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Big Brother US...Why have I never watched this before?


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Okay, seriously, BB9 in the US is freaking awesome compared to the UK one. We've already had molestation claims, some slut giving her "soul mate" a BJ under the covers, and everybody appears to be freaking out about just about everything. Why did no one tell me how awesome this is?

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Oh, but now...

Matt's trying to steer clear of Nat, and she's now saying she can't sleep in the same bed as him, even though she's a stripper (and loves Jebus, too...classy!). Then, Amanda's saying that Adam was groping her during the night, even though that didn't happen. She's bitched to everyone about it, changed her story numerous times, then said "I've been really quiet today". Parker, meanwhile, is horrifically neurotic and is trying to do anything and everything to get him and Jen Veto'd.

Oh, and it turns out James did gay porn, and is bigger then average. By quite a bit.

Oh, and Josh and Sharon own this game.

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I hadn't watched this show since season 3 and my friend happened to be watching the Big Brother After Dark show that it happened on and I looked at her and asked when did Big Brother turn into The Real World.

Seemed so fake though, or at least not fake then staged.

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I usually hang in for about half the season, but I've already lost interest in this one, despite some interesting twists. None of the people are all that likable at all, nor attractive really. I was mildly interested in the ex-gambling addict's ability to reconcile competing on a game show with her recovery, but it quickly became clear this was going to be the bikini girl's show.

I didn't see the blowjob thing coming though.

Isn't Sharon out already?

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Sharon got booted out along with Jacob, because Jacob's an idiot. Then, Neil left so Josh was able to bring either Sharon or Jacob back - so he brought Sharon back. Essentially, they've more or less managed to take control of half of the brainless idiots (I'm looking at you, Matt and Nat).

Oh, and YAY for Dramanda finally having the **** ripped out of her by Chelsia and Josh. Seriously, there are two links on YouTube of this fight, and they're both awesome - Josh comes ridiculously close to smacking Amanda right in the face.

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