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NCAA Footbal 09 Season Thread


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First of all YES, congratulations to Rolle and *yay* for something good about FSU football finally.

ok, and secondly. FUCK YOU BCS ! It isn't even down to deciding the national title game participants and already you're fucking up who will be the national title game participants. This quote from the ESPN article on the new BCS ratings sums it all up:

"So the Longhorns will be watching two teams they beat play for the conference title" .... the Big 12 had to go to the 5th tiebreaker which is ... the B FUCKING CS.

Un fucking believable.

The only solice I can hope for, is that Mizzou wins, 'Bama wins, and we still get Texas/Bama in the national title game. Then, both a two loss UF and two loss Oklahoma then create a way for Boise St to sneak in.

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Today it became official: Lane Kiffin is the new head coach of the Vols. He held a press conference and came off rather well. He may be retaining four of the assistants, but Dave Clawson and John Chavis are gone. The only thing he confirmed about his staff is that he's bringing in David Reaves, who was South Carolina's QB coach and recruiting coordinator, but he apparently hasn't decided what Reaves' job will be. Its rumored that Lane's father Monte, who has been with the NFL for 26 years and is currently Tampa Bay's defensive coordinator, will be the Vols' new defensive coordinator.

Oh, and a big, heartfelt FUCK YOU, BOB STOOPS! Oklahoma leapt over Texas for the #2 spot in the BCS, meaning it'll likely be Alabama-Oklahoma for the National Championship. I will be pulling for Oklahoma to win if that happens, because NOTHING would ever make me pull for Alabama *, but I hope the game costs the Sooners. They didn't deserve to be in the National Championship game last time they were there (should have been Auburn in the game), and they don't deserve it this time either.

*I hate the Crimson Tide with a vengeance, and the only team that I loathe almost as bad is Notre Dame. But Notre Dame is still Notre Lame, fortunately.

According to one of my cousins - and I don't know where he heard it, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt - Phil Fulmer supposedly has been contacted by Notre Dame and Clemson, and has said he'd be interested in the Clemson job if they offer it.

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LOL Tennessee and Kiffin. He's already in violation of the recruiting rules. He called a recruit the day before he took the job officially. Good job genius.

And actually, it isn't Stoops' fault. The Human element of the BCS (the two polls) actually had Texas AHEAD of Oklahoma. Whatever makes up the computer component of the BCS is what put Oklahoma ahead.

and ... I thought Swinney was being given the Clemson job ?

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I read this story on Rivals, and wanted to see what you guys thought. Basically it's saying that even if Florida beats Bama on Saturday, it may not be enough to get them into the title game because the computers don't like Florida, and we could see a OU-Texas rematch for the National Championship.


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I honestly think that'd be as fair as anything else that has/could happen with the BCS crap. Hell, they played the fucking Citadel two weeks ago. This is the home stretch of the season and everybody else is playing ranked teams/conference teams/somebody that isn't 1-AA and suck balls. Seriously, WTF ?

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The only solice I can hope for, is that Mizzou wins, 'Bama wins, and we still get Texas/Bama in the national title game. Then, both a two loss UF and two loss Oklahoma then create a way for Boise St to sneak in.

Knowing the BCS, they'd still probably dick Boise over and give the spot to a two loss Florida or Oklahoma. Or whoever is one below Ohio State.

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LOL Tennessee and Kiffin. He's already in violation of the recruiting rules. He called a recruit the day before he took the job officially. Good job genius.

And actually, it isn't Stoops' fault. The Human element of the BCS (the two polls) actually had Texas AHEAD of Oklahoma. Whatever makes up the computer component of the BCS is what put Oklahoma ahead.

and ... I thought Swinney was being given the Clemson job ?

Actually, the violation would have been if he hadn't passed a recruiting certification before contacting the recruit, not that he did it before being announced officially as the coach. And he stated that he had already been certified before contacting the player.

And I know its not Stoops' fault, but I have to believe that politicing had a bit to do with it, as an article I read about the situation said that one of the human polls (Harris or Coaches', I forget which - pretty sure it wasn't the USA Today poll) had Oklahoma ahead of Texas and that was a factor in Texas being shafted in favor of Oklahoma. So stand by my FUCK YOU, BOB STOOPS!

I'm sorry, but its absolutely ludicrous that a team that lost that to another team in the same division of their conference leaps over the team that beat them to play for a championship. So I actually hope Oklahoma gets their ass kicked in the conference championship game, though that probably won't happen.

The BCS is still a joke. It was intended to end controversy over championships, yet we've had two or three split championships under it and teams leaping into title games they don't belong in. We really do need a playoff system with rankings having no factor in certain things; ie, major conference champions should automatically get in (but NOT champions of every conference, because some conferences are a joke), THEN rankings used to determine who else gets to play after that.

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Best possible NCAA Football method right here.


All I got to say is this man is a genius.

I literally said that exact same format to a friend of mine. I don't see this as a groundbreaking tournament format. It's the most logical one.

Edited by damshow
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It isn't hard at all to figure out a playoff ... but figuring one out isn't the issue.

What the hell...you just confused me with that

Figuring out a playoff and implementing one are two different things. The first can be done in a few hours. The second just doesn't seem feasible because the big conference presidents and people that run the bowls don't want one.

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I'm a fan of the +1 idea.

They'd play all the BCS bowls, then re-rank the teams. Then the top 2 teams would play the following week for the National Championship.

I wouldn't mind that, at least as a way to test the waters for a playoff system. I think that we'll end up with a playoff someday, but I'm actually a really big fan of all of the bowl games. It gives me a chance to see a lot of good teams play that I wouldn't get to see otherwise.

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I'm a fan of the +1 idea.

They'd play all the BCS bowls, then re-rank the teams. Then the top 2 teams would play the following week for the National Championship.

I wouldn't mind that, at least as a way to test the waters for a playoff system. I think that we'll end up with a playoff someday, but I'm actually a really big fan of all of the bowl games. It gives me a chance to see a lot of good teams play that I wouldn't get to see otherwise.

In no way would that test the waters for a playoff system. You'd have the same issue as you did in determining the BCS teams. The computer element will be influenced the most out of the games, and that is where the problem lies right now.

and yeah, Naiwf knows what I'm talking about.

In other news, Tuberville is out at Auburn. Wow, I can't wait to see where he ends up ... (and LOL Tennessee again) and who takes the Auburn job.

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