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Roy Keane Leaves Sunderland


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There's a shock..... :shifty:

To be honest, it's debateable as to whether he was really showing he was the best manager, what with the amount of money he has been backed with, and how it hasn't really improved their situation. It kinda comes across a little like things were getting tough, and he decided he wanted nothing to do with it.

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It'll be a shock if he's been pushed. It'll no doubt be mutual termination but if Sunderland have pushed him then that's a shock. We had a run of Man Utd, Hull and West Brom coming up - I'd spoken to someone and he said he was 90% sure should we fail to win either Hull or West Brom then there was a high chance Keane would be gone. But he'd told me Monday that on Sunday Keane and Quinn had been having meetings all day, and he was still in charge so he was confident Keane would still be there until at least the West Brom match.

I'm gutted. Regardless of what anyone says he was one of the better things to happen to Sunderland in the past 5+ years. Since we finished 7th consecutive seasons in the Premiership in my eyes. He raised the profile of the squad, got them into the Premiership with ease and performed well in his first season. He's made some rash signings, and he done it again in the second season but we're one point better off than this stage last season I believe and quite frankly unless we lost to both Hull and West Brom I was pretty sure we'd be able to stay up, I wasn't set to push any panic buttons until then.

Just... so frustrating, the whole deal with the contract not being signed. And I just have a horrible feeling that for all everyone is going to shit on Keane and say he hasn't done well enough - I have a sickening thought that the next manager is going to do even worse. Fully expecting to hear Allardyce's name thrown around and other names of that ilk. I honestly did think Keane would be with us for a long time after he first joined us.

As long as we get a decent manager, possibly an established one who can bring his own back room staff with him (as we have no one), and can use the talent at his disposal to get us going. Much like Harry did with Spurs, although I'm sure most people would admit Ramos is a better manager - Harry's just took to the job better. That's what I want, someone to do that with us and start getting some points with the good players we have in our team.

Still, today I will probably be pretty disappointed and just hope we can rebound well.

Just surprising because I didn't think Keane would run away with his tail between his legs and I wouldn't expect Quinn to push him. So, just a bit of a shock to me.

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Oh I know it did seem like he would be going. I just expected him to have another few games at least. It was the suddeness that was surprising.

Same here.

I expected him to stay until the end of the season and then decide on his future.

Edited by Badd-um-tsch
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Not really. He's been making bizarre comments ever since he came into the job with Sunderland. It's probably natural for him to think if he is the man for the job occasionally, he only came into the job 2 and a bit years ago, and this is the first season he hasn't been particularly successful. Staying up last year was a huge success, but he had to build on that and Keane's the sort of person who doesn't really experience difficulties considering he spent a massive amount of his career winning everything with Manchester United and his first season with Sunderland was pretty much a stroll for him.

It's not massively surprising he left, no. But in a way it sort of is because with the two parties involved, it just didn't feel like it would come to this. Keane obviously being the hard nosed kind of person he is who doesn't seem like the sort of person to give up on a task - and Quinn being the sort of person who you'd sleep with his wife, he finds out and would probably say "Ah it's alright, no trouble mate," and then buy you a beer.

Regardless of whether it was coming or not, I can imagine a lot of people will see the news and still kind of think of it as a bit of a shock. If only because most people would have expected him to go maybe in a week or two after the initial clash with the board it would appear. Not to mention I thought after he was still in charge on Sunday after his meetings with Quinn that it was partially resolved and was on it's way to being patched up. But it would appear those meetings were just a few of many which ultimately resulted in his leaving the club - I guess much in the same way with Keegan left Newcastle after many meetings.

And unsurprisingly the first named I hear linked with the job, ex-Mackem and ex-Newcastle manager - Sam Allardyce. Now I really don't want him, he thought of it makes me cringe. But if he were to get the job and get us say ... 5 wins on the trot. Well then I certainly aren't going to start complaining about it.

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I don't know, he's been out the game a while and I think I remember him saying he was looking to get back into it sometime soon. Then again I'm sure he always says that whenever I see him. Lets hope it's not true and he sticks to his bad punditry.

I may put a cheeky punt on Shearer <_<

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Yeah it seems to be a shame as Keane is kinda cool to have around the Premiership. I like him MUCH more as a manager than a player - the beard may have something to do with that though :shifty:

Still for me a par Premiership finish for Sunderland would be about 15th so I hope they haven't just gotten rid of someone who had a lot to offer. Still, if he's not been happy.....

(not in order)

1-4 Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool

5-7 Everton, Aston Villa, Spurs

8-12 Blackburn, Man City, Portsmouth, Newcastle, West Ham

13-16 Fulham, Middlesbrough, Sunderland, Bolton

17-20 Hull, West Brom, Wigan, Stoke

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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In no way what so ever is this a shock, I never really saw Keano as a manager in today's football the players are just to precious, at least in top flight, and with his people skills it was only a matter of time before they stood up and said fuck you we aren't going to play for you anymore.

Still it does smell of the, its to hard so I'm going to walk away.

Edited by Tristagi
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