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Final Fantasy Play-Along


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I think that sounds fair since it seems a relatively short game.

Also what would the general idea be of someone (me) getting a little headstart on the next game? Mainly cos I don't usually get anywhere near as much free time as I have this week. Do do we think an hour or so each night for a month would be enough? I'm guessing not cos that'd only be 28/30 hours and I know they always advertised FFVII as having over '100 hours gameplay'

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Seeing as most people have either beat the game or have made a fair bit of progress, anyone else vote that we move the FFII start date up to March 1st? As far as I can tell everyones atleast 1/4 through the game and it only takes like... 20ish hours total to beat FFI. I know it's only like 9 days forward, but I really doubt anyone wouldn't have beaten the game by then. Unless they're playing like... an hour per week or something silly like that.

Already contemplated it, I was just going to wait and see if the thread died down before then, but if people would prefer we can move it up no matter what, I'd have no issue.

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I think that sounds fair since it seems a relatively short game.

Also what would the general idea be of someone (me) getting a little headstart on the next game? Mainly cos I don't usually get anywhere near as much free time as I have this week. Do do we think an hour or so each night for a month would be enough? I'm guessing not cos that'd only be 28/30 hours and I know they always advertised FFVII as having over '100 hours gameplay'

I don't think any of us will mind if you start early, Avenged. :P

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I went onto the Whisperwind Cove (opened after beating Tiamat), and amazingly survived all 40 floors to defeat Death Gaze. I got the Ultima Weapon and the Lightbringer, but I will need to make a class change to use them. I figure the only way I'm going to beat Chaos is with the class change, so get a good look at these guys...as this will be the last time you see them in their current state.

It feels like a long time ago when my black mage was getting kerpwned by goblins :(
Edited by Magus978
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Took my first early ventures into the Earth Cave this morning after helping the dwarves build a canal to Melmond. Gotten the Titan and Vampire/Earth rotting adventure hooks, and know from spoilers about the Earth Orb in it. Of course, getting slaughtered on the third or fourth floor. I'm at level 11, and the only one who hasn't died is Black Mage at this point, Fighter having been claimed by a Reaper spell from Atmos in the ruined keep.
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Day four for me, and I'm really starting to feel like I'm making some progress now.

Will (Knight) Level 24

Pietro (Ninja) Level 25

Lucas (White Wizard) Level 24

Victor (Black Wizard) Level 25

Time: 16:37

Gil: 26847

As you can see I got the class upgrade, and its pretty sweet. So yeah I did the citedal of trials and went to find Bahmut. My moneys pretty low, was 100,000+ but after finding Gaia and buying a few high class spells, cats claw for my black wizard and protect rings for everybody my funds are getting low. I have Earth and Fire crystals done, Im pretty sure I know where to go about the Water one so that'll be my next thing to do. Also I <3 the airship, makes life so much easier.

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I hadn't been able to get any time in on this for a while, but today I spent a few hours making some sizable progress.


As you can see, I had my first Level 20 character recently, which was exciting news. Since my last update, I've retrieved the mythic key and gotten the treasures from Elfheim, Western Keep, the Chaos Shrine, and Cornelia. After all that, I plowed my way through toward Melmond. Once I arrived there, I couldn't pass up the hints from the townspeople that suggested the Earth Crystal was nearby. I immediately trekked off toward the Earth Cavern, and unwittingly found myself in the middle of the Hall of Gigas within minutes. I fought my way out and back toward Melmond (at which point everyone leveled up), splurging on the expensive new spells that my Mages could now use thanks to the combined money and EXP from the Hall of Gigas. After resting for a while, I'm confident I can restore power to my first crystal hopefully sometime tomorrow.

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I love the Hall of Giants. I grinded there in preperation of both the vampire and Lich. The only bad thing about it is that I have to go all the way back to Elfheim to buy cottages to restore HP and spells. Just finished beating Lich this morning, with my level 15 (I think) party. He cast Ice2 midway through the fight and White Mage's healing spells were all tapped out thanks to my trip down there, I'm just glad he didn't cast it again. I miss save points...

So, a sail to Crescent Lake is in the cards for my party next time I boot up the PS1.
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I know its a while away but for month 11, can we play Super Mario RPG?

This is a FF play along! take your random other RPGs and cry to someone else about them! :angry:

(...also, I'm pretty sure FF11 is free for all week, where anyone plays any FF we haven't yet, as opposed to 11, so I'm sure no one will have a problem with it. I'll be playing FF Mystic Quest for example.)

Edited by Mr. TKz
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