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NCAA Footbal 09 Season Thread


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Bradford Wins the Heisman. I guess from this point forward the Heisman goes to the person who scores the most touchdowns on a team in a major conference.... oh well. At least, with Tebow not winning, we know that next year's winner won't be pre-determined. Oh well, good for Sam Bradford.

Oh yeah... war on Billy Simms yelling BOOMER during Bradford's speech. Fuck that dude.

Edited by MikelClause
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I couldn't have given two shits who actually won so long as Tebow didn't. Bradford and McCoy (and Harrell and Crabtree, for that matter) did more with less than Timmy Fucking Heisman but oh no Tim threw a lot of touchdowns without an interception near the end of the season let's trip over ourselves to suck his dick. Tebow got way too much hype and my joy will only be complete if Florida loses the championship game and Tebow gets hurt falling over his offensive line.

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Obviously it's been a QB award pretty much for the last few decades (With the exception of very special players), but I would have picked Shonn Greene or Michael Crabtree out as being the best players in the country. That said, this is the way they vote and based on that criteria I definitely felt Bradford deserved it the most.

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Considering it's supposed to be the best player on the best team, there are plenty of guys left out because their teams lose more than a couple of games.

And yeah, Auburn you're retarded. Just wow. D was the only thing you had that resembeled your former self. That didn't need fixing. So you hire a great defensive mind that blew ass as a Head Coach in the Big 12. Just wow.

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So let me get this straight. Texas beats Oklahoma but then gets fucked by the Big 12 and doesn't get in the championship game....in which the two teams that do got beat by Texas already this season. Then McCoy doesn't get the Heisman even though he set a record for completion percentage and had a team around him that wasn't the greatest. He carried Texas for most of the season. He put that school on his back.

I've said it before and I'll say it again I hate the fucking Heisman Trophy because its nothing more than a popularity contest.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again I hate the fucking Heisman Trophy because its nothing more than a popularity contest.

So's the national championship game, why should anything in college football be measured on something as retarded and simple as merit? :shifty: Not nearly as much discussion about it that way.

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no, I have not seen this commercial .... but it sounds glorious.

Actually, the Heisman really hasn't been all that bad in who it has awarded. The issue is that everybody has their own interpretation of what it is supposed to be. It's meant to be the best player on the best team. Every now and then a player excels beyond that threshold (like Tebow did last year), and rarely can you argue about whether the person that won it actually deserved it. Sure, there are always going to be other players that deserve it but at least the people that determine the winner aren't a computer.

Think about it. Sure, I feel McCoy should have won it, but I sure as hell am not going WTF BRADFORD ? He's the best player and leader of a team that rolled through the entire year and set an NCAA record for points scored and most consecutive 60pt games. Their only loss was to freakin Texas. In no way shape or form does he NOT deserve it.

I'll take an award that gives it to one of a handful of people that clearly deserve to win it.

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no, I have not seen this commercial .... but it sounds glorious.

Actually, the Heisman really hasn't been all that bad in who it has awarded. The issue is that everybody has their own interpretation of what it is supposed to be. It's meant to be the best player on the best team. Every now and then a player excels beyond that threshold (like Tebow did last year), and rarely can you argue about whether the person that won it actually deserved it. Sure, there are always going to be other players that deserve it but at least the people that determine the winner aren't a computer.

Think about it. Sure, I feel McCoy should have won it, but I sure as hell am not going WTF BRADFORD ? He's the best player and leader of a team that rolled through the entire year and set an NCAA record for points scored and most consecutive 60pt games. Their only loss was to freakin Texas. In no way shape or form does he NOT deserve it.

I'll take an award that gives it to one of a handful of people that clearly deserve to win it.

The Heisman, according to their web site and other documentation of theirs, is meant to be awarded to the most outstanding player in college football. This isn't an MVP award, it's to the player who clearly excels above all other players. There was no player who did that this year, so it came down to voting and Bradford won but it was close.

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The Heisman isn't meant to go to the best player on the best team. It's more like a trophy to the guy, who had he not been on the team, the team wouldn't have done nearly as well as they did. Last year, Tebow won the Heisman last year and the Gators went 9-4. Best team? Not even close. But he earned and deserved that award, because had he not carried the team on his back like he did last season, they wouldn't have even won what they did.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again I hate the fucking Heisman Trophy because its nothing more than a popularity contest.

So's the national championship game, why should anything in college football be measured on something as retarded and simple as merit? :shifty: Not nearly as much discussion about it that way.

I've been fed up with the Heisman for years. I was already over it by then pretty much, but Peyton Manning losing out was more or less the last straw. Manning may not have gotten it because he was never able to beat Florida, but they as much as admitted that Charles Woodson got it based on ONE FUCKING GAME. However, I'm satisifed that Peyton will have the last laugh, since he's pretty much already a Hall of Fame lock and people may be be going "Charles Who?" 5 years after he retires.

I think the fact that most Heisman Trophy winners end up being either a bust of mediocre when they get into the NFL says a lot as well; just because you're hot shit in college doesn't mean you won't be plain shit in the pros. If I was the owner or general manager of a team, I'd be wary of drafting a Heisman winner, because you're probably going to have to pay them more for winning the award and if they turn out to be a bust you're screwed. (I'd also be wary of drafting a Florida QB, because I honestly can't remember the last one who was worth a damn in the NFL and I think Tebow is going to be mediocre to average once he gets in)

Regarding the NCS, over at another board one guy actually thinks the game should be Texas-USC. Unbelievable. I agree Texas should be in instead of Oklahoma (Oklahoma didn't deserve to be in last time they were, either; should have been Auburn - however, I am pulling for the Sooners to beat the Gators, though holding my nose while doing it), but I fail to see how anyone could justify the Trojans playing for the Championship over Texas, Florida or Oklahoma.

Edited by GhostMachine
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I think the fact that most Heisman Trophy winners end up being either a bust of mediocre when they get into the NFL says a lot as well; just because you're hot shit in college doesn't mean you won't be plain shit in the pros.

I don't think that's a fair way to form an opinion of the Heisman though. It isn't a predictor, but rather a measure of performance in college. Sure, there's TONS of busts or "didn't pan out like we thought" in the NFL. Hell, I'd put up the Heisman list against the overall No 1 draft picks and I'd bet that it's an equal "bust" ratio. Hell, how many high school all americans end up shit in college ? Does that take away from their performance in high school ? Does it lessen the high school all american award ? No, neither are true. Somebody's pro career shouldn't turn around and make the Heisman look like a sham. That simply isn't a fair judgement.

It goes in phases as well. Take a look at the winners from 81-88 .. Marcus Allen, Herschal Walker, Mike Rozier, Doug Flutie, Bo Jackson, Vinny Testaverde, Tim Brown, Barry Sanders .... yeah, that's one fuck of a list. A few years earlier you have Earl Campbell and Tony Dorsett. Then it falls of a bit, but you've still got guys like Eddie George and Ricky Williams thrown in (Williams was All Pro before he decided weed was better). Carson Palmer is an all star when healthy, and Reggie Bush is showing flashes but the jury is still out. There are plenty of "success" stories in terms of Heisman winners.

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Here is to hoping McCoy goes into the Ohio State game with the "Something to Prove" attitude and they completely destory Ohio State. If that happens then there should be a split national title this year. Especially if Oklahoma wins.

McCoy can go into the Ohio State game deaf, blind, and dumb and Texas will still likely destroy Ohio State.

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wow, so Alabama and Virginia Tech will be playing in the Chic Fil A kickoff classic to start 2009 ...... Kudos to both schools for not playing bitches in game one. THIS is what we need

See, now wasn't that easy guys? Hey, and the benefit is that neither will be out of the title hunt after the game. The loser lost to a, presumably, good school. The winner has a leg up on most of the other contenders out there. It's a simple formula which we actually saw employed by the Oklahoma Sooners this year and USC Trojans. One of them got into the title game.

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