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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

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I really like the game. It's not perfect in any way. The camera angles and the fact your character seems to weigh more than a planet can ruin it for many players. A lot of new Star Wars padding though, adding more the the universe. Still kind of pissed at the ending though (light side):

Force Explosion? GAY. And why the hell wasn't there much damage? The Emperor no-sold it like a fucker! I was hoping for a Gray Jedi 'exile' sort of ending with Juno, leaving it open for further projects featuring Starkiller.

But otherwise, great characters (Proxy is awesome) and it really binds Episode 3 to Episode 4, which they really tried to do in Episodes 2 & 3 but just didn't have enough time to fit in. I really liked how they revealed how the Rebel Alliance was founded, I sat with a goofy smile for about three minutes.

I can buy the Emperor no selling after Darth Vader sold you whooping the hell out of him to the point of near death. You rip his mask off for god sakes and blow his leg down to the metal prosteic he has! Fighting Vader had to be the best fight in that whole game.

Maybe I am just a huge nerd, but they run through some of the foundings of the Rebellion in some deleted scenes in the Episode III DVD. But they do a nice job of showing the main founders that would have such a huge impact on the future of the universe.

I got the Dark side ending myself but gonna play through it again to get the light side

Plus at least I got a bad ass suit to do it in now though for me highlight of the game was the Darth Maul duel I loved that fight

The Darth Maul fight was sweet, but annoying at times. That damn unblockable combo of death just got ridicolous after a while.

And my damned Red Ring of Death has kept me from finishing up to get the Dark Side Ending. Needless to say if I could go to Microsoft right now they would get quite the bitching out...

Edited by Hailtothechimp
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Spoilers spoilers spoilers... Avoiding them all, although I know the gist of how the game ends, of course. I'm two levels off the end, and am savouring the experience - probably crack on to finish it tomorrow.

Have pretty much doubled my previously piss-poor Gamerscore with this game - it's now just merely Godawful.

Can anyone tell me a little about the different lightsabre crystals? So far all I have is the blue and yellow colour ones, and the Ilum power one that boosts blaster deflection.

Was anyone else thrown when the AT-ST didn't show up like it does during the demo?

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Spoilers spoilers spoilers... Avoiding them all, although I know the gist of how the game ends, of course. I'm two levels off the end, and am savouring the experience - probably crack on to finish it tomorrow.

Have pretty much doubled my previously piss-poor Gamerscore with this game - it's now just merely Godawful.

Can anyone tell me a little about the different lightsabre crystals? So far all I have is the blue and yellow colour ones, and the Ilum power one that boosts blaster deflection.

Was anyone else thrown when the AT-ST didn't show up like it does during the demo?

You find the lightsaber crystals all over the place. Check in places that are off the beaten path, giant glowing yellow things. I have a whole bunch, none of them I like though. Pretty sure there's a BLACK crystal, which is insanely awesome. I've still to find that. All they do is change the colour. The 'power' crystals are the only things that do anything, and it tells you what they do in the game.

And yeah, I was expecting the AT-ST as well.

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My roommate rented it for the 360 and beat it twice in that time, getting all the Lightsaber crystals and a bunch of the outfits. One of my other friends has it for the Wii and while it's slightly more fun to play than the 360 or PS3, albeit with arthritis-inducing controls, the graphics are horrible. I'm talking N64-quality here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Whelp, just broke it out again for the first time in a couple of weeks, in which I only played the first mission, got to say, it's far more fun than I originally conceived, there's nothing more satisfying than picking someone up and throwing your weapon at them, that skill's getting a heavy boost :D

Quick question though, what's the 'camera focus' button(s) for the Wii?

Edited by Benji O' Doom~!
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A lot of people seem to have trouble with the camera and focus, but having gone through the whole game my only problem was the woeful lack of explanation about how to crash that Star Destroyer. Having to resort to a guide for that and finding that the trick to it is nothing like what it tells you in game was, well, rubbish.

Still, you get to crash a Star Destroyer. With the Force.

At no point does that concept stop being awesome.

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It does when the controls are shitty and the tie-fighters don't give you long enough to actually move the fucking thing. If it wasn't for force lightning somehow being useful against the ties that part would be practically unplayable. Apparently, they even realised it was a broken setpiece and wanted it to be just a cutscene but they'd fucked themselves since it was already hyped as a major selling point.

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It does when the controls are shitty and the tie-fighters don't give you long enough to actually move the fucking thing. If it wasn't for force lightning somehow being useful against the ties that part would be practically unplayable. Apparently, they even realised it was a broken setpiece and wanted it to be just a cutscene but they'd fucked themselves since it was already hyped as a major selling point.

I didnt think there was that much of a problem, the thing with the ties was a little annoying but they were quick and easy to dispatch with a combo of the lightning and the grab. It was a good feeling plunging it down.

I finished the game last weekend, didn't realise there was two endings though. Someone care to tell me them both (in spoiler tags of course) and if you know, how you get each?

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The Star Destroyer bit was ridiculous because I hadn't thought about using lightning before, why would I, and the fact that the whole time there's a block of debris floating right in front of you so it's obvious the point was to toss the debris at the ties but doing that is incredibly slow so by the time you've destroyed them the fucking Star Destroyer has reverted to it's original position again. The only way I realised to use lightning was going on gamefaqs which sucks.

You get both endings when you're on the Death Star:

You fight Vader and he retreats to one end of the screen. Palpatine starts force lightninging your friends and says you can either try to stop him or kill Vader and join him. If you jump down to Vaders platform you have another duel with him and get the dark side ending which is still pretty weird since you beat Vader and then try to save your pals anyway. All in a cutscene, Palpatine beats you and has you transformed into a cyborg to be his assassin or something. I didn't see the light side ending.
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The Star Destroyer bit was ridiculous because I hadn't thought about using lightning before, why would I, and the fact that the whole time there's a block of debris floating right in front of you so it's obvious the point was to toss the debris at the ties but doing that is incredibly slow so by the time you've destroyed them the fucking Star Destroyer has reverted to it's original position again. The only way I realised to use lightning was going on gamefaqs which sucks.

You get both endings when you're on the Death Star:

You fight Vader and he retreats to one end of the screen. Palpatine starts force lightninging your friends and says you can either try to stop him or kill Vader and join him. If you jump down to Vaders platform you have another duel with him and get the dark side ending which is still pretty weird since you beat Vader and then try to save your pals anyway. All in a cutscene, Palpatine beats you and has you transformed into a cyborg to be his assassin or something. I didn't see the light side ending.

Oh hell, I must have accidently skipped the decision cos I just saw Palpatine and assumed I had to fight him? Didnt realise there was a choice (even though the cutscene indicated one). Meh I got the other ending then, cos that ain't what happened.
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It does when the controls are shitty and the tie-fighters don't give you long enough to actually move the fucking thing. If it wasn't for force lightning somehow being useful against the ties that part would be practically unplayable. Apparently, they even realised it was a broken setpiece and wanted it to be just a cutscene but they'd fucked themselves since it was already hyped as a major selling point.

Well, as someone who levelled lighting up as soon as I could, and who really loathed trying to do grip/toss the first thing I thought of when it came to the TIEs was to use lightning.

And is it really that hard? Hide behind the raised wall area on whichever side, jump up, and start pumping out lightning straight ahead just before the TIEs fly past. As you hang in the air while you're doing it, you should get three or four on the first pass, and the rest is just a matter of timing.

Of all the problems I had with that level (including having to restart when the Imperial ship wouldn't open mid-way through) that wasn't an especially problematic one. I guess everyone finds different things difficult. I got stupidly stuck on the Death Star level when I couldn't work out that what I thought was a lift was actually just a cupboard *shrug*

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It does when the controls are shitty and the tie-fighters don't give you long enough to actually move the fucking thing. If it wasn't for force lightning somehow being useful against the ties that part would be practically unplayable. Apparently, they even realised it was a broken setpiece and wanted it to be just a cutscene but they'd fucked themselves since it was already hyped as a major selling point.

Yeah, they fixed that in the Wii version and made it into a cutscene. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't do it myself, but after hearing how much of a mess it is in the other versions I'm kinda happy they fixed it.

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I was really loving this game until the Star Destroyer level. I would move the thing three times but then after that the TIE's would come out to quickly for me to make any sort of major change in the ship's positions. I just grew frustrated and read both endings so I didn't have to bother anymore. It's too bad because I was really liking it.

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Yeah, I didn't try the lightning thing either so Ima have to try that when I get back to playing sometime next year after I beat Fable 2 and Fallout 3 to hell and back. But after the Star Destroyer thing, it gets pretty damn awesome again, so I would at least try to beat it.

I mean hell, you paid for it didn't you?

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I have to say, other than a few little niggles here and there It was a really enjoyable game (I am a huge Star Wars fan mind you) although Im not really in a hurry to reply the game. My only real gripe was that the game seemed a little too short for my liking.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dunno If anyone has realised but they've released some new content for this a few days back

400 MSP on 360 and you get;

Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Imperial Commando, Darth Sion, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto as playable characters as well as three new costumes for the 'Apprentice' which are; Hooded Combat Gear, General Starkiller and Sith Assassin.

Anyone already got it? Worth it?

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