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Which makes them the joint second highest rated shows I have. It doesn't really matter on the 'number', just where they place. I only have one show rated as a 9, none as a 10. I'm just hard to please in that respect. I mean, 10 means perfect. No flaws at all. And Gundam Wing is my fave anime so that needs to be on a slightly higher pedestal.

Shut up all (both) of you! :(

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In contrast, I have my 10's as:

Outlaw Star, Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Steins;Gate, Fate/Zero (of course! :shifty), Mirai Nikki, Nichijou, and Azumanga Daoih. There's quite a few 9's.

Most of the stuff I do watch tends to be a home run as far as how much I like it. The worst stuff I've seen is Green Green (it's a summer camp ecchi comedy, apparently). My ratings are skewed do to how I feel about something. Samurai Champloo wasn't exactly my cup of tea, so it got a seven; I might have given it such a low grade (for me, anyway) because of issues with my videos at that time that irritated me. On the other hand, Cowboy Bebop isn't my cup of tea either, but I gave it a nine.

There's the elite, the good stuff, the 'meh stuff' (Which I say helped me kill time) and shit. Green Green is shit, Samurai Champloo isn't, but whatever.

Still so much I want to watch but I just can't bother with. Like Dragon Ball (might take a fucking while), Trigun, and a whole range of others.



Off to a slow start, but I have the feeling that will change, given it's relation to Steins;Gate and Chaos;Head.

Girls Und Panzer

Good idea, annoying execution.

To Love-Ru Darkness

Screwed by the censors :( .

Poor To Love-Ru Darkness. I won't bother to summarize the plot, but I should explain why I like this series. You see, the mangaka based one of the characters (the main human love interest) off his wife. Well, his wife turned out to be a psychopath, kidnapped his doctor and demanded part of the royalties since this character was based off her. It actually caused the cancellation of the original To Love-Ru manga. So, the mangaka gets his daughter back, not sure what happened to the wife, and started up To Love-Ru Darkness, making the main human love interest have less of a role. It's because of these circumstances that I have choose to watch it, so I can support the other it my own unique way. :shifty:

Also, it's fucking hysterical. The main hero.....he's a total badass, pretty much what any guy in high school would want to be. But when it comes to women....he's a total bufoon with horribly funny luck.

It is a good show though, trust me.

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Which is where the ratings system falls down for MAL really. Because we base our ratings off the same idea, but award different numbers slightly differently. So a 10 for someone may only be an 8 for me, even if the love for it is equal from both people. Anyways, MAL is mainly used by me to keep track and the odd recommendation - although you can clearly tell some of them are written by 12 year olds "these shows are similar coz both main members of the cast have blue hair" and so on and so forth, but you can sometimes do alright. Plus you can see the popular shows a mile off as SOA is rated about 44th best anime, it's like going onto the forums of Anime News Network and seeing morons talk about things. :shifty:

Anyways, watched episode 3 of Code: Breaker. Looks like they're introducing a few more nice and early which is good as Ogami can't really just go around burning everyone for 13 episodes.

Also up to episode 19 of Full Metal Panic. Great show. :)

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Just finished episode 2...Yua seemed kinda boring and then got really interesting really fast.

Taku is still totally unlikeable.

But overall, liking the story, liking the art style...love everything by these guys! So, this inhabits the same world as Steins;Gate and Robotics;Note, right?

Also? The ending theme seems way too upbeat and happy.

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Episode 2 has my absolute favorite moment in Chaos;Head, and possibly one of the top anime bits I've seen. It's the part where Yua gets creepy. It is creepy, don't you think? Yes, it's creepy. It's definitely creepy.

Anyway, it's creepy.

You agree, right?

You. Agree. Right?

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I've been reading(and now watching)High School of The Dead. I like it but man it could do without all the ridiculously huge tits that are in it.

Edit:Holy shit the anime is even worse about the fan service.

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Aoi Sekai no Chuushin, the anime based on the Sega vs Nintendo thing has episode 1 released. Gonna download/watch!

Edit: And Robotics;Note continues to be awesome!

Edit 2:

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin is not very good at all. The pacing is horrible, it seems like it will be super fan-servicy (one punch from Sonic destroys a girls top!), and they didn't really set the stage for me to care about why Sega is losing the war and why Nintendo is evil :/

The art was pretty, though.

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I know you haven't really endorsed it but I may give it a watch still if I have a spare 22 minutes.

Fell a bit behind this week so watched Psycho-Pass and Robotics;Note last night, both good. Really enjoying R;N. Got Zetsuen no Tempest watched as well which is a pretty good show for something I just picked up on a whim when it came out. Last time I checked Code: Breaker hadn't been subbed yet which is a bit annoying.

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Just finished Chaos;Head episode 5...this show is so confusing. But also so good.

Comparing the three series...Chaos seems much more darker right off the bat, Steins starts off normal then goes crazy...will be interesting to see how Robotics goes.

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Robotics;Note 4

That new girl who's name I can't remember...the one who goes 'time to fap' 'kthnx' 'facedesk' is kinda weird. Not sure i like her.

But the thing at the end? The 'Can you hear me?' was kinda creepy.

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I've been getting caught up on all my current shows, still got a few more to watch but got Robotics;Note watched. I really like it, not sure what to make of Frau Kujiro though - I saw her in the opening sequence and thought she looked an interesting character, she reminds me a lot of the girl from Steins;Gate who only texts people with all the 'txt spk' etc. - will see how she develops. I like the program though, and the elephant-mouse syndrome thing. Think it's going to be a really good show.

Everything else is super duper too it seems, K isn't as good as I wanted it to be but still solid and enjoyable. Not sure when I'll get the chance to watch the rest because I'm going away this weekend and not sure when I'll get an internet connection sorted so hopefully not too long that I fall behind.

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Another really good episode of Robotics;Note.

We are slowly stepping away from the cutesy robotics storyline and entering the batshit insanity that the series is known for.

The world is ending! And Sister Centipede is kind of interesting. She is the one who said "Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes" in the first episode...maybe she has a di-sword :o

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