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In one season Chibs was able to shit all over Moffat, it's one thing adding/expanding the canon, it's another thing to rewrite the canon directly after it happens, Missy seemed to change and was killed at the end of her arc, then two years later the Master is back and as bad as ever without any acknowledgement of Missy. Then there is the whole Gallifrey's dead, they can go back and revive it, got to hide it for safety so nobody can go there, oh wait someone found it and nuked it again. And the Doctor has always been a mysterious character, but now their the mysterious character who is the soul reason for an entire race being who they are, but no need to go into it further cause everybody's dead Dave.

I've never been a big fan of NuWho, it has ups and downs, but I'd argue the last two seasons are the worst of the lot.


All this talk of canon leads to this interesting video from before the episode aired that goes over some of the ideas of the Doctors origins before they went with Time Lords.


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4 hours ago, Adam said:


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"It had already been explained (though not on the show) that those were supposed to be either false images Four was transmitting, or Morbius' past incarnations."

I don't believe that's true. It had been speculated by a great many people what those faces meant, but indeed never explained canonically in the show, and the original producers of The Brain of Morbius said that the implication was intended to be that they were pre-Hartnell Doctors. In the dialogue, Morbius even exclaims "back to your beginning!" to Four as the faces pop up.

I personally like that they have, for now at least, made The Doctor the Timeless Child and therefore more unique/special than the Time Lords, though I totally understand people who don't like that. For me, The Doctor should be special, not just one of a load of similar beings who all do the same sort of thing we see The Doctor doing. Otherwise, why should we be following the adventures of this particular Time Lord? If that makes sense.

It also creates intrigue for future material surrounding The Doctor's true origins, and the Ruth Doctor stuff is all still up in the air really as well.



Can I point out that this creates a plot hole big enough to drive an 18 wheeler through? How would those images be pulled from the Doctor's mind during Brain of Morbius if the Doctor's mind has been wiped, since it was done at some point pre-Hartnell? Those memories are seemingly gone, not buried.

This does open up more mysteries, and is sort of a messed up version of the Cartmel Masterplan. But as I said, I don't like that it made the Doctor the reason Time Lords can regenerate. Plus we still do not really know why the Doctor's mind was wiped during the Brendan incarnation. Getting rid of him knowing about the Division?

I just hope we eventually get explanations of where Ruth and the Master fit into their respective timelines. But, I sort of wonder if the Master is the burned/decaying one from Deadly Assassin, and we just saw how he got that way. Could have accessed a TARDIS (maybe followed Thirteen and saw where she hid the one that looked like a tree) and travelled to Gallifrey pre-destruction, maybe. I'm calling world class bullshit if he's actually post-Missy.

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I think the fact that the Master is using the compressor is meant to be a hint that he's a version before Missy for anyone who cares. Similarly they seemed to hint that the Master could be lying about the Timeless Child so anyone bothered by it could just assume he's lying for now. 

I think both Chibnall and Moffat have both tried to add to the mythology of the show by going back. Moffat inserted Clara throughout the Doctor's timestream, including making her the reason that the Doctor picked the TARDIS, and gave us glimpses of the Doctor as a child. Chibnall has shown us that the Doctor is the reason for regeneration. I can't help but think RTD did a far better job by adding the Time War to the mythology. He added rather than tried to explain things that really don't need to be explained.

On the Doctor being special front, I always felt the Doctor was special because while she was like any other Time Lord (I'm sure they've hinted that she didn't even do particularly well at the Academy in certain areas) she wanted to explore the universe and help. The Doctor was unique because of her choices and not because she fell out of the sky. 

One thing I don't get is why Ruth's TARDIS is a police box. Are they meant to be the same TARDIS? Did Clara know and that's why she suggested that one to the Doctor? 

Also, why did Ruth and the other Doctors not appear in the Doctor's time stream when Clara and the Doctor travelled through it? Were previous incarnations of the Doctor somehow removed from his time stream? How's that possible? 

Ultimately none of that matters but it seems bonkers that they've tied up one plot hole from the 70s and opened up several new ones from the last decade. 


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4 hours ago, GhostMachine said:



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That is a good point, and I suppose we can't say that the Doctor remembers any incarnation pre-Hartnell due to Matt Smith's Doctor being granted a new cycle of regenerations, plus dialogue from Hartnell in The Five Doctors.

I like that there are still some big questions surrounding Ruth, Brendan and what was missing from the Matrix. But I've certainly no problem with The Doctor being revealed as the source of the Time Lords' regeneration power. I like it quite a bit actually, it adds some more layers to the complicated history between her and her people, or who we thought were her people anyway.

I believe and hope that The Master will be back in the Sacha incarnation at some stage. Maybe not in Series 13 but in a subsequent series or special if Chibnall is still showrunner. I would at this stage peg him as being pre-Missy, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Chibnall found a way to make it so that this Master becomes the decayed Master from The Deadly Assassin. That would fit and would add another layer to the sheer wonton suicidal madness the character displayed in this series, knowing that he is close to the end of his own cycle. @Vamp makes a good point about the Tissue Compressor also.

And I think we will eventually find out where Ruth belongs in the timeline and why she has the style of police box that she does. That was a deliberate choice to have her using that era of The Doctor's TARDIS, they could have easily just come up with a new design otherwise. They spared no creative expense coming up with multiple new Cyberman designs, after all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So now wave had time to react and feel our feelings about the finale - who would you like to see appear as a past life of The Doctor?

For me, I'd love for an appearance - however brief - of Alan Davies finally getting a shot in the role people wanted him in for years even before the revival.

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Hugh Laurie

Robert Carlyle (would also make a good Master)

Sean Pertwee.....unless there's a chance of getting him to actually play a new incarnation of the Doctor down the road.

Gordon Ramsay (Oh, fuck off, Daleks!) - KIDDING!!!

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14 hours ago, TheWho87 said:

Did you not see the Timeless Child?

Those changed were made!

If you don't understand what I meant, then you've either not seen the Cushing movies, or its been a long time.

There would have to be changes, because the Peter Cushing character was a human literally named Doctor Who, who invented Tardis (no capital letters or "the" before the name) himself, the companions in the first movie were the same ones as the Hartnell character (Susan and two new ones in the second), AND the two movies were rehashes of the serials "The Daleks" and "The Dalek Invasion of Earth". The Cushing character is an alternate universe character, if anything. NOT a possible past incarnation. At least not without a shit ton of retconning. (Especially no Susan, Ian or Barbara involvement, and it wasn't the Daleks he fought.)


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How to make Cushing canon (*WARNING: THE IDEA IS NOT A GOOD ONE!*):

Seriously. Flee while you can!




The Doctor and companions are having an adventure and seem to be in major trouble, when just in the nick of time, Ten shows up. Both Doctors join forces, but clearly something is wrong as Ten doesn't remember a few things he clearly should and his personality is slightly off. The Doctors end up going to Ten's TARDIS, which looks a lot more low tech on the inside. He reveals that he's actually the meta-crisis, human Ten. Him and Rose eventually came across the TARDIS that he's using, and despite what the real Ten said, he was able to penetrate the barrier and return. The reason the ship isn't as advanced is because it isn't from Gallifrey, but was created by a human actually named Doctor Who. They found it in an abandoned lab and he accidentally returned to this universe while testing it out. Returning to the other universe will burn out some of its circuits, which cannot be replaced, so it will be a one-way trip. Bonus points if Bernard Cribbins shows up as Tom Campbell, not Wilfred Mott.

(Its a shit idea, and I never said it made Cushing an incarnation of the Doctor!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Big Finish is giving away a War Doctor audio adventure away for free on their website until April 12th. Its rare they give away complete audios for free. But they might be doing a different one afterward.

If you don't have an account, its worth signing up, because newsletter subscribers do occasionally get freebies and special discounts. They send out a code you have to type in on their website for those. Earlier they gave subscribers a free Sixth Doctor audio featuring Frobisher as the companion. (Frobisher is a shapeshifter whose preferred form resembles a penguin.)

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  • 3 months later...

There was an atricle floating about recently of Brian Blessed being interviewed and saying he was offered the role in the 60's, so I thought I'd post a couple videos from Bablecolour on some of the Almost Doctors from the 60's and 70's, some interesting choices.

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Big Finish has an audio coming out this month that I really really want, but will likely have to wait to get: My two favorite Doctors, Four and Ten teaming up against the Daleks. And it is David Tennant and not that other guy they've been using for some of the audios. Its the first in a new range of Doctor team ups, that I assume will be a Classic era and a New era Doctor joining forces. Tim Treloar does a passable Third Doctor, so I hope they use him at some point. 

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