Marriage changed him.

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I was coming in to say the exact same thing! Fuck that kid! But yeah, the battle could have been drawn out a little bit longer.

But this show really needs a second season. We need to know what happens with the Calamity armor!

Yeah, good call. They made such a big deal about it with Chrome Disaster, and I think it was only a factor once, when Arita got really fucking pissed at Nomi. Other than that, nothing happened at all. With all they shit they were playing up against, we really didn't see much of the shit that was alluded to, like what happens when you reach Level 10, or more abuse of the whole willpower thing.

Also, I will say this for Queen's Blade. It's got a pretty intro song.

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I've started watching SD Gundam Sangokuden, since I've finished a couple of other shows lately, it's 51 episodes of 10 minute shorts telling the Three Kingdoms era with miniature Gundams. It's quite childish, but given it combines the Three Kingdoms and Gundam, I had to watch it. It's alright actually, pretty interesting. Although I can definitely say that Jiao, Bao and Liang did not transform into one giant sorcerer in the historical story like they did in the last episode I watched :shifty:

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Sword Art Online: Episode 13

Although it started off almost slice of lifish, shit quickly got real based on the new boss that everyone seems to be having trouble with. Pretty decent episode, with nice developments to how Asuna really feels towards Kirito, as well as leaving on good cliffhanger in the middle of the boss fight. I also like how we see just how badass Asuna is, taking out that massive fish with one strike while everyone else basically stayed back shitting in their pants.

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Yeah I thought it was going to be a rubbish episode of Sword Art Online with nothing being done but it was pretty good in the end, crazy looking boss too.

Accel World OVA1 is out too, it's a bit weird and pervy but it's nice to see the gang again so soon. :shifty:

Also been watching Dragon Ball Z (nearly finished the Ginyu series, Jheese is awesome..), finished Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 at last, took me ages. Also been watching Saikano (which is a bit rubbish) Gundam Sangokuden (3 Kingdoms Gundam, which is alright) and just started Shinsekai yori - which seems a little strange and I didn't really understand the first episode so hopefully it gets explained a bit more soon.

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Apparently there is an anime coming out that is based off of the Sega vs. Nintendo console war....and it's a fantasy based anime. It's called Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de.

Anyone hear anything abotu it? Reviews and the like?

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Yeah I saw it bigged up but don't really know anything else about it. I imagine it'll be interesting but probably quite rubbish unfortunately, but I'll give it a watch anyways. Who doesn't love that idea for a concept?

K has started airing and I've just watched the first episode. Brilliant stuff. Lovely characters designs with lots of different coloured hair and an interesting story even if it hasn't fully been explained yet - the characters seem interesting and likeable/dislikeable. Only slated for 13 episodes so will be a lot to squeeze in it seems so hopefully it doesn't seem rushed but also doesn't miss large sections at once. If done well it has the potential to be one of my favoured anime of the year I think.

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Well, as predicted I'm not feeling too clever so a day off work it is for me. Got a little bit watched last night, and will watch some more stuff today probably.

Uchuu Kyoudai/Space Brothers E27

Consistently one of my favourite programs for the past 7 months or so. It's witty, interesting and heart warming for the most part and moves seemlessly from plot to plot without really skipping a beat. The characters are likeable and well developed and there are genuine moments that have made me laugh. Well worth watching as at no point since it's beginning have I thought about not watching an episode as soon as possible.

Sword Art Online E14

Probably my favourite episode of the series yet. Heathcliff turns heel and reveals himself to be the games immoral game creator and duels with Kirito. Asuna sacrifices herself and Kirito and Heathcliff both kill each other. Turns out Kirito is alive in hospital at the end though and gets up to find Asuna, who you would probably assume to also be alive somewhere. So it looks like the second half of the series will focus on the real world aspect of the characters.

Code:Breaker E1

One of my most anticipated shows so far and the first episode was pretty solid. There wasn't really anything new or surprising as pretty much everything that has been in the trailers and plot synopsis' was played out here. I was a bit sad with the dog part, mind. But yeah, it seems like the sort of show I enjoy. Nice character design, colourful hair, and an interesting plot. Fingers crossed it proves to be good as I anticipated.

EDIT: Also has anyone watched part 1 of Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito? I really enjoyed it - looking forward to the next 3 episodes. :)

Edited by IAceI
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So, To Love-Ru Darkness is out, continuing the greatest ecchi-harem-slice of life comedy series ever.

And boy, did the censors butcher the shit out of it :( .

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Wait, Ace, are there more episodes coming? I don't know what else they could do. I think 5+ episodes of their life outside of the game would be super lame. One, MAYBE two...but other than that, no way!

...and how the hell does will-power work in a machine?! He should have stayed dead!

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Since they seem to be following the plot of the manga so closely, re: SAO and future episodes (contains manga spoilers/probable series spoilers)

Kirito and Asuna meet and start dating IRL, then they plunge into playing Alfheim Online. They'll probably do the Alfheim arcs, then start in on Gun Gale Online and eventually get to where they are now in the manga, UnderWorld.

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