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Coin-Op's 100 Greatest Video Games

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I'll have you know that my last wet dream looked roughly like this.


...what the fuck is wrong with me? :/

And yeah, I said disc. I also got three hours of sleep last night despite going to bed at 11:30.

Edited by The Souser Urchin
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85: Outcast


10 points - 10pts

I could pretend that I know lots about this game, but I don't. It came out in '99 and Gamespot named it their adventure game of the year apparantly. You wander around righting wrongs and revelling in the fact that it's set in the future.....Well 2007 anyway. It all ran off software without making use of hardware so required a monster (for then) PC to run it sowhoever voted for this was either annoyingly well off as a kid or was good at whinging at their parents until they got what they wanted.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: Never crossed paths with the game, don't need to.

84: Final Fantasy VIII


10 points - 10pts

I feel the screenshot shows the same excitement that this game has been met by in the voting. Consider the fact that there are numerous Final Fantasies still to come in the list and this one squeaked in down here. So, it was released on the PS1 and after FFVII was horribly hyped. Still, it sold VERY well, generally rated very highly with the critics and it has the gunblade sword. All good so far. Some have complained that it lacks the heart of some other FF games but still I'm surprised to see it this low...But then maybe I've been living in Japan for too long.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: It's good but there ARE better. I still remember the hype though, blame FF7.

83: Championship Manager 01/02


10 points - 10pts

Ahhh yes, Championship Manager 01/02 season - clearly the pinnacle. I remember it well. Ahhh the new EU regulated transfer system, the new Korean league, the super Swedes....Or it was just another in a series that has been slowly refining itself, with a few blips, over the years. You decide.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: If I'm gonna be honest, the new FMs really set the benchmark as far as I'm concerned.

82: Silent Hill 2


10 points - 1pt / 4pts

The only Silent Hill game on this list. Yep, I'm a little surprised too. Like the majority of the Silent Hill games, 2 was released on the PS2 which suited the use of fog which created an eeirier atmosphere and eliminating the far distance pop-up that could otherwise ruin the claustrophobic vibe. Silent Hill 2 is perhaps most famous for Pyramid Heads, an enemy iconic in it's look and style. A worthy series of games and Silent Hill 2 has perhaps the best psychology and story of them all.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: I've been in worse toilets than this. Still, the Silent Hill games are always flawed but are always totally atmospheric.

81: Mike Tyson's (Super) Punch Out


10 points - 2pts / 3pts

Take the role of boxing nobody Little Mac and fight through a dozen or so fighters to get your dream shot at Mike Tyson / Mr Dream (depending on which version you play). It's a game both iconic and highly rated, particularly for it's time. Each fighter had a different strategy and different strengths and it was up to you, as Little Mac, to overcome all adversities to take victory. I bought this a year back from work to keep hold of it. I know that eventually it'll be worth something, and if not it's a good game to have.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: Good game and iconic. Not surprised that it's in the top 100.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Bah, the best (Edging out 9 and 10, fuck 7) of the final fantasy series that low? Lame :(

Also, if Alone in the Dark or Resident Evil make the list now that Silent Hill is that low, I shall be forever (more?) disappointed with EWB'ers.

On the plus side, Outcast! I'd forgotten about that game. My friend owned it, I was jealous. 'Twas awesome.

Enjoying the list hammy, even if you have offended me and my love for Squall :P

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I played through FFVIII a few months ago, and (as FF-thread regulars know) I rate it extremely highly. It's certainly not the best FF game (again, as FF-thread regulars know, that accolade is firmly attached to my beloved XII). The characters are mostly suprerb, although sometimes it feels like characters are entirely forgotten for an hour or so. The side-quests were fun, the story was a bit convulted but mostly good enough to hold interest and it was ann all round fun gaming experience. It just suffered from a poor main character, a painfully dull junctioning/levelling/magic system and the fact it came after VII.

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You silly, Kou it's in the voting thread. Weighting is given to more people voting for a game than one person voting a game really high, so the points are (points person A gave them + points person b gave them + etc) * (number of people who put this game in their top 10)

So for Rome: Total War

(1 +3) * 2 = 8

Weighted voting is retarded, Ellis and I could have gotten Barbie's Horse Adventures on top of the list.

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80: Ico


10 points - 2pts / 3pts

So you're a lad with horns who was put into a big castle to die by your superstitious village. You escape and find an imprisoned girl and armed with a trusty wooden stick your aim becomes to traverse the beautifully vast maze of the castle and escape, girl in tow. A critical success (created by the same team who then worked on Shadow Of The Colossus and are working on another game for the PS3 codenamed Ico 3). The game is simple and beautiful with a washed out palette, later utilised by other games, and a minimal use of music. I own the limited cardboard packaging edition which until the standard reprint came out, was selling for hundreds of pounds in the UK. D'oh.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: Shame on you for leaving this beautiful game languishing so low.

79: NHL 08


12 points - 4pts / 2pts

I don't get ice hockey. The closest I come to watching it seriously is when I routinely cheer the Swedish team on at the Winter Olympics. However I AM aware that the NHL series is one of the better series released by EA and does have a huge following. I remember playing an older edition and having some fun tackling people and passing the puck around the ice. While I know most people are skeptical of Gamespot, they DID give this game the best sports game of the year award this year. So there ya go. Sports games are cursed on this list because different people have different favourite games in the series but NHL 08 has come out top of the Ice Hockey games.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: I'm not in a position to cheer or boo it's inclusion. Over to you (or Kou).

78: Gran Turismo 2


12 points - 4pts / 2pts

I preordered the original Gran Turismo when it came out during my A Levels. I wasn't allowed to play it until I'd finished my exams which is probably just as well, so when GT2 came out while I was at university I went straight to the shops on launch day and snaffled myself a copy for my trusty Playstation. First thoughts were that it looked a bit uglier than the original but the sheer weight of cars and tracks included, along with the excellent career mode made it all worthwhile. We killed SO MANY hours during our first year at uni sitting in a friend's room taking it in turns to drive for 20 minutes in the monster long distance races while my friends smoked weed and we all drank ourselves silly. Happy memories.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: If this list was based aroundd the amount of time I'd spent playing a game, this would be MUCH higher.

77: Banjo-Kazooie


12 points - 1pt / 5pts

Ahhh the N64. I picked up a load of N64 games from work when Gamestation were purging their old stock and chucking it all away (I know, apalling). I picked up loads of N64 games for 5p each and sold loads off on ebay (which could have gotten me fired) for a nice profit. I believe this one sold okay mainly because it was so popular. It was also very highly rated across the board, offering excellent graphics and some cool hybrid gameplay of platform and adventure. Nice.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: One of the better N64 games so not got a problem with it being SOMEWHERE on the list. Would be lower for me though.

76: Counter Strike


14 points - 1pts / 6pts

I played this a little after playing through Half Life and while it never QUITE captured my imagination, it became one of the biggest played online shooter games from it's release in '99. Part of it's success of course is to be attributed to it's vast scope for homebrew and editing which kept the levels and games fresh for years. Indeed, there are still competitions and active clans all over the world. Not bad for a game approaching it's tenth year.

HAMSTER'S VERDICT: It belongs on the list. Afterall the list is bigger than just me.

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The only thing I remember about Gran Turismo 2 is that you could buy a big gold bus for millions and millions of credits. Not that I could afford it.

Though for a series that sold itself on it's realism, GT let me enjoy some succsess using my 'buy car, tune to 1000hp, hope that you're so far ahead that your opponents can't catch up after you crash' tactic.

And I remember reading about the great Gamestation pyre of retro games on Gamecentral. Potential firing for it though? Fuck em, if they were just gonna destroy em anyway then it's no business what you did with em. Though really they should have just ebayed them themselves.

Edited by King eLLis
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They had the XCom game for PS1. Someone had traded it in after buying it from a local shop who scribble out the barcode (annoying). I'd wanted to buy it since it came in but it would have cost me thirty quid cos it's collectable. However, while the game was on the safe list for the purge, because it didn't scan through theoretically it could have been purged. So I just shoved it in a big pile of PS1 games and asked my manager how much I could have all those to-be-purged games for and got 20 games for a fiver and sold X-Com for thirty quid on ebay. hehehehe.

Actually, how did I miss XCom: Enemy Unknown off my top 10? D'oh.

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