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Shows You Only Got Into Years After They Were First Shown

Farmer Reil

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In the age of Digital television, there are a seemingly endless number of channels with schedules composed entirely of old sitcoms and drama shows from years gone by, allowing everyone to be reacquainted with shows that either they missed first time around or were simply too young to remember (or not even born). So, what shows have you become a fan of years after they were first broadcast?

The Royle Family is the reason I made this thread. I watched it a few times when it was first on, but never really 'got it'. It's only now that's it's on Gold that I've appreciated its genius.

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Scrubs is the major one, I didn't start watching until a couple months ago but now it's by and far one of my favourite shows on Television. Firefly I didn't see until last year, and I love that to bits. Black Books, Spaced & Extras as well.

So pretty much all of my favourite shows. ¬_¬ I'm also just now starting to check out Bones, which is pretty good because a) the main bird in it is fittttt and b) David Boreanez is awesome. Everything else about it is also decent to good, which is helpful.

EDIT: And Fawlty Towers.

Edited by Mr. TKz
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The West Wing. I bought the boxset on a whim, and it's since become my favourite TV show. The fact that the final two seasons aren't a patch on what's come before but are still better than almost anything else on TV is an indication of just how good the show was.

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Dad's Army (Leave me alone :rolleyes: ) and Red Dwarf are two of the main one's. I have the entire series of both. Red Dwarf is one of my all time favourite programmes.

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Prison Break was on Season Three by the time I actually got into it. Buffy The Vampire Slayer was around the fourth season before I went back and actually bought the DVD's. Angel was on it's last season. I now own every Buffy/Angel season on DVD. Pretty much any of my favourite shows are on for a year or so before I finally get into them.

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Main one is probably Scrubs. I remember finding the few episodes I saw from the earlier series quite boring to the extent that I still haven't got round to watching them. However, I rediscovered it around Series 4ish and it's become one of my favourite shows on TV.

Another show is Everybody Loves Raymond which although I still don't really watch regularly, it's a show I've grown to really enjoy.

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Oooh, ooh, forgot Black Books. Also Peep Show. All of the Star Treks too, since I was too young for the first two and wasn't interested in Trek while VOY and DS9 were having their first run.

Might give West Wing a look. There's a big hole in my viewing menu for "non-fantasy or sci-fi based drama show" where CSI used to be.

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I think it would be easyer to name the shows i was watching from the first episode on wen they came out... i think that would not be much... maybe like X-Files and Melenium... but i droped out on both (melenium quickly... x-files later after still watching it for a habbit...)... maybe Outer Limits.

Nowerdays i get to see a few new shows as they start like Battle Star or Heroes... but overall... all the great stuff... got to know of the shield a few years in, the same with 24 (even though still kong before thy ever aired in germany), Veronica Mars... pritty much everything...

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Kids in the Hall, considering I was too young to watch it when it first came out. Hooray for re-runs and my girlfriend owning the entire series on DVD, though.

Spaced I didn't catch the first time around since I didn't have the BBC, same with the British Office. Same with Planet Earth, since I had neither the BBC or Discovery Channel at the time. That, or I just forgot to watch them when they came on the Discovery Channel.

To a degree, Seinfeld, too.

Spectacular Spider-Man I didn't get into until the first season was over, then I watched it all within probably two days.

Oh, and same with Band of Brothers. I missed it the first time around, then watched it all within probably a week or so. I did the same thing with the first season of The Sopranos, too.

My roommate watches House, so thanks to her I have watched it too. I hadn't sat down and watched an entire episode up until this season despite my love for Hugh Laurie.

Edit: Clone High thanks to one friend, and Freaks and Geeks to another. God, those shows were rad. Thank you for the reminder, jrtdot. :)

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Everything I've been watching recently actually. I just started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the beginning of the month, then switched off to The Unit and now I'm watching Brotherhood. I don't have enough free time to catch up with all the awesome shows I've missed.

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Arrested Development. I didn't start watching it until after it was cancelled.

Smallville, Scrubs, and well, too many to count. I currently have a shit load of TV shows in my Boxset collection, and only a handful I've been watching since the first season.

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NCIS has been on the air for something like 6 seasons, and I just now got into it.

Arrested Development, most definately. Got the boxset for Christmas after I watched the entire series on hulu.com

Degrassi: The Next Generation :shifty:

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