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Your Best Gaming Experiences

NobBe Nobbs

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Exactly what it says on the tin, I'll start.

1) I have beaten my brother at Super Smash Brothers Melee first with one hand, then with my feet, then with one eye closed and one hand and finally, for my piece de resistance, beat him upside down, head hanging off the end of his bed. I was very proud.

2) In a similar line, I beat the entire Soul Calibur II story mode with one hand. Kilik kicks ass.

3) I've been so sexy delicious while playing Guitar Hero III that one watcher asked "Dude, how fast was your fucking hand?"


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1. I was playing Super Smash Bros. (64) with a friend of mine yesterday, and in the middle of the battle he goes "This is ridiculous, I've never been beaten this badly at this game."

2. A few months ago I was playing Mario Kart 64 with a buddy, and we were on Rainbow Road. I was feeling pretty good about myself because I was pretty far ahead, then he does the shortcut jump at the very beginning of the level, and while I'm driving full-speed, he lands directly on top of my character. It was epic, and I would be surprised if it had ever been done before.

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-Completing Resistance was great. There was some missions in game that I thought I'd never do.

-Last night, (on Burnout: Paradise) having my car in Critical Condition, only taking down 1 car with a minute to go and needing 6 more to get the "win" on my license...and doing it. (H)

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At Gamestop in about '06 they had Smash Brothers in the store playable for some reason, so I played occasionally. And this guy who worked there would consistently drop whatever he was doing to fight me whenever I came in. I beat him every time, leaving him dumbstruck because he was playing characters like Falco and Captain Falcon and I stuck to Bowser in every match. On one particular day, after I beat him for the third time in a row, he finally exasperatedly exclaimed "Man, you play Bowser like a cat on crack." It remains the single best compliment in regards to my ability at video games that I've ever gotten.

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Winning a PES6 tournament round my mates with Portsmouth. I was 1-0 down with ten minutes on the clock, so for the final minutes of the game I played five up top with Linvoy Primus leading the line. Eventually won 2-1 with Nugent getting both.

That was all great, but my £15 winners made it greater :D

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I've had alot of great experiences playing Pro Evo fixed player mode with 3 of my mates. Including a World Cup Final as Wales with not one, but two last minute equalizers to take the game to penalties and win. It's actually amazingly fun if you ignore that crap computer team mates.

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On SVR08, it was a triple threat handicap match and these two guys pretty much beat the hell out of me in a Hell in a Cell match and they eventually go outside and up to the top of the cell. But they've forgot about me just sitting down the bottom, fully red. So, both guys go through the top of the cell, I spring up, pin the one that's out cold, get the win and keep my title. I could hear Michael Cole screaming "NOT THIS WAY!".

Finally nailing the solo in Cliffs of Dover on hard on GHIII was epic as well and probably won't be recreated.

A last minute Adriano volley to beat my mate in the last of our 'Best of 3'. Was wonderful.

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Beating Earthbound was awesome, because it was one of the first games to truly engross me in its plot.

Having a multi-tap and playing 4 player Bomberman on the SNES was amazing as a kid. Also, playing Goldeneye for hours and hours was also amazing. I can't play games for that long anymore, I always lose interest after an hour or so. But I could play almost any game on the N64 or SNES and be hooked for a whole day.

More recently, the first time I scored a goal in NHL 07 using the new skill stick was amazing. I felt like I had actually scored instead of simply hitting a button.

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Completing Sonic 2 (with all Chaos Emeralds etc.) with a time of 56 minutes.

It took me days to get that time, especially with the amount of times it'd be like "Oh shit, I've fallen down there and will have to go the long way round. Well, that's fucked up this level. *reset game*" :shifty:

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The look on the face of some random guy I was playing Tekken 4 against in the arcade; I was using a character I wasn't too good with and he asked if he could join in, used Paul Phoenix, and kicked my ass....then got completely owned when I switched to King and proceeded to annihilate him (Perfect last round of the fight).

Playing Tekken 4 at home, I had a really good fight vs. Kazuya using Eddy Gordo (yeah, the Christie pallete swap) and beat him without taking any damage at all the entire fight (juggle comboed the fuck out of him, and yes I did save the fight to my memory card).

(I've had to adjust my fighting style on the PS2 Tekken games, because I suck at using the d-pad for complex combos and don't have a joystick controller, so I rarely use King anymore - I have trouble just trying to pull off the Figure 4, let alone any of the killer combos; I could MURDER people using King on an arcade machine, but use Lee Chaolan, Bryan Fury or Julia Chang (Tekken Tag, 4 and 5) or Raven (Tekken 5) * when playing on the PS2)

* I'm also decent with Fang Wei and Asuka on Tekken 5, but just prefer to use the others I mentioned.

Also, finishing all 3 Xenosaga games. Too bad the series got cut short, because its my favorite non-Final Fantasy RPG series.

Coming very close to winning a lightsaber-only battle royal when I was in a Dark Forces II gaming clan ranks very high up there; It was a first to 50 kills wins match, and I had 49 kills when the battle ended; unfortunately, I respawned halfway across the map on my last death, or I probably would have won.

Most of my other favorite gaming experiences come from various MMOs I've played.

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