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UEFA Champions League 08/09

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So the Fletcher appeal has been shot down and the red card stands. Apparently they really looked into it, which doesn't make much sense. It wasn't a penalty, it wasn't a foul and therefore it wasn't a red card, not sure how they failed to see that. Shame for the guy and he must be gutted, because he clearly had a big chance of playing in the final. Hopefully we can win it for him.

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I didn't think they'd reverse Fletcher or Abidal's, even though both were never red cards. Last year when something similar came up they said they wouldn't because it 'undermines the referee' which is an awful excuse. But then UEFA are an inept organisation so it doesn't really surprise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Predictions for tonight?

I'm pretty nervous and I'm not too confident on predicting any type of scoreline. I'm leaning towards 2-1 to us (or hoping for). I'm also hoping there's no horrid refereeing that causes debate after the game as usual. It's going to be interesting to see what line up we go with and I'm hoping we really push forward from the first whistle with Barcelona's defence weakened right now. I'm not sure how I'll cope if we lose, because I don't think I can handle seeing Barcelona lifting the trophy. Hopefully a great game tonight, it deserves to be.

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I'd be very surprised if Ronaldo doesn't start up front on his own, with Rooney/Park on the left and right. You'll still win though, Barca's defence is shaky when it's at full strength and they're pretty much going to be playing a second string back four.

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I'm excited/nervous as fuck for tonight. I see it being the same 11 as against Arsenal but with Giggs in for Fletcher. With all the talk about it being Ronaldo vs. Messi, I've got a feeling Rooney will outshine both if them tonight. My prediction is we grab an early goal, defend for much of the game, they equalise and then Tevez scores late in the game to win it 2-1.

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Guest Ringmaster

My riceman Ali put down 500 smackers on Barca, the crazy bastard. He's rarely wrong though (except when the Brazilians cheated :@ at the last SAC :@) I expect he is here, the two teams are even but for the defense and Barca's defense consists of a bunch of palookas that can handle crisp football but that can't handle crosses (see the losses to Athleti, Espanyol, the draws at Betis and Mallorca.) Still. They can outscore Utd, so who knows.

And yaaaaay Shaka Hislop is here to give me his valuable opinion. He's a Premier League starter you know!

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It seems to dissapear for no reason. It went off after the goal for the replays and stuff but didn't come back for 3 minutes. Now as you say, it's gone again.

Let's just chalk it up to ITV sucking.

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I'm the opposite, I think it's been a great game. Maybe it's because I support United, but I think it's been really good so far.

We seriously need to get Tevez on for Park though. He can do everything Park can but times that by three. Not to mention he's got good enough pace to trouble this defence. I cant believe Park didn't finish that rebound off either, how that could cost us in the end. They look dangerous and have shown some super passing at times though, we really need to up it another gear.

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