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I may as well throw my hat in the ring.


Machiavellian is our name, extreme metal our game. Primarily death metal but our style ebbs and flows from sludge to thrash, to technical death, to doom/stoner. We've been going just over 3 years played with a few bands, got signed to Canadian label Year of the Sun Records last February, and had a bit of a Chinese Democracy with our debut EP with them, it's been delayed and finally gets released on April 21st via them in Canada. The CD is also being released in the UK by Glasstone Records and our US distributor is meant to be The End Records, but I believe Year of the Sun are moving to Universal in the next month or so.

Erm, we did a video for a song of the EP which can be found here:

Gigging wise, we haven't gigged since Halloween as we're finishing off our debut album which will be recorded in late August we hope. But we're back gigging next weekend, got a lovely support slot on a day festival with Akercocke in Sunderland in April and we've got our first UK tour in May with The Arusha Accord & Random Conflict which should be fun. Also just sorting a last 2009 tour with Trigger The Bloodshed which should be tip top :)

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What do you play in the band? Giving it a listen and it's pretty awesome, going to add you to our band and my personal page's Myspace. I may have to pick up your CD too if I can find it in the States.

I'm the vocalist.

Sorry about the recordings as well.... resting up, practising and doing vocal warm ups make me sound shit hot and put all your "not your best performance" voices to shame. Just kidding. :shifty:

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What do you play in the band? Giving it a listen and it's pretty awesome, going to add you to our band and my personal page's Myspace. I may have to pick up your CD too if I can find it in the States.

I'm the vocalist.

Sorry about the recordings as well.... resting up, practising and doing vocal warm ups make me sound shit hot and put all your "not your best performance" voices to shame. Just kidding. :shifty:

I was actually quite impressed with the vocals. Like I said, I'll probably pick up your CD, even if I have to special order it in. Pretty killer stuff.

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Anals & Airwaves lives...be afraid. :shifty:

But yeah, literally have not been able to get a wink of sleep tonight. I've started tossing ideas down again in flstudio (because fuck if I can't get my head around Acid PRO and like 2am in the morning is not the time to fucking try). I've got a couple of ideas that fall into Kyte/Jonathan Johansson style stuff, which I've been listening to a lot recently. And one that's just full on dance/trance...which is a bit 'cheap', but it's catchy as fuck, if I say so myself.

Hopefully I actually manage to finish these to a certain standard, the amount of unfinished shit I have on various computers/hard drives/pen drives is ridiculous.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump but I need the help of some EWBers. I have been approached and asked to be featured on an acoustic compilation CD entitled Chill Out. They are allowing me to choose which one of my songs they will use, so if you would like to listen to them on my myspace and help me choose then I would deeply appreciate your input.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm in a group called Fear 2 Stop (link in the sig!). Got some local radio play over the past year. All the stuff on there is home recorded; however, been able to get a pretty decent sound over the past few years compared to when we first started- no more cassette tape lol. Mainly experimental techno mixed in with 8-bit type deal.

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One of my friend's currently has a band called To The Sea!

Yeah. It's an odd name, but damn it if there not good. I' am not just pimping them because one of them is a friend of mine, but they make some serious good music that I' am surprised that I actually like. They've been coming up with some new stuff recently that kinda sounds like the Franz Fredinand trying to play some Foo Fighters. They're also on iTunes right now.


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Sorry for the bump but I need the help of some EWBers. I have been approached and asked to be featured on an acoustic compilation CD entitled Chill Out. They are allowing me to choose which one of my songs they will use, so if you would like to listen to them on my myspace and help me choose then I would deeply appreciate your input.


Say yes is my vote. I like it the most from them all, and wish the best of luck to you! (Y)

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I guess I might as well pimp mine a little.

I play drums for a traditional death metal band that has a little mix of black metal and thrash in it called "Hands of the Plague". We're currently in the middle of recording our first EP (we finish recording this weekend). It'll be out at some point in June, most likely free to whoever wants one. We have two tracks on our myspace right now but one is a sample and the other was when we certainly weren't ready to record. I'll be the first to admit I played horribly on it. Thankfully the new stuff is sounding pretty good.

If you want to check us out, go here -> www.myspace.com/handsoftheplague

Like I said, our EP will be out in June so if you dig the tracks and want a copy I'll be happy to send one your way.

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The name of the band I'm in is Helen Keller. We're based out of Oklahoma City and we've got 3 shows coming up this coming month and into June. We just started recording the songs we play in our set and hope to have all of them up on a newly constructed myspace page within the next couple of months. After that, will look to put together our a demo if not a full length CD.

I'm glad to be playing shows, I've only played 2 shows in my entire life, loved them both. Just yesterday our singer's house was broken into and a guitar and my bass was stolen. So that kind of started this month off on a rough note, but the shows will get us back into the spirit. Our style is a mixture of punk, hardcore, and aspects of metal and our stage presents leans towards that of The Chariot.

Anyway, here's the link to the myspace, www.myspace.com/helenkellerokc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My best friends are in a band, played 3-4 shows already and are about to play in FUSE's Slave to the Metal Tour where people from Roadrunner and Metalblade Records will be there, along with Julia from FUSE.

It's pretty exciting, that they're doing as well as they are drawing crowds out and putting on a good performance live.

They're recordings are VERY rough, but you guys can check them out if you'd like.

Apollo's Lyre

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