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360 and PS3 owners, what are your console's top 10 exclusives?

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So, 360 has a time advantage here due to having been out for a long time before the PS3 and therefore having a large amount of it's back catalogue exclusive but it'll be interesting to see patterns and disparities.

So choose your console and list the top ten games that are only available on THAT console in a time of franchises selling out to sell on both for bigger revenue.


1. Metal Gear Solid 4 + Metal Gear Online

2. Wipeout HD

3. Everybody's Golf World Tour

4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

5. Little Big Planet (from what I've stolen plays on)

6. Yakuza 3

7. The Last Guy

8. Singstar

9. Heavenly Sword

10. Afrika

I'm also marking out for Way Of The Samurai 3, Resistance 2, Heavy Rain (produced by the guys who did Farenheit) and Fallout 2.

I have no doubt that the 360 will have a far deeper list but that's unsurprising. What I like about the PS3 options is the sheer variety of games - quiz games, singing games, photography games, cutesy platformers, gritty shooters, luscious racers, MGS...etc etc

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As someone who'll be getting a PS3 in a week or two, I personally agree that PS3's exclusive list is probably better than Xbox's. There's only one 360 that I really wouldn't mind playing, and thats Gears of War. Halo is a big pile of meh, Fable the same, I'm not an orcs and that kinda guy, and those are the ones touted as the main 360 games.

Another would've been Bioshock, but seeing as thats now on PS3, it doesn't matter.:P

I can't really produce a list seeing all of the games I haven't played, but yeah.

MGS4 and Resistance are definately two of them though.

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I don't think either console got the edge on exclusives, PS3 got some real solid exclusives (Metal Gear, Resistance, WipeOut) but since I don't have a PS3 I'll give my XBOX list. which is just as solid.

1. Halo 3

2. Fable II

3. Gears of War

4. Forza Motorsport 2

5. Mass Effect

6. Dead Rising

7. Blue Dragon

8. Viva Pinata

9. Ninja Gaiden II

10. Castle Crashers

Edit: Replaced Kane & Lynch, what I thought to be exclusive, with Castle Crashers

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lol, sell outs. 'I'd like this game more but they sold out and released it on 360 too so bully to them.'

Animal's list doesn't look far wrong, wouldn't have K&L on it though. There's an arcade title or two that might make the list instead, Geom Wars 1/2 or Castle Crashers perhaps.

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Xbox 360

1. Mass Effect

2. Dead Rising

3. Gears of War

4. Viva Pinata 2

5. Fable II

6. Saint's Row

7. Scene It (though it will definitely be dethroned by the upcoming sequel with online play)

8. Condemned: Criminal Origins

9. Braid

10. Castle Crashers

But I'd gladly trade off almost any of the bottom five for LittleBigPlanet.

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Some friends and I have been having this discussion the last few days, and my theory is that within the next five years, the only "exclusives" are gonna be first-party (i.e. what Sony and Microsoft make themselves).

They're irate that Final Fantasy XIII is going onto XBox, which frankly, doesn't surprise me one bit. I think a lot of the developers are getting itchy to expand revenue however they can, and "loyalty" isn't going to matter much. The only possible holdout I could see might be Hideo Kojima, but if the day ever comes that he truly does "retire" from Metal Gear, Konami's gonna have that series on XBox so fast, it'll turn the Red Rings of Death purple.

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Personally, i think exclusivity on consoles is a bad thing. Sure, people were annoyed when FF XIII went multiplatform, but its going to be a great game. Gamers shouldnt be denied great games (or forced to shell out a couple of hundred pounds) to play great games.

I agree that soon there will only be first party exclusives, and thats a good thing IMO.


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It's apparently not just Kojima who doesn;t want it on 360 thats stopping it, but apparently it was made/optimized for PS3 & the Blu-Ray disc, so it'll be hard to say the least to downgrade it to the 360.

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It's apparently not just Kojima who doesn;t want it on 360 thats stopping it, but apparently it was made/optimized for PS3 & the Blu-Ray disc, so it'll be hard to say the least to downgrade it to the 360.

It's not like there's not multi-disc games on the 360 - Blue Dragon is three discs - I'm sure they could make it work.

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Yeah, I don't think it's particularly hard to translate the game for multiple discs, it's just something they know isn't preferred by the consumer. I don't think the multiple discs argument features particularly high up in the list of reasons MGS isn't on 360.

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Plus M$ charges them for each disc, there was a game recently that couldn't stretch to 3 discs and crammed everything onto 2, supposedly making all formats a little worse graphically in order to make it fit. Though I'm sure they'd make it all back and then some on MGS4.

Multiformat though, I figure having increased sales is good and will let that company make more games and perhaps a sequel of the particular game. However, you could also argue that having to work on multiple formats/porting distracts from the design itself.

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