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Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

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Yeah now I've done a few quest levels the Oblivion gates are opening everywhere. Very annoying. Still, if I REALLY feel like it I just go inside one, find the main tower and make the repetitive climb to the top.

I've just levelled up to 16 which is nice. Found my first glass weapon in a crate earlier (dagger but still tougher than all my elven and magical swords!)

As far as stealing things...I'm helped by my shrouded armour and good sneaking skill (just crouch and sneak EVERYWHERE and it goes up). Stealing from shops at night can be pretty good. My pickpocketing is still awful so I don't bother. Castles are ok in the dead of night. Just make sure no guards are around to see you entering a house and make sure it's in the dead of night cos if the owner is awake they'll run down and threaten to call the guard (which they will) if you don't leave immediately.

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Just completed the Arena battles...I would just go there from time to time when I fancied a fight....

I'm glad I completed the Grey Prince sidequest first. I hear he's a bit of a tricky fight otherwise. All funky now though and I get the weird little yellow haired elven loving fan who follows me around like an excited dog. I feel so special :shifty:

Why couldn't the fan have been a sultry lass?

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So errr.... does anyone know how I get an arrow out of my shoulder? I was fighting in the arena against a couple of wood elves and one shot an arrow into my left shoulder. Now I'm walking around with it still there....

EDIT: Nevermind...

EDIT 2: How do I refill the charges on an enchanted weapon?

Edited by TheArsenal
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You can also speak to certain folk to recharge for you but I can't remember who.

Every Mages Guildhouse has a member that'll do it for you, but it costs six arms and two legs. You can also use Varla Stones (the one from the various Ayleid ruins. Edit: Not Welkynd stones, they're way more common and worth far less), but they're worth 1,000 gold each. Which, depending on the enchantment, might still be cheaper than the mages guild and you're not LOSING money, just losing the ability to earn it, so....

But yeah, soul gems is by far the best option.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Azura's Star is incredibly useful as well - it's one of the Daedric Relics and you'll come across it quite quickly during the main quest. You'll be prompted to sacrifice it, but you can actually use any of the other artifacts as well. One of the useless staffs will probably be better to trade in if you've come across them.

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Ugh in a cave I battled through, got loads of cool stuff and then came to the final chest which had an amazing glass claymore but it weighed 50 and I was full so I'm gonna have to go and sell and dump some stuff at my Imperial City shack and then head back through to the chest again. Ugh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally have levelled up to level 17 which is nice.

Headed back into the Shivering Isles for the first time in aaaaaages. I'd previously killed the Gatekeeper and had gone wandering but got a bit bored with the long trudge over to the capital that I quit and left. However I made it and have carried out a mission for the head honcho and a few other side quests. There's some good stuff to be had there.

Harvesting the Ore and Amber from people or pods underground is cool. Taking it to the blacksmiths for them to make into armour is cool too. I now have a Cuirass made from the ore and it's pretty tough. Also got a sword which is pretty powerful too (14 power I believe).

Also after powering up the dastardly trap to stop people getting into the Isles I got to keep an orc adventurer's sword. It's VERY cool.

As you kill people with it it tells you how many lives it has "extinguished". It's strong and also magical so deals extra damage and you don't need to refill the magic cos when it gets to dusk it changes to the "Duskblade" and repowers and rebuilds itself to 100% and then at dawn it becomes the "Dawnblade" and repowers again! Nice.

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Im playing my game through in a weird way recently. Since the game levels up as you do, I put all the useless skills (or ones I dont use) as my primary skills and am levelling all the other skills up, and once Ive levelled up a skill or group of skills tied to an attribute I want to increase over 10 times, I just use alchemy or some such to get my level. I think at the moment Im level 6 or 7 and my blade is 94, my heavy armor is in the 80s and my block is in the 70s. It does mean however that I can't get any decent weapons yet. I've had to make do with Daedric.

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If you're referring to the weapons you get from the Dremora as Daedric then I can understand not having decent weapons, but if you've somehow actually found a Daedric sword at level 7, then I'd take bloody good care of it. Proper Daedric weapons - named Daedric Longsword or whatever - are the best weapons in the game, are usually only found at level 20 or thereabouts, and can hit ghosts IIRC.

Edited by DoubleX
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On a related note to this, how the fuck do you hit will o' the wisps? Every time I encounter them I have t orun like hell to the nearest city just to survive - it makes exploring a pain in the ass.

Silver weapons or magic. Also Daedric weapons, as I said earlier, but I'm not 100% sure if they can hit ghosts.

I always carry a silver sword of some kind - usually a dagger - with me in case I run into a horde of ghosts I can't deal with with just magic and if I'm not using an enchanted weapon.

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