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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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I think only three or four people have even commented on the Titans' win this week in this thread and a fair bit of praise has been lumped on Kerry Collins and the Titans' ability to win without a running game. But apparently that's not enough, we all have to bow down to Tennessee and praise them as the most perfect team ever and predict they will win the Super Bowl.

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But apparently that's not enough, we all have to bow down to Tennessee and praise them as the most perfect team ever and predict they will win the Super Bowl.

Makes Sense.

The Titans remaining schedule looks like this

@ JAX 4-5

vs. NYJ 6-3

@ DET 0-9

vs. CLE 3-6

@ HOU 3-6

vs. PIT 6-3

@ IND 5-4

Combined W/L: 27-36

So even if the Titans go undefeated, people here are going to use the same argument that "they don't have many quality wins, and are untested come playoff time".

Do I think the Titans will go undefeated? Probably not, I think they'll slip up a game or two, I hope I'm wrong, however. But the Titans proved yesterday that they can win a football game throwing for 289 and rushing for only 20 yards, and having a 3 game lead in the AFC doesn't suck either.

Edited by y2jerichoholic
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Thank you y2j that's exactly what I'm talking about. Actually, last week that's exactly what happened.

And AD, I point to Dragsy as further evidence of my point. There's also the fact that outside of J, pretty much all of the Titan "praise" has been "qualified" by something else (i.e. - the excuses for the Bears). I'm pointing to the fact that apparently the hardest thing to do is just give them credit for what they're doing. That's all that I'm doing. Why is that so hard for you and others to do ?

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Let's remember they beat a Bears' team without Kyle Orton and even then only by one score. The Bears complete and utter lack of execution on offense cost them dearly. The Titans are likely to drop one or two games, I sure wouldn't be betting my house on them finishing the regular season undefeated. I certainly can see them making the Superbowl though.

From the Bears point of view it was a decent day, at least on stopping the run and there are certainly positives to pick up from the game. I think we'll suffer for the interuption of Orton's season but hopefully he can step back in against the Packers and get right back to where he left off. Fingers crossed.

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Again, when the Titans win a playoff game then everyone will give them kudos. The 16-0 Pats and 13-3 Cowboys were considered world beaters, and well they both lost to a 10-6 team that just about backdoored their way into last year's postseason. I could easily see a healthy 6th seeded Colts/Chargers team or someone of that ilk knocking off the Titans in the postseason.

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Do I think the Titans will go undefeated? Probably not, I think they'll slip up a game or two, I hope I'm wrong, however. But the Titans proved yesterday that they can win a football game throwing for 289 and rushing for only 20 yards, and having a 3 game lead in the AFC doesn't suck either.

I know they did and I've given them credit for it, but I still don't think they're the best team in the league just because they're undefeated.

Thank you y2j that's exactly what I'm talking about. Actually, last week that's exactly what happened.

And AD, I point to Dragsy as further evidence of my point. There's also the fact that outside of J, pretty much all of the Titan "praise" has been "qualified" by something else (i.e. - the excuses for the Bears). I'm pointing to the fact that apparently the hardest thing to do is just give them credit for what they're doing. That's all that I'm doing. Why is that so hard for you and others to do ?

Well it's coming from a Bears fan and these 'excuses' are perfectly valid ones but because you're so hung up on the Titans you choose to ignore them.

And as for giving the Titans credit, READ MY POSTS! I have given them credit, I've credited their solid defense, their very good running game and the ability to win without it by throwing against the Bears. Just because everything I've said on the matter hasn't been 100% positive for the Titans and I don't think they're better than a couple of other teams doesn't mean I'm not giving them any credit for what they've done.

Edited by AD
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Everyone? I think you'll find most journalists and experts have the Titans at the top of their power rankings. Every successful team is going to have their critics, you're not going to get every single football fan on the bandwagon.

While most teams rank them #1 in the power rankings, read their actual columns. If you ever read a NFL column at sportsline, the Titans are constantly labeled as an unproven team, and the Giants are the best team in the NFL; hell, one guy just wrote that the Titans would lose 30-10 to the Giants on a neutral field.

Fact is, the Titans don't get their due, and people fail to see that their style is not to blow teams out. It's a sound defensive effort, solid special teams play, and mistake free offense that wins them game. That is not a formula for a high-scoring team.

Also, what are people's thoughts on Herm Edwards' call to go for 2 against the Chargers? I've seen it both praised and brutally criticised by the media, but I think it was the right call. You're 1-7, and if the Chargers get the ball first in OT, you're probably going to lose the game.

And finally, it is time for Andy Reid to be fired. His playcalling and decision making is horrific. Last night as the second game he cost the Eagles by trying to run the football instead of putting it in McNabb's hands with the game on the line. He blew the Bears game, and when the Eagles had a chance to drive to victory, Reid killed them. He had a great run, but he has slipped up so much in recent years that he needs to go.

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Well no I don't read columns at sportsline so I wouldn't know that :P

Giving them their due doesn't necessarily mean labelling them the best team in the league, though, especially when the Giants have got a worse record by only one game but have done it against better opponents.

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Ah, so there is someone out there that can understand what I'm talking about.

As for Reid, I think there's more to him being around than just his playcalling/decision making. He's a "fit" for Philly, and that's hard to find as a coach. I don't have a problem with him giving the ball to his best player.

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Holy crap that was cool. Football Mogul story incoming...

So it was 17-7 to Dallas going into the fourth quarter and Minnesota were in trouble. Dallas kicks a field goal after Shayne Graham inexplicably misses a 31-yarder for us to make it 20-7, and Calvin Johnson's touchdown catch was quickly nullified when Plaxico Burress made it into the end-zone to put the score at 27-14 with two minutes to go. Justin McCareins made a good return, taking it to the Dallas 46, then Ben Roethlisberger connected with Amani Toomer first for a 30-yard pass then, on fourth down, for a 16-yard touchdown. 27-21. The onside kick was successful, against all the odds, and Big Ben was perfect on the following drive - 29-yard pass to Toomer, 12-yard pass to Greg Olsen then hands off to Kenny Irons for a six-yard rushing touchdown.

28-27 Vikings. That's what I call a comeback.

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Thank you y2j that's exactly what I'm talking about. Actually, last week that's exactly what happened.

And AD, I point to Dragsy as further evidence of my point. There's also the fact that outside of J, pretty much all of the Titan "praise" has been "qualified" by something else (i.e. - the excuses for the Bears). I'm pointing to the fact that apparently the hardest thing to do is just give them credit for what they're doing. That's all that I'm doing. Why is that so hard for you and others to do ?

Are you deliberately this fucking stupid? Is it just to get a rise out of people? I'd be perfectly happy to see the Titans run the table in reverse even if it means suffering Detroit, Favre and Indy victories, just to fuck you off a bit.

It may not have been particularly overt, but I was praising the Titan line when I remarked about Collins' time to throw, forigve me for not realising I had to spell every little thing out. I apologise for not bowing down and writing three paragraphs of glowing praise for a team that has proven very little (through no fault of their own with the schedule). They've done well, they've had some decent individual performances, but watching them isn't like New England last season where you're wondering to holy hell how the machine can be stopped and writing off any opposition to the Super Bowl a month in advance of the game. Every week there seems to be something that sows that seed of doubt, like the QB situation in Chicago to use this week as an example.

Your comment about the game being no different with Orton in was just stupidly ignorant, especially given that you yourself said in the next breath that the two guys are 100% different. As I've said, Orton running the Bears offense keeps the Titans defense on the field and King Kerry and the deadly air-strike offense off the field, and gives some shelter from the horrendous pass D the Bears put up. Plus, if the defense wasn't being constantly let down by Rex and co. failing to produce, who knows, maybe they get a confidence boost and some determination in them and get a pick-6 or a fumble recovery or something to turn the tide. Hell, a couple of flags for Finnegan's consistent douchery would certainly have helped. But no, you keep dreaming the dream, we'll cancel the rest of the season and anoint Tennesee national champions now.

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They've done well, they've had some decent individual performances, but watching them isn't like New England last season where you're wondering to holy hell how the machine can be stopped and writing off any opposition to the Super Bowl a month in advance of the game.

Additional: 18-1.

I repeat, 18-1.

Now back to your usual business.

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Ah, so there is someone out there that can understand what I'm talking about.

As for Reid, I think there's more to him being around than just his playcalling/decision making. He's a "fit" for Philly, and that's hard to find as a coach. I don't have a problem with him giving the ball to his best player.

Back to my point about the GM having a lot to do with what a coach can accomplish...seemed like the Eagles were trying their damndest to be a smash-mouth, run it up the gut team last night, which would be all well and good...except for the fact that the Giants' front seven is really very good, and that Brian Westbrook only weighs a Big Mac over 200. Having a bigger guy like a LenDale White or a Greg Jones...or even look across the field and see a guy like Brandon Jacobs...makes a power running game that much easier to pull off. Brian Westbrook should not be trying to pound out those three yards on two straight plays when the entire game depends on his ability to get that first down. Buckhalter, maybe, but knowing him, he'd likely break something.

They can heave it down the field all game, but in a situation where being just a little unpredictable might win them the game, they go with the bog-standard "HB Dive" and don't have an earth-moving back to do it with? Bleh. Slip it to Westbrook on a swing pass, if it's that important to have the ball in his hands. If Reid the GM had thought to find a bigger back to run situations like that, Reid the coach might have an extra win or two right now.

And by the way, King, I'm going to go ahead and recommend that you change that sig now. Those who consider Be a tool don't really need any reminding, and those who don't will likely rat to people who can change the sig for you. Just saying.

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If Reid the GM had thought to find a bigger back to run situations like that, Reid the coach might have an extra win or two right now.

I don't necessarily disagree with your assessment that a coach can only work with what the GM gives them, but Andy Reid is one of those coaches who always seems to choke the playbook down to the basics on a key situation. I can't remember if it was Herm or Heimerdinger (sp?) calling the plays in 2005 but there was a time when I could tell you what play the Jets would run on 3rd or 4th and short with 90% accuracy and I'm not even a fan of the team. Reid strikes me as that type of guy. A larger back might be more effective, but if the defense can stuff the box with eight guys it's hard to run through that. The Giants fell into the same trap last night when they tried to run out the clock when they were up 5 and just kept running into masses of humanity as there were roughly 15 275-350 pound guys in a tight space. If you throw in a naked boot or a rollout pass, then you've got at least one guy open in the middle or on the edge and a possible game winning TD, instead these coaches run for a yard and a cloud of dust when they need 3 or 4. It just amazes me how often that stuff happens at the end of NFL games.

Edited by naiwf
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