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Early Edition.


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Anyone remember this show?

It's about a dude who gets tomorrows newspaper delivered today (by a cat), and he uses it to be a good Samaritan and help people and stuff.


It's a proper family viewing, feel good show. Nothing ground breaking, but I remember watching it when I was younger with my grandmother and thought I should see if I could get hold of it.

I'm powering through it all now, I'm part way through season one with three seasons to go after that. Long seasons as well, 22 episodes each.

It's pretty cheesy but I quite enjoy it. I can actually remember a lot of these episodes, and even managed to quote a few lines before they came up

"Why don't I just tell you when I conceived and we can do the math together" - the lesbian from sex in the city, before she was in sex in the city.

Anyway, yeah... Early Edition. Good stuff.

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It's so quaint and family oriented, I love it.

I mean, halfway through season one the main character gets a girlfriend, they start kissing in the hallway, he invites her inside... cut to next morning and she's sleeping on the couch, while he's just chillin in his double bed by himself.

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Heh, I loved this when I was a kid, but never knew the original name (also can't remember the name they gave it here, so I wasn't able to track it down). Actually, I didn't remember anything at all about the series, except for the premise. I didn't remember its name nor the actors in it, but I remember I loved it (also the name of a character, Fishman). This was great.

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Yeah I watched this show. It was pretty cool when I was a kid watching it. I think he had a friend or something who kept asking him for the lottery results or something.

[Maybe a spoiler for a future episode]

I recall an episode when there was two things on the front page. One about a little girl getting run over and another about a plane crash. It's cool how they interlink at the end.

I may get these on DVD sometime. It was this show that made me watch The DeadZone, which was a lot better than Early Edition, but still Early Edition is a cool show. ITV used to show it on Saturday afternoons years ago.

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