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TNA iMPACT! video game


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The fact that this is 2008 and they spent 2.5 years on the game makes the 'it is their first game' line no excuse for the lack of features. In addition to the Q and A basically admitting that 'yes. we DID promise stuff, but we didnt have time. Expect it in the next one though! Unless of course we dont have time again...'

Think of it like this.

Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark :pervert: )

Even Smackdown 1, for the Playstation, had more superstars, more moves, more weapons, backstage areas. I think you get my point.

Should the game with it being the first in the series been on par with the Smackdown games (even if you think those suck too..) no, not really, but there were plenty of things they could have done to make it better, that they didn't. I mean, one weapon? 8 moves per person? Give me a break.

Sure, they didn't have a previous game as a base to build off, but they did have years of SD as a reference. And should have known what the standard for wrestling games were. That said, I still want to play, But I'm definitely waiting to find it for less then 30.

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The fact that this is 2008 and they spent 2.5 years on the game makes the 'it is their first game' line no excuse for the lack of features. In addition to the Q and A basically admitting that 'yes. we DID promise stuff, but we didnt have time. Expect it in the next one though! Unless of course we dont have time again...'

Think of it like this.

Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark :pervert: )

Even Smackdown 1, for the Playstation, had more superstars, more moves, more weapons, backstage areas. I think you get my point.

Should the game with it being the first in the series been on par with the Smackdown games (even if you think those suck too..) no, not really, but there were plenty of things they could have done to make it better, that they didn't. I mean, one weapon? 8 moves per person? Give me a break.

Sure, they didn't have a previous game as a base to build off, but they did have years of SD as a reference. And should have known what the standard for wrestling games were. That said, I still want to play, But I'm definitely waiting to find it for less then 30.

As said, back then wrestlers took about a week to create, now they take around 1-3 months each. There is a complete difference and thus comparing any next gen game to a game two generations old is irrelevant.

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Midway, like they used to, feature more on the gameplay then features, I get that, and respect that. A good engine is always something to appreciate. But being so light on features and matches, is REALLY going to hurt them. Mainly because there's only so many times you can say "Yeah, our matches are going to be great." New features and stuff are the highest selling point, because, as the Q&A shows, that's what people want, and ask for. That's why THQ's perfectly willing to throw out an oldfeature, replace it with a new one, and hype the hell out of it for months and months, because the modes and roster depth, and match possibilities, and such, is what both lengthens the amount of time people will keep playing, and makes it more likely to sell.

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Though if it was delayed any longer though, it wouldn't be acceptible unless you're name was Axl W. Rose.

That and if they did, chances are the roster would've changed significantly by the time they got that stuff working, which would've meant further delays, and then by then people would've wanted MORE features to be put in etc.

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Delaying by another half year would have been decent. Get people working harder on instilling/taking out a few wrestlers that are/arent with the company anymore, and pack features into the game to make it look sell worthy and replayable.

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The fact that this is 2008 and they spent 2.5 years on the game makes the 'it is their first game' line no excuse for the lack of features. In addition to the Q and A basically admitting that 'yes. we DID promise stuff, but we didnt have time. Expect it in the next one though! Unless of course we dont have time again...'

Think of it like this.

Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark :pervert: )

Even Smackdown 1, for the Playstation, had more superstars, more moves, more weapons, backstage areas. I think you get my point.

Should the game with it being the first in the series been on par with the Smackdown games (even if you think those suck too..) no, not really, but there were plenty of things they could have done to make it better, that they didn't. I mean, one weapon? 8 moves per person? Give me a break.

Sure, they didn't have a previous game as a base to build off, but they did have years of SD as a reference. And should have known what the standard for wrestling games were. That said, I still want to play, But I'm definitely waiting to find it for less then 30.

One last thing to say about this. Personally, I only use 1 weapon and 8 moves anyways. (usually the match is done before I get to the 8th move lol)

And face it, yes SD1 had more features but it was a horrible game. Even for it's time.

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The fact that this is 2008 and they spent 2.5 years on the game makes the 'it is their first game' line no excuse for the lack of features. In addition to the Q and A basically admitting that 'yes. we DID promise stuff, but we didnt have time. Expect it in the next one though! Unless of course we dont have time again...'

Think of it like this.

Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark :pervert: )

Even Smackdown 1, for the Playstation, had more superstars, more moves, more weapons, backstage areas. I think you get my point.

Should the game with it being the first in the series been on par with the Smackdown games (even if you think those suck too..) no, not really, but there were plenty of things they could have done to make it better, that they didn't. I mean, one weapon? 8 moves per person? Give me a break.

Sure, they didn't have a previous game as a base to build off, but they did have years of SD as a reference. And should have known what the standard for wrestling games were. That said, I still want to play, But I'm definitely waiting to find it for less then 30.

One last thing to say about this. Personally, I only use 1 weapon and 8 moves anyways. (usually the match is done before I get to the 8th move lol)

And face it, yes SD1 had more features but it was a horrible game. Even for it's time.

My point.

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Ok, so when did smackdown have video cut scenes? A season mode that consisted of more things than constant matches with crappy repetitive cutscenes? Full entrances? Matches like Ultimate X? What they didn't? Oh, carry on then

1. Video cut scene are honestly half the reason I've stopped playing season mode on those games. I hate the voice overs and the limited amount of stories.

2. You want to rag on the season modes of SmackDown games? Sorry, but what? I'd give anything (well, within reason) to have them stop doing the sort of season modes they're doing in SVR and are doing in this game, and go back to the Season modes of Smackdown 1, 2, JBI, SYM & HCTP. Honestly, I'd 100% rather have them code a shitload of differant stories without voice overs and cutscenes, as opposed to doing about 10 total with voice overs.

3. I can honestly say I skip entrances... :\

4. Ultimate X looks fun, sure... But considering that's basically 1 out of like... 3 differant match types, where as SmackDown has about 15 differant types of matches...

I'm not expecting this to be any better than SVR this year tbh. Differant? Yeah, better? No.

Then again SVR looks to be the same as every year, with slightly prettier graphics and an updated roster. Though Create a Finisher will be a nice little touch.

Still, I look forward to trying it out.

Edited by TheKazarian
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Uhh, point 2. Not one point did I say the season mode was better than all the smackdown games. I said the season mode in smackdown 1 was shit, which it was.

Point 4. What I meant was none of the matches in smackdown one had anything like the matches in impact, sure they may have had more, but they where shit as well. If I remember correctly, things like cage, ladder, tlc etc where not brung into the series until smackdown 2. I really do not get the point in comparing it to smackdown one, when that game lacked so much! The caw mode was pathetic, a dinasour head, seriously? Now if you where comparing it too smackdown 2, I wouldn't be on this rant.

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I can't recall the actual season mode from SD1 but I liked pre-season, at least the general idea. Actually making enemies and allies felt like an actual wrestling world. Seasons are too scripted, I should be able to go and make friends (or try at least) or piss off anyone backstage.

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I heard that Daniels does have an alt. Curry Man costume.

Anyway, back to the "but theres so much not in Impact lolz" arguement....

In SDvR, how many match types are actually different? You have a TLC match which instead of being a TLC is a hardcore/no dq/street fight jsut where you can use ladders & tables, but have to pin people. I'm sure there are others too, but I haven't got SDvR 08, and haven't played 2007 for ages. The story mode on 2007 gave you more options than Impact, but at the end of the day, you ended up getting the same storylines, then you'd always end up swapping brands after Mania, regardless if you wanted to, and for some reason, I could NEVER end up playing as a heel, except for two storlyine weeks where I joined with Piper instead of whoever, only for him to turn on me making me face again as usual. (I think, I was either stuck as a heel/face in every season I've run, whether as Kennedy, Angle, Edge or whoever). CAW since SDvR1 has been exactly the same, except on 2007, for some shitty reason, they decided to take out the function to make a PLAIN BLACK T-SHIRT. You had to settle for one with lighter stripes running down it.

So much for variety. <_<

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I actualy don´t mind it if the game just comes with realy good singles and maybe tag team action. I´ed rather have good "realistic" matches alla KoC or No Mercy. - I just don´t have faith in them delivering here.... but qwe will see, 30 euro is something you can take a look at.

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Ok, so when did smackdown have video cut scenes? A season mode that consisted of more things than constant matches with crappy repetitive cutscenes? Full entrances? Matches like Ultimate X? What they didn't? Oh, carry on then

Dont entirely get your point here. Is your point that since SD1, which was made almost a decade ago, was average/not too good, then it's okay for Impact, a game being made in a day and age where there are huge advancements as far as games go, to be average/not too good as well? If it is, then wow. If not, then please explain the point of all that was.

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2. You want to rag on the season modes of SmackDown games? Sorry, but what? I'd give anything (well, within reason) to have them stop doing the sort of season modes they're doing in SVR and are doing in this game, and go back to the Season modes of Smackdown 1, 2, JBI, SYM & HCTP. Honestly, I'd 100% rather have them code a shitload of differant stories without voice overs and cutscenes, as opposed to doing about 10 total with voice overs.


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