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Best comedies


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Ok, I was thinking about this yeterday, and thought I'd broach it with EWB.

See, I like Harold And Kumar Get The Munchies, which I find pretty funny. I'm never ever going to profress that it is the greatest movie ever, but I find it funny.

However, I also like Thank You For Smoking. Clever, good story, great characters, and one that I'd legitimately recommend to people on the basis of it being a good film, rather than a good comedy, per se.

So yeah, I was wondering what EWB thought were the best comedies when it comes actually being comparitive to great films in other genres. Ones that aren't necessarily the funniest line for line, but actually have a good story, good characterisation, great filming etc etc.

Another one I'd throw out there on that list is the Big Lebowski. Admittedly, there aren't many films I find funnier than it, but as a stand alone film, it is pretty excellent as well.

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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. :shifty: It is my favourite movie ever.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. One of the few movies me and my mates saw at the cinema and came out going "Fucking hell...that was class." (We normally enjoy stuff, but 99% of the time, it's due to the 'crack on' we have during the film :shifty:)

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Little Miss Sunshine was an amazing movie, and should have won best picture instead of AMPAS suddenly deciding to finally honor Scorsese with probably one of his lesser quality (yet still awesome) films.

I saw it three times in theaters, including walking out the first time, and turning around to watch again, then taking everyone I knew to see it a third time. I still find random reasons to quote it whenever I can and it's always something make you smile.

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Withnail & I. Fucking genius, brilliantly made film, and one of the funniest I've ever seen - also, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most quotable film in history.

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Amelie, Adapation, Annie Hall, Pink Flamingoes, The Holy Grail, The General, The Great Dictator, American Beauty, Borat, Rushmore and Dr. Strangelove. In my opinion, the best comedies of any kind genre (from gross out, to mockumentary, to romantic) that aren't just classic comedies, but classic films.

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I don't really consider Amelie a comedy per-sé, it's light-hearted, and it's funny, but I don't think it's main intention is to make you laugh, which to me means it's not a comedy. That said, it's a beautiful, incredible film.

How did I forget Dr. Strangelove, though? One of the best films ever made, that one.

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I don't really consider Amelie a comedy per-sé, it's light-hearted, and it's funny, but I don't think it's main intention is to make you laugh, which to me means it's not a comedy. That said, it's a beautiful, incredible film.

I think there are layers of intentions in movies and thats its hard to classify movies as one thing or another; some movies can't even be classified as a genre at all. Obviously Amelie is a romantic comedy, but its a comedy nonethless. It may not be it's main intention, and but I think that the way it integrates comedy into the plot makes it a comedy nonethless. Some would argue that humour is not the main intention of some of the other movies I listed (Pink Flamingos, in particular), but I think that there is enough comedy in both that warrant it being called a comedy.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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