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Prince of Persia(X360)

The game is gorgeous, the movement is fluid, I'm digging the characters/story and the presentation is perfect. But...the combat fails at exciting me as much as the other POP games, it's just not as fun battling one enemy at a time as opposed to a group of enemies. I'm only halfway through and I still love it but I'm noticing the repetition already. it seems Ubi has got into the habit of creating wonderfully presented games that have 3-4 hours worth of unique gameplay and then they just recycle that out for another 4 hours. They did it in Assassins Creed and now this. I just see myself losing interest towards the end and not beating the game(much like I did with Assassins Creed) unless they throw a curveball at me.

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My DS has been getting lots of love lately...

Pokemon Platinum (DS)

I haven't played a Pokemon came in the last eight years or so. Figured I'd give this new one a whirl and I'm really enjoying it. About ten hours in and I have two badges...trying to train my Eevee and raise it's friendship enough to evolve it into Espeon.

Retro Game Challenge (DS)

This fucking thing is completely awesome. Classic 8-bit style games, cheat codes, in-game magazines, and a totally 80's style vibe. Shooting, platforming, racing, and even an RPG all built into the thing with plenty of replay value. Really hoping they decide to bring the sequel and television show over here.

GTA: Chinatown Wars (DS)

I already raved about this in my thread about the game so I won't waste space here. Awesome game, a must play for GTA fans IMO. Wayyyyy better than the PSP versions.

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Baseball Mogul 2010 (think EWR, but running a baseball team rather than a wrestling promotion). Retro scenarios are essentially builty in - you can pick any team from 1901 to the present, and real players are added every year.

There's a new feature this year where if you take control of an expansion team, you can do the expansion draft yourself. This is how my 1977 Blue Jays ended up with Lou Brock, Larry Bowa, and Dan Quisenberry.

It's now 1979 and we're finally maybe not going to be the worst team in baseball (aside from our cousins in Seattle). A young 19-year-old by the name of Tony Gwynn will hopefully lead us to bigger and better futures.

How much is 2010? I used to have 08 but my computer with it is broken and I don't have the code anymore.

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Shit, they're still overpricing it.

Anyways, Boogey, I too am playing Prince of Persia for 360. I started it today because I had a lot of time before I had to go to work and I wanted to play an adventure game. My brother got it for me for Christmas, but never really enjoyed it. After I played it for about two hours, I think it's really fun, but there is too much repetition when it comes to going places and fighting, so I doubt I will play it for too long.

I am going to start playing FFIX again though. That game is one of my all-time favorites and last time I played it I stopped playing for a little and lost interest. I got far too. <_<

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Started Fire Red again this morning. Chose Charmander, and in 5 hours or so, only got as far as Mt. Moon cause I'm trying to train everything evenly, or thereabouts. Not much has happened, but I dunno whether its the nostalgia, or the actual gameplay, but for me, it's held up well.

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Found a good game trading site and traded in Smackdown vs. Raw 09 for Fight night round 3. it came in earlier today and I've been taking my created boxer through career mode. I find myself having to hold back and not throw power punches. they are too powerful , or maybe i need to change the difficulty to hard instead of medium. Looking for a mike tyson cab right now.

anyone remember Knockout Kings ? I used to love that game

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Anyways, Boogey, I too am playing Prince of Persia for 360. I started it today because I had a lot of time before I had to go to work and I wanted to play an adventure game. My brother got it for me for Christmas, but never really enjoyed it. After I played it for about two hours, I think it's really fun, but there is too much repetition when it comes to going places and fighting, so I doubt I will play it for too long.

I'd say stick with it long enough to battle the 4 enemy types, The Concubine(female boss) battles are fun(at least the first two times) and feel different to the Hunter/warrior/forget the other one. But once you've battled them all once all you've really got to look forward to is the world getting harder(but more fun) to travel through and character development(if you're even interested in that at all)

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Been playing The Last Remnant quite a bit recently, and goodness golly there's a ton of content on each disc. But the game is still ridiculously unbalanced and fucking frustrating at some points. Bosses are just too easy, but sometimes enemy groups of 3 or more can churn me into butter or just be steamroller'd. Story is completely and utterly disjointed and forgettable.

Ghost has just let me know that I should be getting Persona 4 yesterday. And why I haven't done so yet is a crime, as I loved 3.

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Just beat POP and have to say the finale is really really fun. The narrative is really cool and the repetitive nature kind of stopped bugging me as I progressed and unlocked new power plates. One of the most thrilling/fun games I've played since Fable 2. Really enjoyed it.

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Left 4 Dead is indeed awesome.

I just gone done with F.E.A.R. I'd give it a 7/10. Nice weapons, decent AI, alright story and some pretty damn good scares. Graphics aren't great but then again it was ported from PC a couple of years ago now so I wouldn't expect them to stand up to the more recent graphics out there, though a fair bit of the scenery can be repetitive. It's quite easy to run through on normal difficulty and for me the story tails off a bit near the end but the last scene in the helicopter is pretty cool.

I'll start F.E.A.R. 2 sometime this week I think and I'm also making my way through Resident Evil 5. Ultimate Team has reignited my interest in FIFA 09 and I've just started up a dynasty on NBA Live 09 as well so a fair few games on the go at the moment.

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So what am I enjoying about Farcry 2 now?

I love the way that the map is implemented in that pressing select brings it up and you hold it in your hands but the game still continues. Also love the way you can look at the map in your lap while you're driving but it's pretty dangerous! hehehe

Love how you can fix cars if they get shot up too much. Driving can feel pretty frantic cos of the undergrowth around you and just then I was being chased by another jeep so tried to lose them, crashing down an incline, splashing hard through a smal river and powering through the bushes up the other side. Nice.

Also the trees and bushes act pretty well - if you shoot into them they start cutting up and grenades leve trees shaking violently. Cool.

Even the way you look down at your watch to choose how long to sleep to save the game is great.....As is being rescued by your buddy - I was all shot up and dying and next thing I know he's waded in, and started dragging me out while firing his pistol with the oher hand - drilled some guy who was running right at us. Great game.

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I've just invested in Uncharted on Saturday and I feel that I'm at, or very near, the end. The game certainly is addictive and the scenery is utterly gorgeous, but now I'm approaching endgame, the plotting and the combat have really gone off the boil for me. The twist with the


just seemed a little too far-fetched for my liking and sucked a bit of the fun out of a phenomenally constructed level which preceded it. Overall, a great initial playing experience and a real departure from my usual gaming choices, let down by a fizzling out of quality control as the game went on.

I also got the Orange Box for a great deal and I think it's probably one of the finest bargains I've picked up. Portal is absolutely stunning - one of the cleverest puzzler/platforms I think I've ever come across, with a wickedly dark sense of humour. I never played Half-Life previously, but the inluded port of HL2 has been relatively entertaining even if I've gotten a bit stuck 5 minutes in :S. I will perhaps try and have a go at Team Fortress tonight but short of COD5, multiplayer shoot-outs aren't really my thing (and even then, to be honest, borrowing a friend's CoD4 was the only time I genuinely saw the possibilities and potential in online FPS environments).

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I've said it before, but I quite liked the twist in Uncharted.

If it had gone the same way all the way through, it would've still been a great game, but killing the same people over and over was repetitive. Having a different enemy to face made it better, IMO.

I agree to a certain extent - the combat certainly began to get a little competitive, but I thought the game could perhaps have been shortened by a few chapters. I thought the game had done so well in creating this rip-roaring, but yet human, adventure and the twist just jerked slightly with the tone. It's being nit-picky because it certainly opened a new challenge to the game but it was just a little bit OTT for my liking. All that said, I'm really glad I picked it up - it shows off what the PS3 can do graphically better than anything else in my view.

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Just got platinum trophy for FIFA. Woo. The trophies have been a double-edged sword though. Whilst it's driven me to play a load more FIFA it's also forced all my passion for the game out of me.

I'll quite happily put it aside now and concentrate on Midnight Club: LA. I think I'm about 30% through and just found the Payback vehicle on the beach garage. These missions are hella cool. I also just won a pinkslip race for a Mazda RX8 which I sold to raise funds for the newly unlocked Lancer Evo IX which I fully upgraded performance wise as far as I could and stuck a widebody kit on and made it pearlescent red/orange and it looks smooth as fcuk.

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