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The Console Wars - The Debate


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Guest AgonyToMe

I think the problem with Nintendo is they hooked a young audience, which got older, then with every evolution the Nintendo's systems seemed to stick with that generation they hooked, then they popped back to younger kids with GC. Though they have some good games, the library is a zealous E rating for almost every title. FYI the Gamecube can play DVD's now, you just have to get the specialty ones that Nintendo makes. My 3rd place pick.

With XBox, it has deep pockets backing it up and great hardware. The maturity of the system is the only thing keeping it down, but it also gives them a good chunk of the market. I feel XB2 will fix the overheating issues and such. My 2nd place pick.

The PS2 isn't all people say it is, but the library selection, controller, and all averages out above the rest. Thus, it gives PS2 a victory, but not a comfortable one. All systems are really close in quality and it's cool because competition breeds the best in everything.

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Yeah having played with all three controllers, and many many controllers down the years from the Master System, Mega Drive, NES, SNES, Jaguar, Saturn, Game Cube, XBox, N64, PS, even flirting with the Amiga console...The PS2 Duel Shock controller is the best ever. It just feels so right. Like an extension of the arm.

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Guest Future Shock


I'll do my review too I guess..

GC: Third place, ONLY because of the third party developers losing their balls. Nintendo's first party support is absolute CLASS. Some of the best games in the history of gaming have been on the GC, but since they don't brag about the graphics and "it's kiddie" bullshit, it loses some flack.

PS2: Second place. RPG KING. However, XBox is bringing the big guns what with Fable, KOTOR 2, already KOTOR, True Fantasy Live Online, and Sudeki. I've never played the PS2 online, but if I remember correctly, headset support is somewhat limited, which I don't like. Also, PS2's got some HUGE exclusive games, like Metal Gear, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Killzone, and more and more and more. Sony's catering to the casual gamer AND the hardcore gamer at the same time *Final Fantasy, which is somewhat simplistic, and Gran Turismo, which takes a hell of a lot of hard work.*

XBox: First, simply because of XBox Live. ONLY reason. The exclusives are SUPER solid *Ninja Gaiden is one of the most refreshing and difficult games in years, and the XSN franchise I love. KOTOR and Halo I can't talk about, as they're on the PC.* But they aren't SO solid that they beat out the PS2 OR the GC. They're third in that. But multiplatform games seem to perform better on the XBox, simply as the GC controller only works for exclusives *and it does that SUPER well* and the PS2's good, but it's not super good. For some reason, I love the XBox controller too. It fits into my hands nicely, and it just feels natrual. With XBox Live, headset support is not only popular, damn near everybody uses it, which adds so much more when you grab someone by the neck in Splinter Cell, or order the CPU around in Rainbow Six 3. The Hard Drive is awesome, and the downloadable content is bliss. The PS2 picked up on this damn fast though, and that's the smart thing.

In -my- mind, the console race is so tight that if it was a woman, it'd have cameltoe. :P I love ALL of the systems I own, including the GBA. And the NEXT console race is about to blow my mind. Portable Playstation? HAVE YOU SEEN THE DS?!!!?

It's huge! It's massive! And personally, the PS2 and the XBox are about to switch positions, and the XBox might not have enough incredible exclusive games to keep up with the PS2's or the GC's.

I say this E3 was not only huge, but it was maybe one of the biggest EVER, if not THE biggest. It's awesome. I love it.

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Yes, thats why pixelart is so in today, i need my 60 frames per secong 5D grafiks... GOOD LOOKS DO NOT - i repeat NOT lie in the amount of mhz you need to have. Every Poster is simplest 2D art, yet our walls arrent coverd by TFT Screens filled with 3D art.

I don´t think you will get this sinc you relie on the technic stanpoint way to much, thats what is a tech whore by the way, reling on OMFG it needs 3247GHz it must be better. Good desing dossent need high tech, i´ed put secret of mana´s design over several games from every console around today, it dos not get bad looking becaus it´s techniq is outdated, get that.

What techonology is outdated? PS2 or X-Box? Look at it this way - the better your PC, the better games you can play on it. Its the same basis with a console.

No one said that....

Its called reading between the lines, you should try it one day.

OMFG, a console that was released years later has the newer Technic in it, OMFG, OMFG, OMFG - SENSATION, SENSATION, SENSATION !!!!

ever tried thinking ? do you honestly think that technic whyse there would be such a differenc betwen thes consoles if they have come out on the same day ?! I mean THINK, you just pull things as you need them and compleedly ignore that there are several YEARS of development you just pull from the table. . . THINK.

The PS2 and X-Box were released at roughly the same time. And in theory, your argument means that the PS2 should have better technology and specs, because the Playstation franchise has been running longer, giving them more time to develop it.

to bad no one devlops annything for it

Which is what I said.

to bad that if the mass public dossent buy it it wont get the developers becaus they want to keep making monney.

Again, that's what I was saying. Please read my entire post before you comment.

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Which is what I said.

So why would i buy the mega hyper power car engin if no one builds it into a car for me ?

Dident you even notice that i was making fun of you killing your own point ?

What techonology is outdated? PS2 or X-Box? Look at it this way - the better your PC, the better games you can play on it. Its the same basis with a console.

The need of more rescourses dos not equal higher game qualety, call me back wen you finaly got that.

thes are screens from Disgaea, IMO the best game of 2003, the grafik issent annywere near high tech, yet the grafik, the gameplay and the storyline(s) kick major ass (the game is only about one Gig)



game trailer


ingame videos



Now tell me you even need the chipset of PS2 to realise this game, not to speak of the friging X-Box chipset, yet it still is pure awsomeness in all parts.

Its called reading between the lines, you should try it one day.

Show me were you got it ore die :rolleyes:

The PS2 and X-Box were released at roughly the same time. And in theory, your argument means that the PS2 should have better technology and specs, because the Playstation franchise has been running longer, giving them more time to develop it.

1.first, i still don´t care about how good the technic is as long as it is able to play my games, i am just ripping you silly points apart


The PS2 was finally released in Japan in March 2000, in the US in October and in Europe in November and... (we don´t care about europe and the US sinc the standart of the first japanes thing is basicly the same aside from some minore tweaks that don´t afakt gaming directly)


2001, November 15: Xbox launches in North America


so it´s JUST 20 month betwen ps2 and X-box, sinc in Computer technoliogie significant changes to not take place every few month (uh, wait a minute, they don´t ?) almost 2 more years of development did not give X-Box anny better Technic Basis, shuuuuuuuureeeee. :rolleyes:

Start having a fucking point ore stop posting crap. Shure that fucking Box has more Energy, WHO THE FUCK CARES IF I HAVE NOTHING FOR MY PLAING NEEDS ?

X-Box nerd 1: "You know i read that X-box technicly is good enough to controle a missellaunching station"

X-box nerd 2: "COooooooooool, PS2 can´t to that, and Nintendo is so childisch they blok all thes massdistruction fetures, WE RULE !!!!1111one"

X-Box nerd 1: "Uhm, so do you know were i can get my missile launchpat ?"


X-Box nerd 2: "You know, i read that with the Power of one X-Box you were able to rule smaler countrys logistics"

X-Box nerd 1: " COoooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, PS2 can´t do that, WE RULE !!!!!!!111111oneoneone"

X-Box nerd 2: "Let´s join the army now, we need to get some smal country, that will rock !!!11one"


X-Box nerd 1: "So played anny good games latly ?"

X-box nerd 2: "No but i read next year around this time there will be a great title, and it might even take several month till they put it on pc."

X-box nerd 1: "Coooooooooooooooooooooooool, PS2 and GameCube Games never come out on PC, we RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULE !!!!!1111"

X-box nerd 2: "So what do we do till than ?"

X-box nerd 1: "Let´s play Halo, on PC."

X-box nerd 2: "Yeah why wast our missilelaunchpad if PC got better grafiks annyway thanks to the higher screen resulution"

X-Box nerd 1: "Yeah, it´s so sad that PCs arrent billed as Gaming Consoles *sob*

X-box nerd 2 hughs X-box nerd 1 and sobs aswell.


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*X-Box nerds conversations*

:lol: Classic.

For me, I was always with Sega (Master System/Mega Drive), and then move on to Sony (PSX/PS2). Used to play SNES and the like, but not to anywhere near the same degree. But then, I'm a Sonic loyalist.

As for the contemporary consoles, there is but one reason why I'm PS2-only, and that is the controllers. I can't stand the Gamecube/X-Box controllers for one second (just like with Dreamcast, which is why I didn't get that either). If I could, I would definitely get a Gamecube as well...if only for all of the Sonic games (rather than just crappy Sonic Heroes) and the Rogue Squadron series :P

Bring back the NES/Master System rectangular controllers I say...!

Edited by stokeriño
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This is such a stupid debate, because most of it is based purely around opinion, which never defines a clear winner.

If you are trying to determine which system has the best specs, then its obviously Xbox in first, with PS2 in clear last.

Other than that, its all opinion. I mean I read the first guys posts, and I disagree completly. I think the PS2 is the ugliest machine I have got. I think the Xbox controller is one of the best controllers to have with certain genres. I think putting "Too cartoony" as a con for the GameCube is in my mind a "casual gamer" judgement, and the small discs easy to lose? Thats if you are dumb enough to leave them out.

I own a GameCube, Xbox and PS2, and theres not one I would choose over the other.

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I actualy thing case disign whise all 3 consoles suck majorly, and they can release 2241 sticker sets they still look like crap.


The only console I even like to look at is the GameCube.

That said though, theres been some absolutly fantastic looking custom designs for the Xbox. The guys that set the up have wwwwwwwaaayyy too much time on their hands, but it doesn't stop the designs from looking so damn good. Ill try and dig up a link and show you.

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The only console I even like to look at is the GameCube.

That said though, theres been some absolutly fantastic looking custom designs for the Xbox. The guys that set the up have wwwwwwwaaayyy too much time on their hands, but it doesn't stop the designs from looking so damn good. Ill try and dig up a link and show you.

you cant realy count thees case design geeks as what the companies are selling ;)

WEll the PSX and the Q look kinda neat but i somehow feel they copy the apple style minus the plastic :D

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Guest Future Shock

Stok, there IS an old school Nintendo controller out there for multiple platforms if I remember correctly...

And Mat, that XBox Nerd convo was...interesting. Funny as hell, but it sure weirded me out. :P

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Matzats inability to hold a debate without resorting to childish insults makes me laugh.

I never said that the PS2 didn't have better games, it does. But the X-Box has the potential to have better games in every single concept - graphics, storyline, blah blah blah.

Start having a fucking point ore stop posting crap. Shure that fucking Box has more Energy, WHO THE FUCK CARES IF I HAVE NOTHING FOR MY PLAING NEEDS ?

Funny, I do have a point - you just seem incapable of noticing it. Like I said, I own both, you don't. Therefore, how can you be unbiased?

PS2 Nerd 1: "Hmm, the X-Box easily has more potential than the PS2, so lets live on the game factor"

PS2 Nerd 2: "Yes, lets"

PS2 Nerd 1: "And then we can go argue with someone about it, but because we have no good argument, we'll resort to petty insults!"

If liking a console more than another makes people nerds, then I guess you fit into the PS2 nerd category, right?

And the fact that many X-Box games are imported to (or from) the PC proves my point. If the console can handle games that were originally designed for PC without losing anything, then surely it must be good, right?

I play the PS2 and X-Box just as much. If I wanted a varied selection of games, then I go for the PS2, because it has the bigger games library - which I never said it didn't. If I want a game that's graphically pleasing, bigger maps, more characters etc. then I go for the X-Box. If I want to play Sonic (who doesn't?) then I go on the GC.

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Guest Future Shock

I think Mat gets annoyed when people have either stupid arguments *I.E. most people he argues with on this matter, not me though ;)*, people who won't concede ANY points to him when it's quite obvious they should *Me* or you, who acts just as equally rude.

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I think Mat gets annoyed when people have either stupid arguments *I.E. most people he argues with on this matter, not me though ;)*, people who won't concede ANY points to him when it's quite obvious they should *Me* or you, who acts just as equally rude.

Actually, its the reverse. I've conceded many points to him (PS2 has a wider selection of games, which is his only argument), whereas whenever I mention specs I'm labelled as a 'nerd' and a 'tech whore'. He's got them wrong, but meh.

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