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Yup, right person went today cos he's generally been useless in my eyes since the first episode selling fish (and definitely as the chef in the second episode). If he'd have taken in Jenny he'd have had a chance but still he deserved to be fired for asking opinions on three ocassions and each time just ignoring everyone and saying he'd do it himself...

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Yeah, even my love for his accent couldn't outweight my hatred for his complete incompetence and total arrogance in that task. And then, to cap it all off, he takes Claire into the boardroom instead of the ONLY chance of survival (Jenny, as it was essentially entirely her fault).

Claire has the spirit of Ruth Badger in her (in fact, she's quite a lot like the Badger in many ways). She'll win if Raef doesn't.

How can you put Michael (who I'd previously thought of as a very gay, but quite intelligent chap) and Raef (who is clearly Odin in human form ¬_¬) in a room, and let it take THREE HOURS to agree where to put an apostrophe? The ONLY TIME an apostrophe EVER goes at the end of a word is when it is a plural, already ends in an s, and is being used to denote possession. "Singles' Day", "the Stereophonics' next album" (they were the first band ending in s to come to mind...). It's the only time it's ever used. No, you don't use it to pluralise names ending in s. If there's one Stelios there are two Stelioses, not Stelios' (or even Stelios's, which is so bad I might have to punch you). In just the same way you get a pair of glasses, not glass'.

So how can you not remember it? Singles Day would be completely wrong and Single's Day only works if the day belongs to a single entity named 'Single' (the fact that it doesn't in this case is rather ironic, don't you think? ¬_¬). Also, while I'm on the subject, Saint Valentine is one person, so it's Valentine's Day, not Valentines' Day. Here endeth the lesson. ¬_¬

... but that's rather off topic. So yeah:

- Kevin killed himself. It would've been almost impossible for Sir Alan to not fire Jenny if Kev'd shown an ounce of common sense and brought her into the boardroom with him. I think he deserved to go, but I don't think he would've if he'd been sensible and brought Jenny back with him.

- Michael is an annoying cunt.

- Sara is hot and - after the big argument about her - clearly needs a hug. <_< However, she is a whiny cunt and needs to actually do shit. The one thing Jenny said that actually made sense in the entire episode was that Sara only tells everyone about her ideas in the boardroom, rather than in the brainstorming session, where ideas are supposed to be presented. Sure Jenny talks over everyone, but that's where the phrase "shut the fuck up a minute" comes in handy.

- Mylene Klass is really, really hot. I'd forgotten that.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I was very surprised to see them all attack Sara. I can accept that perhaps she didn't contribute to the task very much, but Jenny was always going to force through her shitty idea. I don't remember Alex coming up with much either. Jenny needs to get fired as soon as possible, she's just unbearable.

If the reports about next week's task are true, I'd like to see;

Sir Alex bring back two previously-fired candidates to replace them. Whichever two he thinks could have done more, which I guess would be Simon and someone else. Either that or bring in two of the back-ups, assuming them have them, and throw them both in at the deep end by making them project managers for their first week. Otherwise, I don't see how they're going to fill the remaining 8 weeks.

The ONLY TIME an apostrophe EVER goes at the end of a word is when it is a plural, already ends in an s, and is being used to denote possession. "Singles' Day", "the Stereophonics' next album" (they were the first band ending in s to come to mind...). It's the only time it's ever used. No, you don't use it to pluralise names ending in s. If there's one Stelios there are two Stelioses, not Stelios' (or even Stelios's, which is so bad I might have to punch you). In just the same way you get a pair of glasses, not glass'.

If Stelios had a restaurant, he'd be grammatically correct in calling it "Stelios's", just as Bridget Jones is right to call her diary "Bridget Jones's Diary". A day dedicated to Bridget Jones would be called "Bridget Jones's Day", so "Singles's Day" would have been correct, albeit very ugly.

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If Stelios had a restaurant, he'd be grammatically correct in calling it "Stelios's"

Never said he wouldn't.

just as Bridget Jones is right to call her diary "Bridget Jones's Diary".

Again, never said she wouldn't. There's only one Bridget Jones, so that doesn't contradict anything I said. :P

A day dedicated to Bridget Jones would be called "Bridget Jones's Day"

Yet again, no argument from me. Bridget is still a single entity, so she still gets the apostrophe before the final s.

so "Singles's Day" would have been correct, albeit very ugly.

No, it wouldn't. Singles is plural and being used in a possessive context, so you put the apostrophe after the s. That's just the way it is :P If you break it down, it means the same thing (day belonging to singles), but it's not grammatically correct, because the rules say so. If it was a person or shop called Singles, you'd have a point. But it's a plural of the word 'single', so no.

If I park my car on top of a No Parking sign, am I technically correct in doing so? Due to my car being there, you can't see the sign any more.

No, of course not. The sign is still there, the rules still apply, I'm just being a dick. :P

Edited by Farmer Reil
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so "Singles's Day" would have been correct, albeit very ugly.

No, it wouldn't. Singles is plural and being used in a possessive context, so you put the apostrophe after the s. That's just the way it is :P If you break it down, it means the same thing (day belonging to singles), but it's not grammatically correct, because the rules say so. If it was a person or shop called Singles, you'd have a point. But it's a plural of the word 'single', so no.

Whether or not you put an s after the apostrophe is down to taste, nothing more. See the use of "parents's" here, "instructors's" here, and "doctors's" here. Similarly, Bridget Jones' Diary and Bridget Jones's Diary are both equally correct. It's all just a matter of style.

But we shouldn't argue about grammar. I'm pretty sure that's what got Tupac killed. He thought it should be Players' Anthem, but Biggie wouldn't listen.

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There's an obvious divide going on : Raef, Lucinda, Sara & Claire vs. Alex, Michael, Lee, Jenny Celery, Helene and the other Jenny.

Thankfully, I know what happens next week:

Two female contestants are booted off the show - one for cheating, the other for intimidating behaviour. I'm assuming that Helene and Celery can pack their bags now, then...

Where did you find that out Katsuya?

And I'm quite glad, as most of the female contestants are shit. Actually, everyone bar Raef (who is immense), is pretty shit.

Oh, and I can't believe how horrible the majority of them were to Sara once they got back from the board room.

Edited by Kerr-F'n-Avon
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Glad to see the two Jennies out because they both annoyed me. I'm still hoping Claire will go sooner or later because practically every time she's been on the losing team she's been a hinderence to them and I can't stand her either. Lee is amazing but there's no way he'll win because he's actually a football hooligan. I can't look past Raef for the win at the moment. Seems like he's easily the most competent one out of the lot of them. If not him then I expect Helene to win.

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Glad to see the two Jennies out because they both annoyed me. I'm still hoping Claire will go sooner or later because practically every time she's been on the losing team she's been a hinderence to them and I can't stand her either. Lee is amazing but there's no way he'll win because he's actually a football hooligan. I can't look past Raef for the win at the moment. Seems like he's easily the most competent one out of the lot of them. If not him then I expect Helene to win.

A Raef v Lee showdown at the end would be epic. Though, Sara showed this week that she can actually do shit whne she's motivated. Alpha in general kicked ass, but those three particularly were great.

And lol at Raef's face when he got the cow hide for 15 quid.

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Tonight's episode was so awesome. I'm glad ginger Jenny went as she annoyed and angered me greatly with her bullying tactics. Amazing how she pretended to have never heard about Kosher before.

I thought Claire would have been the other one to go. Honestly they were all in contention to leave, but I'm glad Michael (that is probably not his name, but it is the one I can think of at this time, the half Jewish guy who was with ginger Jenny) didn't go. I was worried as I heard that the two people who went this week were the two who attempted to bribe. He reminds me a lot of the guy who won last year.

Still Raef to win though.

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This weeks was the first episode of this series I've managed to catch. I'm glad the ginger bitch went, and while I liked the Irish one until the boardroom, she pissed me off in there, so I'm pleased at her departure.

Sir Alan's "Your out of control, you can't read!" line was funny, but I pissed myself at one of the funniest lines in yonks with Margaret's deadpan "I think Edinburgh isn't what it used to be" line, that was brilliance.

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The best line in the whole thing was clearly Michael's "I'm half Jewish".

I'm an atheist, and I couldn't give two shits about religion, but even I was borderline offended by their (they being Michael and Celery, obviously) combined ignorance when it comes to religion. I mean, it's bad enough to go to a Muslim country and ask an Islamic butcher to give you Kosher meat, then to get him to bless the chicken first (because yeah.. that makes it all fine). But when you're from a Jewish background and you don't know how insane that sounds, something's wrong.

To top it all off, the twat - in an attempt to try and get his point across - does the sign of the cross (yeah, that'd be the Christian one) to try and explain. Then asks for Halal meat. I wanted to punch him inna face.

The tennis racket debacle was just embarrassing.

On the other hand, Raef and Sara were spot-on. Even Lucinda did stuff, to the clear shock of everyone around her. Lee was a decent PM, but nothing special to be honest. He seems to be a decent motivator, but there's no way Claire would put up with that shit. :P I honestly can't remember seeing Helene during the entire show. Maybe I get her mixed up with Irish Jenny (when no talking is involved).

Still Raef for the win. Glad both Jenny's have gone because I despised both of them. How Michael is still in after last week I have no idea, he won't last long. Claire reminds me even more of a younger Ruth Badger, but she's far too whiny at times.

I reckon Lee and Raef are shoe-ins for the final four (have either of them ever been in the firing line? I think Raef might have once, but I can't remember him ever being seriously considered for the axe). Especially if they aren't split up. With only 8 left, a team including Lee and Raef would be fucking uber unless the other two are Lucinda and Michael ¬_¬.

Lucinda hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell. Michael would need to be really lucky (like Simon was). Helene... what's she ever done? At least, by doing absolutely nothing and whining a lot, Sara got herself noticed and then put in a stellar performance this week. Helene has just been there, doing 'stuff'. Alex is in much the same boat. Aside from his Adam-esque droning voice and also-Adam-esque pessimism, nothing stands out about him.

Claire... I want her to win, just because Ruth should've won and didn't. But I can't see her beating either of the two main boys.

I'm going for a Raef, Lee, Alex, Claire final four, with Raef winning.

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Sir Alan raised concerns at Lee having nothing more than physical strength in one of the earlier episodes and he was in the final 3 when Ian (is it Ian?) went. As for Helene, she's seemed efficient enough whenever she's been asked to do anything and she's a strong character so I don't see why they'd give her the sack unless she screws up horribly. I can see Sara being there until the end as well, since SAS always seems ready to step in when he thinks people are being unfair to her.

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Sir Alan raised concerns at Lee having nothing more than physical strength in one of the earlier episodes and he was in the final 3 when Ian (is it Ian?) went.

I'm pretty sure he was talking to Simon at that point (something like "If I ask you to dig me a trench, or build me a wall, you'll build the best wall in the world, but do I want you in charge of my company?"). But yeah, Lee was there, my bad.

Gayboy is like a fucking eel. Luckily, he's run out of people more useless than him now. Yes, I'd even hire Lucinda before him, as both times she's been PM she's destroyed the other team (via luck or otherwise).

Helene was a crap PM. Terrible. To be fair, Sir Alan could've fired all three of them, or rolled a die, and it wouldn't have been a bad decision :P

The Dream Team + Lucinda was awesome though, glad they won. As a person, Lucinda's lovely. She's just useless when it comes to doing things she doesn't like (which seems to be anything other than project managing). They deserved to win, just for Raef in a teddy bear suit, but by £4,000? Ouch.

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I quite enjoyed that ep. I was slightly worried at how it was panning out when the dream team hadn't secured a dress sale by 4pm, but thankfully those 3 people swung it.

And to echo Reil, Lucinda some seem a really nice person and can only project manage. I'm hoping Michael and/or Helene go next week.

A final five of Lucinda (managing), Raef, Lee, Claire and Alex would be damned good imo. Raef & Claire vs. the other three would be fun.

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