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Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

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Guest thekotesman
Got the game just before I went to Europe and getting back into it now. I'm a Warrior born under the sign of the Knight or whatever, as I don't believe in all that magic crap. Though this did make it impossible killing this ghost in one of the earlier dungeons >_>

Use a silver weapon. (Y)

The only weapon that kills a ghost, I believe.

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I had the same approach as Zaz to start with - meh who needs magic?!

I'm a Nord so I get the daily heal and a freezing touch and that was doing me fine.

Sadly now I'm finally bothering to make progress in the main quest and bigger beasties are out on the roads and tracks, I've had to undertake the Mage's Guild quest (after finally finding everything I needed to be allowed back in - I stole a horse out on the road and it turned out to belong to a Mages Guild member grrr).

I've also been working for the Dark Brotherhood after finally racking up my first innocent kill (I think it was a guard who was chasing after me or something)

The Fighter's Guild is kinda pesky because you have to go to specific cities to get jobs and I keep forgetting which one.

In the arena I'm into the last batch of fights before the Grey Prince. It's been surprisingly easy - maybe because I've started using stones from my forays into Oblivion to enchant my weapons to make them hardcore. Whoo go me.

Anyway I'm a level 14 Nord Agent born under the sign of the Lord. I like to wander home to snowy wonder of Bruma from time to time. It just looks cool up there, as does the gold coast to the West. The south and east are bleak though - it's amazing how they can make cities and areas have so much character.

I use a bit of magic when needed but generally it's all bow based sneak attacks before leaping in with an elven sword or enchanted katana. I don't think I've used an axe or hammer at all yet, and I've only just started working with my fists against weak opponents to level that up a bit.

Anyway I'd forced myself off the game for a month but I just saw this thread and loaded up my game while typing this. Grrrr.

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Grrr. I just fast travelled somewhere and the stupid game has landed me right next to a charging levelled up troll and a Will'o the Wisp. RUNNINGS!

EDIT: And a minotaur. I think the game has it in for me.

EDITEDIT: Make that THREE minotaurs and a Unicorn that refused to let me ride it and kept attacking me (despite me trying to calm it) so I had to kill it. >_<

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I gave up on this ages ago, and with Oblivion With Guns on the horizon I don't see myself playing again anytime soon, but I will say it's downright shocking that Shivering Isles still hasn't been released on the UK PSN yet.

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I bought this the other day as I saw it with the expansion for £25.... Loving it so far, not gotten particularly far in as when i left the sewers i went exploring and ended up spending four hours or something stupid in nearby areas. I tried to mess about with the whole create a class thing but mine pretty much ended up as Spellblade (? Is it?). Anyway, yeah... hugely enjoyable thus far, though I wonder how much time i'll have to dedicate to it once Pro Evo arrives >_>

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Guest thekotesman

I have been an Argonian, Wood Elf, Nord, Redguard.. hrm. Want to make a new character, some sort of ultimate warrior. I don't typically dabble in magic. I might make an all-around dominating character. Perhaps a Redguard with his class and sign helping him in the magic and sneak departments.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I didn't want to start a new one just for this...

I'm playing through for the first time on console and I seem to have amassed a rather hefty bounty (I think from Stealing horses and accidently killing one of the blades in the mission to rescue that town from Oblivion.)

How would I go about getting rid of said bounty without losing everything I have?

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Well if you have an earlier save before there was a bounty on your head, you could reload from there. Alternatively, you can resist arrest and sell any stolen goods to the various fences the Thieves' Guild has (which you join in the Imperial City Waterfront area at midnight and after hearing about The Gray Fox and completing a task) to pay off the bounty.

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Well if you have an earlier save before there was a bounty on your head, you could reload from there. Alternatively, you can resist arrest and sell any stolen goods to the various fences the Thieves' Guild has (which you join in the Imperial City Waterfront area at midnight and after hearing about The Gray Fox and completing a task) to pay off the bounty.

Seems like my only option, cheers. (Y)

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Can't you just go to jail? I haven't played Oblivion in a while, but I don't remember you losing all your stuff if you're imprisoned. It gets put in a chest somewhere and you can pick it up when you're released, can't you? You only lose your stolen items IIRC.

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All your lockpicks are taken except one though, so if you fail to pick the door with that, you're screwed, barring a save/reload just before you attempt it. It's also difficult to escape without simply building a bounty up again, unless you're stealthy and/or have invisibility abilities/spells.

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Can't you just go to jail? I haven't played Oblivion in a while, but I don't remember you losing all your stuff if you're imprisoned. It gets put in a chest somewhere and you can pick it up when you're released, can't you? You only lose your stolen items IIRC.

This is correct, you can get everything that you own back except for stolen items. The downside of spending time in jail is that you spend a day per every 100 gold on your bounty (I think it's that, somewhere around there), and if you spend long enough in jail you lose skill points.

So your best option would be to somehow find a way to join the Thieves Guild without getting caught in Imperial City, because your only other option is to spend ages in jail and possibly lose skill points.

Oh, and you are given a single lockpick to break out of jail with, but if you do that and yoink your stuff and leg it, you get your bounty back again.

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Ok i've owned this game since October and I really want to play it but I just can't seem to get into it. I played through the first part in the sewer, then went exploring. I think I spent like 5 hours just exploring caves and stuff. I think, when I left it I was in the first city. Someone make me want to play damnit, I was enjoying it then life/other games took over.

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Okay, don't go exploring caves. I find caves and mines a little depressing after a while. Wander around in the forests and by the lakes in the beautiful sun.

Head into a city or two, speak with folk there and get yourself involved in a few side quests. Walk towards Imperial City and realise there and then that you can become a gladiator, join the thieves guild, join the fighters guild, join the mages guild AND join the dark brotherhood.

Pick some mushrooms, flowers and vegetables as you wander, mix them together and sell them and realise you can make a profit.

Buy something that makes you feel a bit tough and why not spend a night in the hotel boat in the poor district of Imperial City. You should be able to get a nice night's sleep there.

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