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The Left 4 Dead Thread


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Woah. Man. Just had the best finale ever on No Mercy. I never really get excited about video games, but this was just awesome.

In the first four levels, we were trash. I was with two mates and a random, and I'd hardly been in a team this bad before. It didn't help that whenever we got a tank it went to the mate who had hardly played any versus before, and didn't know how to properly use it. So both times he had it he did less than 100 damage combined. Whereas their tank kicked our ass. In the first 4 maps we only got into one safe house (on the subway, with two people. I got huntered just outside the building and told them to leave me and go in, but the random tried to be a hero and got killed as well), whereas they got in the subway one with all four, the sewers with 2 and the hospital with all 4. The score going into the finale was 2688 vs. about 600. We thought there was no way we could win.

They were the survivors first and we're doing pretty well (we tried the roof ambush but I just missed my jump as hunter which screwed it up a bit) until the mate who was new got tank again. Naturally I thought 'Shit, he's gonna get smashed again' but somehow he managed to knock all four down with the first tank, meaning they got a score of 200. We went next and got to the radio without incident (I beat off their roof attempt as I first molotov'd the roof and then came off the ladder just meleeing like wild). We'd been playing expert on No Mercy earlier, where the tank is an absolute badass and one hit kills with everything. We tried luring the tank with one person running off to the helipad and using the minigun on the tank, but the tank on expert is just too damn smart and kept going for the guy on the gun. Anyway, we thought we'd try this again when the first tank came after absolutely kicking ass during the first swarm, with all of us still in green health without using any medpacks. So when the tank came I ran off to the helipad, it followed and got molotov'd from the roof before being minigun'd. When it realised what was happening it turned around and chased off someone else, meaning I could get onto the roof of a nearby building and shotgun it from pretty much directly above. We killed the tank this way, got together on the roof again for the second swarm, demolished that and then used the exact same strategy for the second tank and they fell for it again.

We got on the helicopter with all of us in green health (I thought it was no medpacks used but apparently one of us got hit by the tanks and had to use two medpacks, but he was the only one (I know I only lost about 25 health during the finale and two of the others seemed about the same)) so we got a score of about 2300.

The end score? 2983 to 2888, we win.

Best comeback I've ever seen, I didn't think we even had a chance of winning beforehand.

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So, what is everyones favorite infected to play as? Not sure why, but I love the Smoker, boomer is fun, but can be a piss off if you die too quickly. Hunter? I get it so much I am meh to it. Sure, it's great when you get that pounce that is awesome (I remember in No Mercy, pouncing the last person who didn't go down the hole. I incap him, and the other team kills me, but can't save him ^_^

Also, tank.....I just get a special feeling when I punch a forklift in someones face.

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I enjoy the Boomer, although with the respawn times, it can be annoying. I tend to puke then kamikaze instead of go and hide.

I enjoy using the Hunter the best, though. I find the Smoker can be a bit spotty with the tongue. Sometimes you get the person, then the tongue breaks for no reason. Other times, you are just out of range. The fact that a Smoker does no damage unless he fully constricts a person is lame too. The only awesome part about the Smoker is when you can pull someone over a ledge and then they suffer falling damage, or they hang onto the ledge and need help up.

The Hunter is awesome. Pounce on the straggler and make the whole group turn back, or pounce on one of them when they are all in a tight group, knocking the others back and getting a few good swings in before your shot.

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