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TNA iMPACT! video game


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I played the PS2 version today in Zavvi. The first thing struck me was the loading times, and how slow the gameplay looks compared to the videos. After a few minutes though, it didn't seem to be as noticeable though. Is it just the PS2 version thats slower?

I lost the first match as Styles against Joe (wasn't sure which way to flick the analog.), lost the second match as Styles against Daniels in an Ultimate X after only like 2 mins because I didn't know how to get him off the X. Thrid match I won as Storm against Rhino in an Ultimate X.

The meter thing for getting the X down is great, with you having to build it up, but the dial moves faster. There was an awkward moment when Rhino and I were on adjacent ropes and I attempted to pull the X down, then Rhino came up after me, so I decided to move back a bit and kick him off, but Storm just wouldn't face him. He would go to be facing the correct direction, then carry on turning.

Anyway, seemed pretty decent, though its always hard to tell when you're in a shop.

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I'm just wondering is it possible to do aerial moves from the highwire in the ultimate x match

Yep. Dropkicks, elbow drops, leg drops, splashes, corkscrews. Just by pressing the usual aerial move buttons. Can't do more than that as far as I'm aware, a hurricanrana would have been nifty. You can also climb up to the corner while someone else is hanging from the cables and dropkick them, diving punch them or jump, grab and pull them down which is cool.

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Hmmm, did anyone read the box? Read anything to do with the game before they made a comment? I guess I should've before I did, but here I go.

It's not THAT bad actually, for what it is.. all in all. The game announces itself to be different from everything out there and states right there in the packaging that it tries to take the focus away from submission based wrestling and turn it to be something more action packed and fast paced. I really like the way that the wrestlers move around the ring, and the way that the moves connect.. that's a good aspect. And since I like being rewarded for constant playthrough, I also like the unlockables. The whole move list thing doesn't bother me TOO much, because as someone stated earlier... I hated going through and making a list for every new guy I created in the SD series, it was just too friggin' much to do for every guy. I'm liking it so far, I don't think it's going to overtake the SD series by ANY means, but it's not a bad little game.

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There's some real douchebags on XBL. I played my first match online, an Ultimate X match and when I got along the cables and started the mini-game to pull down the X, my opponent proceeded to pause and unpause the game, causing me to miss several times.

I finished the story earlier, I enjoyed playing through that it was pretty good. With still more to unlock I'll probably be playing Ultimate X match upon Ultimate X match for the next few weeks.

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There's some real douchebags on XBL. I played my first match online, an Ultimate X match and when I got along the cables and started the mini-game to pull down the X, my opponent proceeded to pause and unpause the game, causing me to miss several times.

Wow, I heard they were bad on XBL, but that is just real arsefaceish.

I second the way they move around is good, like the free to run in circles thing is good, just trying to get the correct ropes/corner is tricky at first. The main thing that kept catching me off guard is you have to hold down run, as opposed to pressing it and they carry on going.

There are in-game taunts aren't there? I know that not character specific, but how do you actually do one? I was pressing all the buttons and wasn't doing one.

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