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NHL 2K9 / NHL 09


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Too many glitchers, too many opponents who clearly have better stats than our players (be it through cheating or just playing all the time) and too many terrible AI-controlled players :(

Keeping that in mind, we didn't do too badly in our three matches last night. Not at all. 2-1, 2-1, 2-0 losses. It's nothing too major considering they can get up to 5-1 consistently. Given the amount of pass across the crease -> one timers they went for in that second match, that could easily have been one of those scorelines. On the whole I think it was a better group of opponents last night than usual, we played alright but nothing too much.

I've fell back into my "holding the puck" for too long phase, so I'll try and get out of that. It just seems pressing the Right Trigger for me is basically the button for "pass to them for a break away goal" so I try not to be too keen with it, but then I just get hit and give it up anyways so I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas.

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Tap RB when you're skating down the wing with the puck, should put the puck out just in front of you and let you go a bit quicker. Doesn't always mean avoiding a hit though, unfortunately.

I think maybe we need to have more team-oriented attacks. Not just keeping the puck in their zone but starting the attack together, it always seems to be one of us racing down the ice and waiting for the others to join in rather than all going at once. Up for some games tonight?

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Tap RB when you're skating down the wing with the puck, should put the puck out just in front of you and let you go a bit quicker. Doesn't always mean avoiding a hit though, unfortunately.

I think maybe we need to have more team-oriented attacks. Not just keeping the puck in their zone but starting the attack together, it always seems to be one of us racing down the ice and waiting for the others to join in rather than all going at once. Up for some games tonight?

It's my best friends birthday so I'll be not around tonight unfortunately. Sunday probably though.

On the RB thing, I only ever do that in the neutral zone, and usually then I try and direct it towards the boards to maybe shorten the length of the push, but I can imagine doing it in their zone just leads to pushing the puck forward whilst being creamed. I think I need to keep dekeing, but keep my guy moving in directions too, as opposed to skating towards them and moving the puck around. As they don't watch the puck, they watch the puck carrier and will just take the body immediately. We should try and few new things though sometime definitely. See if we can't get to learn out team mates moves a little better and know where to go when one has the puck, definitely worth a try.

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