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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Guest strongarm85

So the guys at Lukas Arts and Bioware finally let the worst kept seceret in the gaming industry out of the bag today when they announced when they finally announced Star Wars: The Old Republic.


The game takes place 300 years after Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2. The game has been in development for years already. According to what has been revealed so far, this game, despite being an MMO with be heavily story driven and featuring the branching dialog trees that Bioware games have been known for. There is also companion character system where you can bring along other characters to basically form a party with you even while your playing by yourself. These are not your generic NPCs either as it would appear that influence system from previous KoToR games is making a return in some form. These NPCs will interact and even judge you based on your actions.

One thing is for sure, this is not going to be a typical MMO.

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Just something to note about this game is that it's being made by a team in Bioware Austin. The Bioware Edmonton team who made Mass Effect worked on the original game and Obsidian worked on the second so I wouldn't let the past totally determine the quality of the future.

I knew this MMO was coming but it still stings like a bitch. Essentially the way the interviews have sounded makes me believe there will never be a KOTOR 3 proper (aka single player - character driven experience). They neatly tossed away all the cliff hangers following the second game (Revan failed - now you know...so here's a MMO set 300 years after...enjoy). Obsidian has begged LucasArts to let them finish the KOTOR series but they keep getting refused. Seems like this is what we're getting stuck with.

Not excited for this one...but hopefully it's a good game that the people who ARE interested will be able to enjoy.

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  • 7 months later...

This might be old news, but I just saw a recently released trailer for this...and it's fucking amazing. If I wasn't sold already, I am now. :D

Deceived Trailer

Sets the stage for the beginning of the game I believe. The sacking of Coruscant. Epic flavour!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Is there any word on if this will be a subscription based MMO or is it free to play online?

I have to think a game this big is going to be subscription-based, honestly.

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