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Awesome episode, and The Doctor had some great one-liners. That's all I have to say. Not sure I liked the part where Amy couldn't see, but the angels were still stone because she was acting like she could.... That seemed a bit hookum. Either they're being looked at and are stone, or aren't and they aren't. But still, awesome episode and next weeks episode can't fail to be fun.

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Well to be fair The Doctor did say that the turning to stone was a defence mechanism. So if they think they are being watched then why not turn to stone.

I felt a bit of a cop out when you started to see them turn. I always felt that the best part was that the viewer never saw the angels move and it added to the experience

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Was a strong two parter, best of the "early series doubles" since the show came back. Not too keen on River Song, far too smarmy and smug, the whole "i know your future but I'm not telling" worked really well in for the one story, but the more you drag it out it just becomes a bit over played and iratating. Amy just keeps getting better, she just bounces off Matt Smith's Doctor so well, very much like Donna worked so well with David Tennant.

The Weeping Angles continue to be badass as always, they're just creepy.

The whole Amy jumping on the Doctor made sense, she's kind of broken by the trauma in her childhood and with The Doctor coming back and turning everything upside down, she's bound to be a bit all over the place emotionally and feels she's got to throw herself at him in order to keep hiom interested, or something. Made me chuckle the way it was played though.

Just a bit of discussion about the rest of the episodes, so If you want no information, best not open it

So we know the next episode is Vampire in Venice, then Amy's Choice and the Silurian two parter, which covers episodes 6-9. We know theres the episode with Vincent Van Gough by Richar Curtis, which takes us to ten episodes, leaving 3 including a two part finale. The series trailer showd the Cybermen which got me thinking about a Cyberman two part finale, just something to think about

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Cybermen and Daleks for the finale, I think

Right...that episode. I don't like Doctor Who going in "that" sci-fi direction and throwing us on spaceships and anti-gravity and whatnot, but thankfully that wasn't too much of the focus of this episode. As I thought, Amy seems to be at the apex of everything that's going on - but I still haven't got a bloody clue as to why, though I think she may have something to do with the "Pandorica" - again the "something out of a fairytale" connection, perhaps. Time can be rewritten, it's all out of joint and generally in a mess - so perhaps the fairytale is a reflection of what will happen to the Doctor and Amy, that gets lost back in time and shadows of it's memory exist as a fairytale in the past. But still why Amy's the centre of it all is anybody's guess.

Amy jumping on the Doctor was a tiny bit out of nowhere in the context of this episode, but not really too much of a leap to see why it would happen - she has got a lifelong obsession with him, and she did run away with him on the day before her wedding and, frankly, it's amazing that to the best of my knowledge none of the vast army of Dr. Who geeks had picked up on the fact that she's not been wearing an engagement ring! While normally I hate any romantic connection between the Doctor and his companion, it made sense, and it was nice to see it played in a different way from the usual unrequited moping love of a companion - certainly fits Amy's character a whole lot better.

Frankly, I hope that's the last we see of the Angels - certainly looks like it will be. There's just nothing left to do with the concept, and I really think they'd just go downhill if they tried to do any more episodes.

At first when it was said that River Song "killed a good man", I thought it would mean the Doctor - especially when she said that it was "the best man she'd ever known". Perhaps that still will be the case, but my instinct tells me that if Steven Moffat drops a hint like that, the obvious answer is rarely the correct one. I reckon the next time we see River Song - presumably the end of the series, as it certainly seems that's what the Pandorica will be - there'll be another character introduced that will go some way to explaining who River Song is, and it'll be that character who gets killed off - long enough after this episode for us to perhaps not remember the hint. Blind speculation, ahoy!

Next episode looks silly, but kind of cool. Ending with "if they're not vampires, what are they?" is curious.

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Good idea - any sign that he's even in this series, though? I know Barrowman's been busy being on every TV show in creation.

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Nope, which makes me think it could be.

Who else would be important enough to get all this hype, would mean something to us (especially in whatever time River Song is in), plus, he would have experince of the Tardis.

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Jack's the face of boe (or at least, its 99.999% confirmed he is), who we see die as an old, old, old, old, old, old head in a jar YEARS into the future though. Unless she's the one that puts him in the jar >_>

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She pickles The Face of Bo! :unsure:

The bitch! :crying:

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That's the point though, time's in flux, it can change, Jack is a fixed point in time, so God knows what happens when you throw a fixed point in time into a crack in time that is basically after time energy, it could well be the thing that turns him into the Face of Boe.

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That's the point though, time's in flux, it can change, Jack is a fixed point in time, so God knows what happens when you throw a fixed point in time into a crack in time that is basically after time energy, it could well be the thing that turns him into the Face of Boe.

That could be a way to write him out if they don't plan on using him again (Also I have read that the future of Torchwood is in question) but even if they do want to still use him they could say it's the Jack from a million years into the future what does it

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These kind of "characters have to work out which reality is correct and pick the right one, even though we the viewer know which is which" episodes always seem a bit blunted to me. Buffy and Star Trek (certainly TNG and DS9, if not more) are just the first two series that come to mind my as having (at least) one. I'm not sure why it is, but I find them a bit 'off-edge', if that's a real term.

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That was a great episode, with plenty of wit, and a great star-turn from Matt Smith. The trailer has me hyped for next week as well, it could be a great surreal mind-fuck episode, if done well.

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