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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Hard to have the possesions to rush when your QB is turning over the ball and you're falling behind by 20 points.

They were up 7-0 because of the run and then once Arizona scored they seemed to abandon the run. Then Delhomme began to turn it over like he was Tony Romo.

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Interesting stat.

DeAngelo only has 6 rushes; Stewart has 3. What in the world? o.O

The OC deserves to be fired.

Hard to have the possesions to rush when your QB is turning over the ball and you're falling behind by 20 points.

The interceptions wouldn't have come if they ran the ball but at this point, they might as well throw it around.

They really need to fire Jake. I've never been impressed with him. He is a double agent and had one good year in 2003 and people started acting like he was the best thing to happen to Carolina (that accolade belongs to Smith). The OC sucks too.

I'll say one thing - I'm sorry I doubted you Cardinals. If they continue to play like this, never know, they could explore a ship to another East Coast town - Tampa.

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Did anyone else notice that on 3rd & long from inside their own 2 yard line on that last drive, Joe Flacco really appeared to have stepped on the back line of the end zone before he threw? Me and my roomate both saw it and were callign for the safety, but it never happened. Sadly, no replay was shown either.

This was discussed after the game. They showed a replay and Flacco didn't step out. It was close, but he definitely did not step out. I'm surprised they didn't replay it during the game though.

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That had to be quiet possibly the biggest ass kicking in pro football I've ever seen. Hats off to the Cardinal's defense, they earned their money tonight.

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Delhomme is having a nice Brett Favre performance.

Lets not get carried away now. Delhomme has always been overrated while Favre is a first ballot HOFer. Even with his choke jobs he's still got his ring.

So the Cards now have 3 playoff wins since the last time the Cowboys won one.

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Come on Arizona, let's go all the way. Now that Tennessee are finished, I can hopefully go out with my friend and watch it without dealing with his rose-tinted views. Of course if it's San Diego vs. Arizona (please dear God let it be!) then I'll be NFC and he'll be AFC no doubt.

And then obviously being a Skins fan, I have the Eagles and Giants all this way. Testament to our good division, but fuck me I don't want them anywhere near the trophy. Arizona all the way baby.

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Wow, I'm sure the NFL is super excited about the possibility of a Ravens/Cardinals Super Bowl.

I can't believe Arizona is in the NFC Championship game, so bizarre.

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I think if Giants win tonight, they'll be in the SuperBowl. Then again, if Eagles win, it'll be them in the SuperBowl. I think the AFC side is much more open. I'm not convinced about the Steelers/Chargers game. It all depends if Big Ben turns up or not. If Big Ben plays well I think it could be him going all the way to Tampa.

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